Smirkydarkdude t1_j1m9zht wrote
Mmm.. no. I guess I'm not sure.
EuropeanTrainMan t1_j1maahw wrote
That does not sound too bad. Glad it all worked out at the end.
I'll admit it was confusing to read that this happened near 50 years ago.
Oddlot0930 t1_j1mb1q6 wrote
Given you're still together, doesn't sound like a FU to me
justabill71 t1_j1mbag4 wrote
"We wish you a merry piss, miss."
GingerIsTheBestSpice t1_j1mcoh1 wrote
This is one of the best "first Christmas together" stories ever! What a terrible yet great family memory
Capable-Site-301 t1_j1meqdg wrote
At least, as wholesome as it can be thinking about your GF, mom, and sister all peeing while standing up.
OkVolume1 t1_j1meqjp wrote
And a Happy New Wizz.
slvrtonguewrit t1_j1mf4fd wrote
This is gold!!!! Thank you for sharing!
RegretAccomplished16 t1_j1mg75y wrote
As someone who is on the spectrum, I couldn't help but laugh that OP doesn't think his dad is autistic at all
AcrobaticSource3 t1_j1mhjsc wrote
Did she ever try using it? She has had 47 years of opportunities...for easy math, let’s very conservatively say that a person pees 1,000 times a year (that’s less than 3 times a day), she’s had 47,000 opportunities
___Phreak___ t1_j1mhrxz wrote
Same, and I'd be surprised that the presents weren't appreciated
crazybutthole t1_j1mjyt3 wrote
Urine a Happy Holiday mood!
margo_plicatus t1_j1mktr8 wrote
What I’m inferring is that you are still with with the first person you ever dated - is that right? If so, that’s kindof impressive… don’t think that happens much anymore.
HotSupermarket3682 t1_j1mlhhc wrote
Your dad was strategizing on how he would never have to remember to put the seat down again
clarinet87 t1_j1mli02 wrote
And a merry Pissmas to you as well!
MadSwedishGamer t1_j1mmbvj wrote
And a crappy New Year.
ooooooooooooolivia t1_j1mnfen wrote
>Not on the spectrum really... just unaware of social norms?
OP, I hate to break it to you, but this is exactly what people with autism were described as before ASD became a diagnosis. And it's nothing to be ashamed of, this is a funny story and I'm sure your dad was a lovable guy.
Vast_Reflection t1_j1mntg8 wrote
I had no idea that she-wee was invented that long ago! A guy friend gave me one for a birthday present once
Robobvious t1_j1mpci8 wrote
If the spectrum goes from no autism to all the autism then everyone’s on it somewhere, lol.
BouncingDancer t1_j1mqxyx wrote
Probably some autism to all the autism.
notsureiftwins t1_j1mtfv2 wrote
Two dates and invited to Christmas morning? My how times have changed.
Very sweet you've been together for 47 years, congratulations and happy holidays.
ScotnCan t1_j1mu8yo wrote
I love this comment. I want to follow up the answer to this question, with did she follow the guys urinal code when she used it?
joeDroganfeller t1_j1mvqy0 wrote
47 years and he still has no clue that this gift changed her live in such a profound way that she just had to marry him to make it up to his dad.
iJuddles t1_j1mvtx0 wrote
That’s a holiday photo that’s got to be stashed in a box somewhere.
iJuddles t1_j1mw4to wrote
The one about shaking afterwards or about not crossing the streams or looking at your neighbor?
ScotnCan t1_j1mwkrp wrote
Well making sure to not choose a urinal directly beside someone, ensuring there is at least one open one between you and the other person. But your code rules are good too.
Svartdraken t1_j1mx3ig wrote
Are you sure this gift isn't the exact reason why you're still together?
uhrilahja t1_j1mx49v wrote
Yes. If someone's not autistic, they're not on the spectrum. It's a spectrum within autism, that includes people with different needs and strengths!
velofille t1_j1mx53f wrote
i thought she wee was newish, like 2000's ?
kagalibros t1_j1mxfo1 wrote
the real question is: Did she keep it and use it?
