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[deleted] t1_j9yny2g wrote

" It falls, first and foremost, to the home — parents, extended families — to take responsibility for their children. "

Yep.The ones who let their 15 year old girls out at 2AM to stab people are the ones we need to turn to for the solution. Or are they the problem?


Swampoodle1984 t1_j9yogmn wrote

Unbelievable. I have zero faith in the DC Attorney General's Office to do anything to stop juvenile crime. Hopefully someone on the DC Council starts to demand more data be released publicly so we can see which cases are being "papered" and which ones are not.


crypticgeek t1_j9ysjjb wrote

> Another block of 73 cases — 16 percent — were dismissed and diverted to alternative no-incarceration programs or deferred sentencing agreements.

Y’all really that concerned about officials giving 73 kids the opportunity to stay out of the system?

> What, if anything, do those 19 percent “no paper” cases say about the credibility and effectiveness of D.C. policing?

I don’t know what do they say? The author offers no context about how common this is so I guess we’re just supposed to wonder.

> The issue isn’t whether to lock up or divert more youths from detention.

Isn’t it? Could have fooled me because that’s what your entire opinion piece was about.

> At issue is how to deter kids from committing crimes and make our city safe for both them and their community.

Okay sure but literally nothing in your piece speaks to that.

What even is this piece? I don’t think the author even knows. “Just asking questions” I guess. What a waste of space but unsurprising considering most of what gets printed on the opinion pages.


spkr4thedead51 t1_j9ysytz wrote

How does the 19% no paper cases for juveniles compare to the rate for adults?


__main__py t1_j9yvihl wrote

He is asking why the OAG isn’t providing evidence of the efficacy of its diversion programs.

> What, if anything, do those 19 percent “no paper” cases say about the credibility and effectiveness of D.C. policing?

> How effective are OAG’s much-touted violence-interruption and “evidence-based” diversion programs in deterring youth criminal behavior and reducing recidivism? Hard data is unavailable.


88leo t1_j9ywfto wrote

Is unrestrained spending on police enough when there are constant shortcomings in the way we care for the health and wellbeing of the citizenry?


crypticgeek t1_j9ywrd1 wrote

The 19% of cases not prosecuted due to lack of evidence doesn’t really have anything to do with diversion program efficacy though? It’s an interesting aside question but it’s just that, a question without any context. Is that high? How has that number changed and why? Who knows!

Diversion program effectiveness is a fair thing to question. Giving an anecdotal story about one youth who committed an offense while part of a diversion program and then rambling on about random statistics you got from an information request sure isn’t an effective or persuasive argument about the need for such.

It’s just not a good piece.


LeoMarius t1_j9yxhf4 wrote

Kids who are carjacking should be tried as adults. They are literally murdering people.


Pure_Contact5891 t1_j9yxjv6 wrote

It is. Brianne Nadeau described it as a game of whack-a-mole with juvenile criminals. They know who they are, they arrest them repeatedly and they just keep on popping up committing more crimes.


Mediocre_Audience_61 t1_j9yxlm3 wrote

Why would it not be a revolving door if they're juveniles? AKA children.


DC_Sun t1_j9yys7c wrote

Please don't forget that it's a very small, violent percentage of all of the teen agers that commit this heinous acts. Laws should be adjusted to remove them from society.

There are so many good kids out here. The bad ones scare the shit out of people, understandably. Please don't lump them all together.


joe_sausage t1_j9z2sa1 wrote

It’s nothing. It’s a way to write about the problem (so you can say you covered it to deflect criticism) without actually saying anything about the problem. Same reason we blame PaReNtInG.

Neoliberal outrage at its finest. Peacocking about the problem without seriously examining the causes behind it or even beginning to address solutions.


CraftyAd7065 t1_j9z33pf wrote

Of course it is, I thought that was Understood.


Feisty_Law_3321 t1_j9z36el wrote

Yes, yes it is. And we’re all worse off because of it. It’s why DC will never be a state. We have the highest crime rate by far.


swampoodler t1_j9z3ekv wrote

When I’m out I do lump them all together though. See a group of teenagers? Avoid. Until the problem is fixed that’s how it’ll be.

I know they know that I know they won’t get in trouble.


