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foxypucc11 t1_j6mpjw6 wrote

The only answer is lightrail or quick rail to dc,Norfolk, va beach ocean front and if we get greedy make one to cville so we have vinyard access


mmeat1148 t1_j6mpk5j wrote

A reliable bus system, where busses actually arrive and follow a schedule.

Traffic laws that exist actually being enforced to remove the raging assholes from the road to make life safer for everyone else.


ostyghosty t1_j6mta4n wrote

I live in North Church Hill just south of Fairmount. I’d love the sidewalks to be continuous and not start and stop randomly. And to be as nice as the ones on the other side of Venable.


pinecobble t1_j6mueac wrote

Better sidewalks, protected bike lanes, signalized crosswalks near schools, bumps out preventing parking at intersections, and streets designed for their low speed limits.


cmyk412 t1_j6mx5aw wrote

Minor league / AHL hockey rink


Arcangelathanos t1_j6mzkx0 wrote

A parking deck in the burbs so I can ride the Pulse in to the city.


lunar_unit t1_j6mzpce wrote

I'd like to see a water slide in summer/luge run in winter from the top of Church Hill, down Broad and as far up towards MCV as possible. You want to talk about green rapid transit? This is it people! Let's take advantage of the potential energy locked into our many hills! More slides! Multi slides! Mega slides!


sleevieb t1_j6mzv35 wrote

Close Cary to cars 7pm friday to midnight Sunday


WouldbeRVAtourguide t1_j6n2ini wrote

I would love more pedestrian/bike bridges to get people across the river


smellymob t1_j6n3ir6 wrote

Bus stops that aren’t just grass


BikeInWhite t1_j6n6cem wrote

100% agree! Redesigning the sewer system so that waste water is separated and treated and storm water is the only thing going into the river would completely transform the river south of the city in a fantastic way.


nwine2 t1_j6n7cbo wrote

A pedestrian/bike bridge from the Cap trail in front of Rocketts across the river to connect the poop loop/slave trail.


DarDarRules t1_j6n9u2i wrote

More walkable sidewalks/streets.

More bike lanes.

More bus routes, Better bus routes, More efficient bus routes, a GRTC app that is actually useful, overhead cover and benches at GRTC stops, etc


_MellowGold t1_j6nfl43 wrote

Figuring out how to replace the Mayo/14th bridge without closing it. That's gonna really screw Manchester and the spillover traffic everywhere else will be awful. But I realize they have probably studied this option.


lunar_unit t1_j6nglhs wrote

The article illustrates how involved and bureaucratic the process is. So much red tape. It took 2½ years just for VDOT to approve the style for the shelters 🤦🏻‍♂️.

>But similar examples of red tape exist with every project, according to Torres. She said installing resources requires a lengthy approval process, often involving "lots of coordination" with jurisdictions, private owners, urban design committees, and even state entities.


RVADoberman t1_j6ngmez wrote

Yes this is a perfect example of how a broken system keeps basic features like sidewalks and crosswalks from being built. The goal is to find people who don’t shrug and say “that’s the way it works”.


Newyew22 t1_j6njoxn wrote

I’d like to see the two halves of Jackson Ward that were created when 95 was built through the neighborhood reconnected and developed to include public green space and vibrant mixed income housing.

I’d also like to see public housing redeveloped in a way that centers residents’ needs and gives them the best opportunity to thrive.


choicebutts t1_j6nocf3 wrote

Fix all of the sidewalks. All of them. Everywhere. Take away the Monument Districts' grandfather status and put ramps on the sidewalks through there.


davidsternum t1_j6nv1wp wrote

In addition to responding to a Reddit thread, please actually take the time to share your feedback directly with the City via the Richmond Connects plan!

It’s literally the roadmap for multi-modal transportation & infrastructure projects for the next couple decades, and it’s in a workgroup/review stage now!

Richmond Connects Website


TripawdCorgi t1_j6nvs7o wrote

To name a few. Fix and finish sidewalks. Expand the transit system both in frequency and locations, and add seating, sidewalk, and shelter at stops (I saw a stop this weekend with about 1-2 ft breathing room between a guardrail and a multi lane road). A grocery store in our biggest food deserts. More affordable housing. More green spaces/preserve the ones we have especially in neighborhoods with very little of it. No more surface parking lots and start converting the ones we do have into parking decks/subterranean lots in order to accomplish more housing and green space.

On a lofty dream side, I would love to see trolleys and street cars make their way back to Richmond but that's so unlikely to happen.


BikeInWhite t1_j6nw0wq wrote

The way the CSO (combined sewer overflow) system works now means that anytime it rains hard enough, raw sewage gets dumped into the James River. All of that shit being dumped into the river makes the bottom of the lower James covered in silt and fucks with the water quality for fish and plant life. When I first moved to the city I had no clue how the CSO system worked and took my paddle board out over by Shiplock Park. I was paddling along and a used tampon went floating past me and when I finally got out of the water I had to scrub down my board because it reeked.