Valalvax t1_j1mxosk wrote
Yea, it's not even like a sliding scale chart, more like one of those 4 quadrant graph things
lolatu54 t1_j1myfu3 wrote
They didn't have a spectrum back then. He was just considered eccentric 😂
ThrobbinGoblin t1_j1myi05 wrote
I'm pretty sure that autism of some sort runs in the men in my family because they are all like this, and nowadays if I take a psychological test they see it in me. I think that the only difference is that they didn't test for it or really know much about it back then, so men just had to mask their entire lives and deal with it or die single and childless.
I know this because when I was growing up it wasn't really a well tested for thing and I had to mask. And OPs story sounds like something I would do.
Xrgonic369 t1_j1mz1i6 wrote
“Spectrum” is a poor word because it implies a number line type deal, ranging from “not autistic” to “extremely autistic.” It’s more like a color wheel, where each color represents a symptom, and each color can be thought of as its own number line, where each autistic has more or less of each individual symptom. I am autistic.
Ashton1967 t1_j1mzmzv wrote
Lol, That is fucking funny! ;D I'm 55 and haven't heard "SheWee" in ages.... wonder if they still make them? They do! ;) Shewee - The Original Female Urinating Device
virji24 t1_j1mzpgz wrote
Meanwhile I can’t even remember what I had for dinner the other night
Smirkydarkdude t1_j1n03cv wrote
Technically my 2nd but my first serious GF.
individualizada t1_j1n1q9d wrote
No it doesn’t work like that at all, thank you very much. I get that your comment wasn’t meant with bad intentions but it is misinformation.
WaddleWobble t1_j1n1zo0 wrote
My dad was awkward, and had zero fucks, the first girl I brought home for my dad to meet, I was 17, and my dad looks at her, then at me, literally smacks his lips very smugly, and says "so, you fuck her yet?!" That girl did not stick around.
tragicworldrecord t1_j1n2ju4 wrote
47 years ago?
"SHEWEE is a British company that creates Female Urinary Devices (FUDs), which allow women to urinate while standing, with no need to remove clothes. The original Shewee was invented in 1999 by Samantha Fountain while she was at university. Her idea won Sam the 1999 James Dyson Product Design Award."
tragicworldrecord t1_j1n2rd0 wrote
It was invented in 1999, OP is making shit up
LowLeadBambi t1_j1n37gr wrote
Yeah this doesn't read like it was written by a 63 year old. I call BS.
Moleypeg t1_j1n3cfu wrote
Doomgiven t1_j1n3frj wrote
Shee-wee's are clutch at concerts and festivals though!
Atze-Peng t1_j1n3jzg wrote
A few years ago a bunch of friends and i were clubbing. Club was rather full and so were the toilets. So us 3 guys ended up going together into a single stall, starting to pee and all simultaneously yell to not cross the streams. 3 guys having the same stupid idea at the exact same time.
Smirkydarkdude t1_j1n40od wrote
Technically that may not have been the literal name of the product. I had to Google to find a name for a female urine funel thing. Plus the brand names in Canada may have been different from US names. The closest match I could find was the "she-wee". But for sure it was a plastic lady pee gizmo.
Smirkydarkdude t1_j1n5ff5 wrote
Ah. Well some Canadian beat them to it back in '75. But I guess it couldn't have been THE actual SheWe. Thanks for the fact check.
Smirkydarkdude t1_j1n5idh wrote
arcanum7123 t1_j1n5l2l wrote
The thing that surprises me most about this is that she-wees existed 47 years ago
Ali_knows t1_j1n5vnw wrote
That's hilarious.
MonsterCookieCutter t1_j1n5yb0 wrote
Definitely one of the less believable lies on tifu.