[deleted] t1_j9z3jw0 wrote

Paywalls are anti-equity.


mwheele86 t1_j9z3qha wrote

I don’t understand this. If she knows this fact, which I’ve seen other people corroborate; why isn’t she pushing for the AG to make sure they are locked up for longer or the post arrest process is changed to ensure more certainty of convictions.


swampoodler t1_j9z40ds wrote

The city commissioned a report that found most violent crime is committed by a very small number of people.

”In Washington, D.C., most gun violence is very tightly concentrated on a small number of very high risk young Black male adults that have a shared set of common risk factors,” says David Muhammad, the executive director of the National Institute for Criminal Justice Reform. “This very small number of high risk individuals are identifiable. Their violence is predictable and therefore it is preventable.”

I presume the problem doesn’t suddenly begin when someone becomes an adult, so that tracks what with your friend observed.


WinterMedical t1_j9z48k5 wrote

If your kid is arrested for carjacking is there a CPS investigation or no? I know it is terribly underfunded. I hate when I agree with Newt Gingrich but maybe he wasn’t that far off with his Boys Town idea. I don’t know how else you break this cycle. These kids need help and stability, safety and hope.


ehenning1537 t1_j9z5wgh wrote

I imagine part of the issue is the literal hell they live their lives in. Years ago I clerked for the Superior Court of Georgia and spent some time in their juvenile court system. The single biggest predicting factor for delinquency was lack of support from their caregivers and their broader community. For most, their single caregiver worked two jobs or had several other children to manage. Many didn’t even have an adult to be present in court. Most kids were poor but not all of them. Most were black but also not all of them. They were just about all kids who had pretty shitty lives. They weren’t working towards college or looking forward to the rest of their lives. They knew they were screwed already. Eventually they snap and have an aggressive outburst in class or they challenge police. I think it’s just to feel like they can be in control of just one moment of their own lives. Like they can have some kind of effect, even if it’s negative.

When their lives have so little hope and everyone in their immediate surroundings are either violent towards them or trying to take something from them it shouldn’t be a surprise when some of DC’s kids act the way they do.


rectalhorror t1_j9z7jgt wrote

Not to excuse them, but there's this perception that these kids actually have "parents" in the first place. In many of these households, the fathers are either absent, dead, or in prison. The mother, if she's actually involved in the kids life, is either struggling with multiple jobs or dealing with their own mental health/addictions. Which leaves it to the grandmothers and aunts to provide whatever supervision they can. Anyway, DC's "juvenile justice" system has been broken since the '80s for a number of reasons and was basically run under a court order for 35 years.


LeoMarius t1_j9z87g1 wrote

Carjacking is an incredibly dangerous crime. It leads to people dying from traffic accidents as victims panic and try to get away.

This girl has been convicted twice of carjacking, the second killing a father delivering food to make ends meet for his family. She'll be out in 7 years.


Mediocre_Audience_61 t1_j9z8je3 wrote

Murderous broken, damaged, children in crisis who have been failed by a society filled with injustice. Operative word: children. Which is why, rightly, no one is throwing away the key. Or should we go back to child executions of the Jim Crow era? Maybe just execute children in the street like in Brookland?


AnonyJustAName t1_j9z9oxx wrote

The USAO's office, not just Graves, all his predecessors, does not release stats or respond to FOIA requests, so, no way to know.

Congress has oversight over DOJ, maybe that mugged Congresswoman can start with getting some data.


Altruistic-Risk-2223 t1_j9z9ypj wrote

Or something in between. For instance, the 15 year old girl who carjacked and then ended up killing the Uber driver at the Navy Yard already had another carjacking under her belt. So maybe for first offense a teen should go through the alternate rehabilitation program, but if they go right back out and commit another serious crime then they should be tried as an adult.


Ncav2 t1_j9zacfl wrote

This is what happens when parents are soft on kids, schools are soft on student misbehavior, and society is soft on crime.


app_priori t1_j9zbtk5 wrote

Yeah. It's such a nuanced situation that needs a holistic solution that requires resources that people aren't willing to expend.

You cannot just shower these communities with money, a lot of these communities also require a degree of mentorship and lots of social workers too.