If raw sewage stopped being dumped into the river recreation down in that area would boom. The fishing would be way better, boating would be better, and people would actually be willing to swim in the water down there. Imagine shiplock park, with its easy access to the river having clear and clean water on a sunny day in the summertime. There would be all kinds of people down there having a blast.


TripawdCorgi t1_j6nwojp wrote

If they have studied this option and determined the infeasibility of it, I wish they would share that out of transparency. Folks across the neighborhood keep bringing this up but no one official can tell us why or why not. And if they have, enough of us have missed that message to make it worth repeating.


WhalerBum t1_j6o30iw wrote

That’s not what’s keeping people from swimming down there. By the end of the summer in august there probably hasnt been a combined sewer event in over a month. The silt is not from the sewer. The tampon you saw probably wasn’t from the sewer either.


Density_Allocation t1_j6o3o5e wrote

For new large developments this is easier, but unfortunately retroactively applying this to old developments can be prohibitively expensive. Like millions of dollars for short distances. And older homes aren’t equipped to receive electricity from underground.

I want this to be a reality, but the cost is massive.


Density_Allocation t1_j6o59ug wrote

Get ready for a list:

  • Major bus corridors to be replaced by BRT
  • sidewalks everywhere
  • protected bike lanes connecting a safe bike network, separate from major roads like Hull or Broad, but paralleling them on oversized local streets.
  • High Speed Rail. Or just better/more frequent rail in general, connecting us to the cities we’re currently connected to, but also to Charlottesville and west from there.
  • pedestrian bridge at Rockett’s Landing, another around downtown since T Pott gets soooooo crowded when the weather is nice and it takes forever to cross. And another around the nickel bridge. And the hanging bridge to Belle Isle to be the expanded, so that it’s less crowded and can be used as a path connecting Southside to north side
  • more parks in Southside
  • downtown parking lots to be replaced with something useful
  • city stadium to be renovated
  • the Fall Line Trail to be magically and suddenly done
  • the redevelopment of Mayo’s Island into a park to be magically done
  • the Bridge Park RVA project to be done magically
  • Casino (jk fuck no)
  • The James Monroe Building to be demolished and turned into a transit center, where all buses meet including stuff like greyhound, as well as connecting to Main Street station.
  • the grave site at Lumpkins jail to be turned into a museum commemorating the people buried there
  • more housing, duh. Personally would like more of the urban form like that in the fan.

Yeah this is all I think about.


bitchxbunnie t1_j6o6lx2 wrote

a grocery store and park/dog park in manchester. so many people with dogs and no nice areas to walk them


chasetwisters t1_j6ocp05 wrote

Unlikely since all the major NE cities have subways and are at similar elevations/even closer to sea level.

The ultimate reason is subways are ridiculously expensive and we just don't have the population/density to warrant it.


GMUcovidta t1_j6oicwc wrote

Side walks and street lights in Scott's Addition


rundmcescher t1_j6okfif wrote

Raised crosswalks, stop signs, roundabouts, anything along Ellwood that slows cars down. The amount of little kids or pets or bikers I've seen almost plowed over by a car is too much.


Gokies1010 t1_j6ony4p wrote

A reliable bus system with higher frequency, implementing possibly a few light rail lines. Also, more connectivity to the suburbs (Hull Street specifically in Cfield is horrendous). Also hot take: get rid of the Downtown Expressway and turn it into a walkable boulevard with BRT.


jdbug100 t1_j6p08v2 wrote

I want W Clay Street right when you get off 195 at the Broad Street/Scott’s Addition exit to be repaved. They at least filled in the massive potholes recently but let’s get that thing smoooooth


BikeInWhite t1_j6p0tzx wrote

I'm an open water swimmer who will jump into the upper James in a heartbeat and have done individual swims that have gone from Watkins Landing down to Bosher's Dam and other's where I've gone from Hugenot Flatwater down to the Z Dam and back. Yet I won't touch the lower James and none of the crew of open water swimmers I know and train with will either and that avoidance is solely due to the CSO. It's bad enough that we have to monitor ecoli levels in the upper James due to runoff from farms, but at least those drop off a day or two after a rain event. The lower James the ecoli levels just fester for days and days. But apparently you know more about swimming in the James than I do so good on you for that one.

I also never said all of the silt in the lower James is from the CSO, but the silt that is dropped there via the natural flow of the river is not all just harmless dirt and debris. I helped out during the Ignite SwimRun series when they held a race here in RVA for a few years. The race had an exit point from the James at Shiplock Park and if you don't think there feces down in that mud then you haven't been knee deep in it before.


Hayek66 t1_j6p2zby wrote

I've said it before on here, it's controversial, but tear down and fill in 195 from the top of Cary to the city. Build housing, and connect the grid back together instead of having this massive scar of a highway right through the middle of downtown.