Smirkydarkdude t1_j1n62oe wrote
It appears that brand didn't exist then so it couldn't have been a legit she we. Some Canadian brand we had back in the 70's. But if you Google She-We that's exactly what it looked like.
heyitsvonage t1_j1n6989 wrote
That was wholesome lol
TheGhostORandySavage t1_j1n6of6 wrote
Happy New Wee-er was right there and you missed it!
Paechs t1_j1n6spl wrote
OP isn’t making shit up, just probably couldn’t think of the name. My dad and his brothers made an ad for one far before the 90s that they called the “shoe-dry” but it was intended for old dudes that had trouble not pissing on their shoes. Not a new concept by any means.
Foinatorol t1_j1n7fom wrote
But..hypothetically someone could have had a somewhat isolated or informal upbringing and have less “socially guarded/careful” oriented approach to life without being “on the spectrum”, no? I mean is everything really about adhd and autism? What about, i dunno..general diversity of human experience?
dr_goodvibes t1_j1n7ss3 wrote
Damn I really didn't expect you to still be together after all those years! The she-wee must be more powerful than any of us think.
50'th is coming up soon OP, wish you all the best and merry Christmas!
Foinatorol t1_j1n7wzx wrote
Reddit community…can we find a pre-shewee photo of a canadian wee funnel?
gophergun t1_j1n8da6 wrote
You're very welcome.
Ben62194 t1_j1n8oa3 wrote
He wanted to make her feel like number 1
state_issued t1_j1n93uj wrote
If anything this is probably what sealed the deal
ooooooooooooolivia t1_j1n9bn5 wrote
What, like the diversity of humans within the autism spectrum? We're all technically at some point within it.
Yes, there are "weird" people and also people who were raised in a very secluded environment. But there's also just people who exhibit many symptoms which make ASD a very understandable explanation to anyone who knows what having autism is like
general_3d t1_j1n9vdy wrote
Yeah, fun fact: Before '99, literally nobody had the idea for women to pee through a funnel, and there were no such products.
Shee-wee was the first and only brand.
general_3d t1_j1naaej wrote
It's not exactly a product meant to be used at home with a toilet. More of a "camping or stuck in traffic emergency but want to expose self as little as possible" product.
Definitely worth practicing with in the shower to prevent unforseen mess in case of actual use though.
BleedingTeal t1_j1nafcn wrote
Not to mention that Google was founded in 1998. Prior to Google there really wasn’t an easy way to search out knowledge, let alone e-commerce being a thing. But the first credited search engine that I know of is Archie, which was created in 1990. This story takes place 6 years before I was born: in 1975. Either this story is completely fabricated, or the names & details have been changed to protect the innocent. Such as the “dad” in the story is actually OP, and this story actually happened within the last few years.
ph4mp573r t1_j1nahhm wrote
I can't find any device on the market at that time. In fact the first device to market seems to have been in 1993, a few years before the SheWee.
However, there are two parents of interest in the right time period:
The second, from 1975 has the exact purpose as the SheWee, and it's patent expiration of 1993 coincides with such products hitting the market. It's theoretically possible the original inventor sold some small scale in the decades between 1975 and 1993, and the sudden adoption when the patent expires shows there was intetest, but no way to prove it that I can find.
BleedingTeal t1_j1nak1q wrote
The 1990s would still be 15+ years after this would have happened which was 1975. It may not be entirely made up, but as written it is entirely false.
greatwhiteparrot t1_j1naq26 wrote
also TIL needing to sit to pee as a person without a dick is a ... disability
Paechs t1_j1nb0o4 wrote
I said far before the 90s, I don’t know when it was, but my dad is also 63 like this guy and they were quite young. Wasn’t when he was a kid, but I don’t see any reason the idea couldn’t have existed before it caught on in America
StormyLlewellyn1 t1_j1nb50e wrote
It is. And this whole story is a current viral tiktok. I call bs.
azvitesse t1_j1nc0yh wrote
BEST Christmas story ever! 😂😁🤣
hi_im_sefron t1_j1nc69n wrote
Yeah, I'll be that person; that's not how you use a semicolon!
expatdo2insurance t1_j1ncwli wrote
Did she keep it?