It's going to be tough to break the cycle.


app_priori t1_j9zc8g4 wrote

Because these kids need more than punishment, they also need mentorship. Their parents aren't there; they have no adult figures to look up to, except criminals willing to exploit them because adult criminals know they can hire kids to do their dirty work as kids have a decent amount of legal immunity.


DCRealEstateAgent t1_j9zc9i9 wrote

True. And from a school and Covid angle, we all felt and saw how many kids were home alone at very young ages because their parents were the mandatory workers in the city - police, fire, etc. It’s definitely a huge issue.


Pure_Contact5891 t1_j9zfdlh wrote

No need to have anybody corroborate it. I wasn't being facetious when I said she described it like a game of whack-a-mole. That's exactly what she said. It's on video.

This is a bit outside of my knowledgebase, but my understanding is that the AG doesn't operate under the Mayor or the Council, so it doesn't really matter what Nadeau's feelings are on this. The AG can do what they want. The MPD, the Mayor, the Council, they could all be pissed off about the offenders being put right back onto the street and the AG can continue on with their lax sentencing because they don't report to any of them.

Why would the AG do this? I'd gather it has to do with their Restorative Justice program and a long-term plan of rehabilitating the youth in lieu of putting them behind bars.


mwheele86 t1_j9zm61x wrote

My wording was a little confusing. I’ve seen other people corroborate that is the same people just doing the same shit over and over and getting released. So she clearly knows the problem. Our elected AG is responsible for juvenile punishment and I believe the council sets sentencing standards for both juveniles and adults.

Council is also responsible for funding priorities. People keep saying we need non police responses and other services for these kids, but we have them; a million different programs being funded inside and outside the school system targeted towards this. I’m sure those programs catch layers of these kids from getting worse, but I’m also sure there are certain ones that break through all the other efforts and IMO it’s ok to drop the hammer on them judicially.

I’m still in disbelief the girls who murdered that Uber driver are essentially going to serve 5-6 years based on when they age out of the juvenile system. I also think without more punitive measures people end up taking retribution / protection into their own hands like the dude who shot that 13 year old.

The one thing we need congress to help on is looking into the USAO which is responsible for prosecution of adults. It’s basically a black box we don’t get much accountability nor information on.


NorseTikiBar t1_j9zqjhn wrote

Like I said: only if you use stats like a dummy.

Meanwhile, back in reality, no one is claiming that Memphis doesn't deserve congressional representation just because it's a much more "crime-ridden" city than DC.


Chocolatecitygirl82 t1_j9zqkrl wrote

I’ve spent years volunteering with DC juvenile detention and this is so accurate. Also, the amount of girls in detention because an adult man involved them in something or convinced them to take the fall is heartbreaking.


Udolikecake t1_j9zqs34 wrote

Yeah, it’s really a very small minority committing the vast majority of crimes.

Boston did a great program in the 90s to solve this and it was wildly successful. Been done in many cities.

> In Boston, for example, which at the time had a population of roughly 556,180 people, approximately 1,500 individuals were identified as comprising 61 separate groups. This 0.3% of the population was responsible for 60% of the city's homicides.

This holds true in many cities. Like 1000 problem kids do 60-80% of all the killing. Targeting them and getting them off the streets does wonders. They focused all their resources into a few hot spots with these criminals and almost entirely eliminated youth gun violence.


addctd2badideas t1_j9zrifj wrote

I get why you think this is somehow a systemic and racial justice issue. If it were, many many more kids would be committing crimes, and as others have said, it's a lot of the same kids committing the same crimes over and over again.

No one's asking for kids to be executed. No one's saying don't address systemic injustice and racial inequality. No one is saying throw these kids in jail forever. So stop acting like that's what people are advocating.

There has to be a balance for law-abiding citizens who subscribe to the social contract to be able to live their lives mostly without fear, walk out of their house in their own neighborhood and be able to support their families.

There has to be justice for both the kids that have been failed by their parents and the victims of their crimes. That means preventing these crimes. And you can do so by putting the kids in jail but also making sure when they get out that they won't be repeat offenders. And right now, that's not happening.


Ok_Culture_3621 t1_j9zrk5v wrote

> At issue is how to deter kids from committing crimes

I have an issue with this line. I’m no expert but it seems by the time a child gets to the point where they need to start considering the criminal consequences of an action, they’re already too far gone for deterrence to matter much. If the idea of threatening an old lady on her way to chemo isn’t a deterrent, what is?