FuturisticChinchilla t1_j1ncy1k wrote
Not a TI, or a FU! This sub is now anything goes, basically lol
Amiiboid t1_j1nda01 wrote
There were functionally equivalent products at least as far back as the early 80s. I remember seeing them explicitly marketed toward people going fishing.
crispytacofan t1_j1ndaxv wrote
This is adorable. He sounded like a great dad!! Mine never got me a present. He also yelled at me one year because he didn’t like my wrapping paper.
gwaydms t1_j1ndh78 wrote
I'm almost your age. All's well that ends well! May y'all have many more happy years together.
SarahNaGig t1_j1neaqr wrote
Yesterday I was given socks and two self help books I certainly didn't ask for by my mother. I actually think your dad's gift rocks!
GGU_Kakashi t1_j1ned9x wrote
This person definitely doesn't type like they're 63 too
moons_of_neptarine t1_j1nfad5 wrote
Btw the modern equivalent is awesome when hiking or using gross portapots
PawnedPawn t1_j1nfi7b wrote
They're positively golden.
ProfessorCrackhead t1_j1ng3on wrote
Nah, I liked theirs.
Smirkydarkdude t1_j1ngl2c wrote
Well... there is a story about a virgin pregnancy and wisemen and angels and sleeping in a barn and whatnot. It's also fairly popular this time of year. :)
angry_cabbie t1_j1ngp22 wrote
The Urinelle was the first mass-produced female urinary assistant device, per Google. It came out in 1996. It definitely was not the first such device, but it was the first mass produced device.
randomofrandoms1 t1_j1nh2ck wrote
No squatting for you, or looking down in fear. No hovering to do here, now have some drinks dear(s)
[deleted] OP t1_j1nh98u wrote
[deleted] OP t1_j1nhd8j wrote
twitchy_taco t1_j1nhemt wrote
The she-wee was actually really popular among trans men back when I first came out in 2009. I think because there's more realistic looking prosthetics readily available now they're less popular. They were known for being very effective. I had no idea they'd been around so long. I still have mine from back in the day. It's green and made from silicone.
Eggslaws t1_j1nhff7 wrote
We wish you a merry piss, miss
We wish you a merry piss, miss
We wish you a merry piss miss.. and a
Happy poo year!
twitchy_taco t1_j1nhnm6 wrote
I'm with my only girlfriend ever 14 years later. We got together when we were 18 and got married when we were 27. I had a boyfriend before her, but she's my only serious relationship. No regrets.
jesuzchrist t1_j1nhpwj wrote
Last week I saw a reddit comment where someone linked to a company selling them for $20, ones which were identical to those you can get on aliexpress for $2.
Uglysinglenearyou t1_j1nhwn9 wrote
Naturally, it's right around the corner
KoburaCape t1_j1nibwt wrote
ahh, today
in 1975 cmon
TheGhostORandySavage t1_j1nimcu wrote
It's OK to be wrong ;)
AspenRiot t1_j1nip6g wrote
So? None of these things are mentioned in the story.
FWIW I'm slightly suspicious of the writer's story, but not because of... the age of Google and e-commerce?
NorCalAthlete t1_j1niwf3 wrote
I remember a friend got one of those as a serious gift one year (she’s a competitive cyclist). By the end of the night we were playing cards against humanity and taking shots from the she-wee. It was a pretty funny night.
Nutz_of_Brin t1_j1nix4i wrote
I'm slightly confused. You googled what a SheeWee was, 47 years ago when he gave it to her?
Nevermind, you googled it recently to figure the name. I got it now. Redditing while tired here.
Hey, his heart was in the right place!
No-Cauliflower4599 t1_j1nj3ir wrote
sounds like your dad was in fact autistic
Smirkydarkdude t1_j1nj3mj wrote
No I googled it today to figure out what on earth a lady funnel pee thing is called. :) But if you want to know what it looked like feel free to Google She-We. That's it exactly (although that brand wasn't around back then)
24nicebeans t1_j1nj85r wrote
Hell I’d be so glad to be gifted a she-wee. I need to know what I’m missing
anywhere402000 t1_j1njic5 wrote
What was google in 1976?
ckohn99 t1_j1njp61 wrote
If thats true, its one of the funniest and sweetest story I ever heard
Smirkydarkdude t1_j1njs88 wrote
Umm... a library? Maybe an encyclopedia set if you were rich? My post must lack clarity.
Splitsurround t1_j1nko6k wrote
Homestly sounds like a fun bonding moment for the gf and the ladies in your family. I’m sure they all shared an awkward look together- that probably started things off in the right direction.
Anyhow congrats. Staying married is hard, I’m on year 24.
chantendo64 t1_j1nkqgy wrote
I think there’s also something to be said for it going on for generations and that being the normal for the family. My boyfriend and his dad act so similarly in some ways. Early on in our relationship I very gently suggested to him I thought he might have autism and he didn’t believe me at first because of how his dad acts and that that was their family’s normal. He ended up getting tested and was diagnosed. So I think along with the lack of testing there’s also a component of not thinking that testing is needed.
FreeBeans t1_j1nlgd1 wrote
I’m the first person my husband dated as an adult, and my sister is still with her high school boyfriend (in her mid twenties now, probably gonna stick). It’s not that uncommon
Dankbudx t1_j1nlhzg wrote
My wife and I met at 14 and she was my first girlfriend. 10 years later we married and it's been another 10 years since.
Out_numbered_3to1 t1_j1nls5u wrote
You need to get her a new She-Wee next Christmas!
anywhere402000 t1_j1nmilo wrote
I just thought it was funny you used that term for something back then but realized you meant you used google recently to look what the product is called now
BananaGarlicBread t1_j1nn8bc wrote
Right on. I'm 99% positive my dad is autistic (as sure as someone who isn't a professional can be), but back in the day if you were verbal and relatively high functioning you weren't "autistic", just quirky or eccentric.
r3dditor12 t1_j1nnvhx wrote
You're still together, so maybe dad actually knew what he was doing !! ... Nah, on second thought ... probably not.
4RealzReddit t1_j1nnvz8 wrote
I did this for you son.
Loxatl t1_j1nod3w wrote
Thank you for the white elephant gift idea for my wife and friends.
not-my-day-job t1_j1nogy0 wrote
OP wasn’t saying they googled it at the time, they’re suggesting the reader should google it to find out what the item looks like
lavoid12 t1_j1npusi wrote
This is Gold. The fact that y’all remained together, made me smile.
MissAnthropoid t1_j1npwc4 wrote
These things are fantastic if you need to work long shifts alone in a boom or scissor lift. I used to avoid lift calls (a type of lighting work in film and TV) until a male supervisor cracked open a supply drawer and gave me one. He liked to send the Teamsters (big burly biker types mostly) to pick them up, so that he could put the women on the team in the air. Life changing. I ended up loving lift calls - hours and hours either driving these big fuckoff machines around or tucked up cozy in a sleeping bag watching Rick and Morty with a panoramic view of the whole city while the ground crew busted their asses. Highly recommended!
Also popular with pilots apparently.
Flat_Cod_747 t1_j1nq8as wrote
“Ofc everyone have money, money is a number and 0$ is a number!”
uhrilahja t1_j1nqb1v wrote
Indeed. Not "more" or "less" as the extreme options.
Corgiverse t1_j1nqwnn wrote
Honestly I’d be thrilled to get one. Road trips would be so much easier/ I’ve got the bladder of w cocker spaniel puppy and sometimes if you’re driving in the middle of the night … it’s hard to find a bathroom
ILikeFPS t1_j1nr1ff wrote
Good tinkles we bring to you and your friends.
[deleted] OP t1_j1nravf wrote
FFF_in_WY t1_j1nrb9o wrote
nixiedust t1_j1nrlcf wrote
My father-in-law showed me a petrified possum corpse he found stuck in his barn the first time we met. We loved each other instantly.
Those She-Wee things are pretty great...your wife knew a good thing when she saw it!
-underdog- t1_j1nrxc7 wrote
they had she-wee 47 years ago???
fxx_255 t1_j1ns99v wrote
Why is nobody asking if she liked the gift? Did it work? Did you awkwardly watch her try it?
[deleted] OP t1_j1nsjxs wrote
[deleted] OP t1_j1nsnw8 wrote
kaceFile t1_j1nsqag wrote
…Wasn’t the she-wee invented 20 years ago? 😬
AndrewFrozzen30 t1_j1nsxmx wrote
>That which doesn't kill a relationship makes it stronger? Anyway we are still together today - 47 years later.
I'm curious what she thinks about it today!
I'm sure, in all those years, she had many things like that from your dad. So she in the end realized that's the way he is, that's his normal and he has no bad intention behind it.
So, what does she think of it now? I'm sure she finds it funny, because if she didn't you would probably have broke up long ago.
karateema t1_j1ntqpa wrote
Did the man get better at that?
Ghostface_Hecklah t1_j1nu0rg wrote
What a beautiful fucking story
Adjectivenounnumb t1_j1nu7hw wrote
Corollary: I didn’t realize until I was an older teen that having people come to your house to buy drugs from your parents wasn’t normal.
(Thanks, dad!)
[deleted] OP t1_j1nun0i wrote
asonicpushforenergy t1_j1nur15 wrote
Only autistic people are on the autistic spectrum.
asonicpushforenergy t1_j1nuvs5 wrote
Only autistic people are on the autistic spectrum.
vrythngvrywhr t1_j1nuxfi wrote
Found the dad.
LillianIsaDo t1_j1nv6cj wrote
I would have loved it! I have a similar funnel now, for road trips, festivals, and concerts. He was very considerate.
jmdavies98 t1_j1nve37 wrote
I got my girlfriend one for her stocking this year lol, definitely a gag gift for me tho
[deleted] OP t1_j1nvk0d wrote
Pixielo t1_j1nvr66 wrote
Why does it matter?
[deleted] OP t1_j1nw7x6 wrote
[deleted] OP t1_j1nwcco wrote
that_is_absolutely_ t1_j1nwv6l wrote
Good tinkles we bring
Elrokk t1_j1nwzfb wrote
Was there even google 50 years ago?
[deleted] OP t1_j1nx2z1 wrote
I_Fuck_With_That t1_j1nx5hi wrote
“With this crappy new gear”
woahwtfisthis t1_j1nybe5 wrote
Brilliant lol
purduephotog t1_j1nyjed wrote
Were you all ... avid hikers?
Unafraid_NFS t1_j1nyywn wrote
Shit I think i piss myself reading this
MangosArentReal t1_j1nzcwq wrote
>Not to mention that Google was founded in 1998. Prior to Google there really wasn’t an easy way to search out knowledge, let alone e-commerce being a thing.
Re-read the post. OP is telling Redditors to Google it. He didn't say they Googled it in 1975.
Legal_Eagle_1155 t1_j1nzyr4 wrote
Everyone’s questioning wether the dad was or wasn’t on the spectrum, all I know is my man invented those things and was shot down by his family but nowadays they’re sold everywhere
whiskeyjane45 t1_j1nzys9 wrote
I was 18 and described as a butter face. I graduated and moved out of my parent's house at 17. Couldn't get anyone to go on a date with me. I had one dinner date with a guy and hung out at his house a few times before he ghosted me
Then I met my husband. I was 18. We've been together for 17 years now.
Rancor_Keeper t1_j1nzzh7 wrote
My GF from college, a Bar Harbor girl from Maine, wanted me to come back with her for winter break to her home town in Bar Harbor Maine. To make a long story short, the conversation of snow shoeing came up with her Mom and Dad and younger sister, because I guess that's one of the fun things to do when there's a foot of snow on the ground during the winter. I don't know when or how the outdoorsy, snow shoeing conversation took a strange turn, but it did when her Mom started talking about how a woman goes pee with all that clothing on, while wearing snow shoes and all the other gear. Just like a bolt of lightning the mom jumps up and runs into the other room and returns clutching something in her hand. "Ya, see.... You don't have to take your pants down or worry about falling in your own pee with this device...." She produces a funnel of some sort like what OP was describing. I thought it was a joke and looked over at the family (GF, younger sister and the dad), my GF's head in her hands, with both the younger sister and father red-faced, dying of laughter. Then the mom proceeds to show me how to use it. That was a really interesting dinner.
Brave_anonymous1 t1_j1o0ckk wrote
Your dad used the top notch cognitive dissonance techniques to make you look really different than other average boring boys and their families. Even if she would be able to break up with you after such a bonding - she would never forget you.
Something to remember when your grandson will bring his first girlfriend to your Christmas party.
peanutsfordarwin t1_j1o0uhh wrote
1975? If you are 63, 1999 is when it was invented. Or 39? Not 16.
ProfessorCrackhead t1_j1o1d5g wrote
It is, and I'm sorry you were wrong. But still, Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays or whatever applies to you!
This isn't the season for internet disagreements.
Frost-Wzrd t1_j1o1ggg wrote
[deleted] OP t1_j1o2u7n wrote
[deleted] OP t1_j1o3b4x wrote
tobydiah t1_j1o3g52 wrote
It’s not a FU. This is the timeline where you’re happily together with her.
Plantsandcats1 t1_j1o3tio wrote
Thank you, this made me smile and I really needed it. I also think the gift is a bit sweet as well. I have had to pee quite a few times out in the wild and having to squat and worry about pee splashing on my ankles was quite a disadvantage in those cases. The newness of the relationship does make it awkward though haha
Godofwar512 t1_j1o44w1 wrote
My brother in law got one for my mom for Christmas one year because my parents camp. I was laughing. So hard. It was a gag gift kinda. But I think she probably brings it camping. Perfect gift for the ladies in your life. 😂😂
RuneAloy t1_j1o4xp3 wrote
O' Christmas Pee, O' Christmas Pee.
StormyLlewellyn1 t1_j1o638w wrote
Yup that's the one.
slotheroni t1_j1o6cby wrote
The way in which you described that this GF is now your wife after 47 years would make your quirky dad proud.
comingforandinyou t1_j1o6kcv wrote
That person does not need your permission to not share personal information they don't want to and making a vagina joke in this context makes you look like a creep. Be better.
ThrobbinGoblin t1_j1o6ost wrote
Dude, it's pretty normal. At least in America.
I mean... Isn't it? At least like weed or mushrooms at some point if you're in the midwest. Unless your parents are the most super conservative people or they didn't have you until they were in their thirties. At least in my experience there's a good proportion of them that at least dabbled.
Adjectivenounnumb t1_j1o7slz wrote
It was the 80s and it was cocaine and crack. :/
My father eventually ended up in federal prison for trafficking. (Yes trafficking, so bigger quantities.)
Mindraker t1_j1o83g4 wrote
> Anyway we are still together today - 47 years later.
Do you still have the "she-wee" giggidy
erriuga_leon27 t1_j1o8b7s wrote
I mean, things went mostly fine if you guys are still together
moeman32 t1_j1o8ui4 wrote
Is the she wee really a 50 yr old invention?
xxthursday09xx t1_j1o9mqs wrote
Omg I would have LOVED if that was my first Xmas experience with my husband! Its so sweet and hilarious!
[deleted] OP t1_j1oanb9 wrote
CherryChristmas t1_j1oaz4b wrote
I snorted at this omg😂 thank you for making me laugh through my tears
CherryChristmas t1_j1oazm7 wrote
Omg I love this
eyeswideshut935 t1_j1oc1bn wrote
I am looking for the comments about Google and the shewee where both not around 47 years ago when you say this took place.
TheGhostORandySavage t1_j1ocdc4 wrote
Love it! Have a good one
IResentment t1_j1of8jr wrote
I need to slow down reading. I thought the beginning said your gf was 16 and you were 63🤦🏽♂️
LilCurlyGirly t1_j1ofuiv wrote
Omg I'm ngl that's a great start to a relationship. And hey at least he tried!!! Thoughtful in his own way ☺️🤣
DanteShmivvels t1_j1ogrns wrote
At least 3 women I know would love that as a gift
twitchy_taco t1_j1ogxdl wrote
No, he was simply a first relationship. I met him online through a friend and dated him for a month online before I met him in person when he dumped me for looking my age (16). He started trying to hook up with my younger friend that looked 10. He was nearly 19.
twitchy_taco t1_j1oh48s wrote
I've posted pictures of myself on here before. There's a recent one from a few days ago. This is my public profile.
solaceandsilence t1_j1ohyrs wrote
Your dad sounds sweet RIP
[deleted] OP t1_j1oj234 wrote
Bike_Chain_96 t1_j1omcsk wrote
No; Google as a company began in the late '90's. Like, I'm 26 and am older than Google I know. Before that there were other search engines. But 50 years ago, in the '70's? Not sure that home internet was really even a thing back then
shoulda-known-better t1_j1omg87 wrote
I mean it's always been a secret dream of mine to piss standing up.... I would have married you also!
Jexthis t1_j1onbk5 wrote
You didn't google shit 47 years ago.
ThatRedheadMom t1_j1ooopd wrote
Still together, wow!! Congratulations and Merry Christmas!
gotterfly t1_j1opuxf wrote
"And to this day, she still uses her She-Wee"
Smirkydarkdude t1_j1oqd7o wrote
I agree. And I didn't say I did. But perhaps my post was unclear. I was saying that if you want to see what it looked like you could Google it now.
Smirkydarkdude t1_j1oqgud wrote
Bahahha that would be an entirely different FU wouldn't it? :)
Smirkydarkdude t1_j1oqoqs wrote
Omg I can't believe I keep seeing this comment. Lol. Clearly I need to work on how I phrase things. No of course Google wasn't around then. But if you would like to see what it looked like you can Google that term today with Google now and see what it looked like back then.
Oh_No_Its_Dudder t1_j1oqvg1 wrote
Sounds like a She-Wee for the chicks in your life is the way to go, present wise. Now they can experience the joy of writing their names in the snow, without the hassle of having to scuttle around like a crab to do it.
Smirkydarkdude t1_j1or09s wrote
Not that brand. That brand name came along later. But we had something similar in Canada back then.
Smirkydarkdude t1_j1orgfm wrote
Yes. Exactly! I went to write this up and realized I had no idea what a lady pee funnel thing is called.
ooooooooooooolivia t1_j1oseer wrote
What I meant was: all people are neurodiverse to some degree. We all have traits that would be considered signs of autism, but some people have more than others or are impacted more by them, and that's when it gets diagnosed as a disorder.
Autism is not a clearly defined genetic or physical trait; the line we draw to say someone has it is artificial. Autism being a complex disorder almost necessarily means some factors will occur in nearly all people. There's like hundreds of genes that relate to it
Foinatorol t1_j1oy6ac wrote
Interesting;thanks ph4..corroborates the timeframe given by OP. I wonder if either one looks familiar to OP?
InadmissibleHug t1_j1ozb6s wrote
No, no it wasn’t.
Robobvious t1_j1ozzvw wrote
I’d call it a joke but misinformation is certainly accurate too so fair enough.
ThrobbinGoblin t1_j1p61wg wrote
Oh yeah, that's rough. Sorry about that. All my family members only grew and sold weed back in the day, and smoked the crack. Not well off enough to traffick or do coke 😅
prontoon t1_j1q6cr5 wrote
I hate these tifu posts that start with "this happened 50 years ago". Totally sounds like they fucked up today.
___Phreak___ t1_j1m9syh wrote
Are you sure he wasn't on the spectrum?