Ok_Culture_3621 t1_j9zs6fu wrote

Exactly. By the time a child gets to the point of being willing to threaten the life of a total stranger for their stuff, so much has already gone wrong I don’t think the threat of incarceration is going to matter much. And the frustrating thing is, we know what the roots of this are. We just don’t have the political will to address it.


NorseTikiBar t1_j9zsat8 wrote

TIL thinking that crime rate is not a good reason for not getting statehood means I'm ACSHULLY "so happy with the current crime rate here."

Let's be honest: one of us is a lot happier about the crime rate here because it lets them troll. And it sure as shit ain't me.


DCRealEstateAgent t1_j9ztreg wrote

I can’t worry about coming up with programs to undo the bad parenting that’s been in their life. I want to get them off the street once they commit a crime. I don’t want them committing another. It keeps the rest of us just a sliver safer. That’s all it’s about.


DrunkWoodchuck t1_j9zv3qd wrote

> I can’t worry about coming up with programs

Good thing nobody asked you to do this, then? Nobody asked for you to come up with anything. Nobody asked for your ignorant opinion.

> I want to get them off the street once they commit a crime.

That has nothing to do with whether or not the punishments should be the same as murder. The crux of that issue is not the term of the punishment, but the likelihood of ANY punishment being applied. The only thing you proposed is literally the thing that everyone agrees doesn't work.

Your comment is so mind numbingly stupid because the effect you claim to want is actually accomplished by the thing you're not proposing. It isn't the term of the sentence that reduces crime, it's the likelihood of getting caught in the first place. Keeping criminals off the street is easiest to accomplish by convincing them that their actions have consequences. Increasing the phantom consequences that they rightly believe they will not suffer does nothing at all. Yet that's precisely what you want!

So excuse me if I don't believe you when you say you want to keep criminals off the streets. If that's what you wanted, you would exhibit a modicum of curiosity about how to achieve that goal, because what you're proposing doesn't achieve the stated intention.

> It keeps the rest of us just a sliver safer.

It doesn't. It makes you feel safer. But it doesn't make you any safer at all. That's what every study on this subject has shown time and time again.


DCRealEstateAgent t1_j9zw6hf wrote

It must be nice to live with your head so far up your ass that you think you can actually make a difference here in the lives of criminals. You can’t. Talk about being mind numbingly stupid. Good job. Can’t wait to see how you fix the city.


DrunkWoodchuck t1_j9zws1c wrote

I think the people who study this for a living, and have succeeded elsewhere are correct, while you think everyone who studies this for a living and has succeeded elsewhere is wrong.

Which of us has our heads up our ass?

You want to clutch your pearls, Karen. That's all. That's fine, but recognize that's all you're doing. There are proven strategies to reduce crime, and the one thing you're advocating is proven not to work. Yet you want to do it anyways. Shows how much you want to "fix the city."


DCRealEstateAgent t1_j9zylcy wrote

You sound like a delightfully nasty person with so many solutions. Why not outline them for all of us so we can see how you’re going to fix the crime. Instead you pull a 7 year old pamphlet out of your ass and expect that it applies to kids who were 5 years old when it was written. Before a world pandemic. I’m dying laughing at what a moron you have proven yourself to be! 😂


DrunkWoodchuck t1_j9zz31f wrote

You're saying the things that have worked in the past wont work in the future, and the things that never worked in the past will work in the future? And I'm the moron?

Jesus christ, crime posts bring out the dumbest fucking people.

If you wanted to be safe, you would be curious about proven solutions. You wouldn't want slapdash bullshit that has never worked.


NorseTikiBar t1_ja013dl wrote

Sorry, I must have missed that part of the Constitution that said "ACSHULLY ur crime rate has to be super low to be a state." Can you point me to that Article and Section?

Additionally, your (shitty) Google search shows that New Mexico and Louisiana are around 6400 annual crimes per capita. What is the threshold when states have their statehood called into question? Is it 6500? Is it 7000? I'm curious when they should start being worried based off of your logic.


ballsohaahd t1_ja02wwm wrote

That’s what’s so fucked it’s not hard to find those people and track them through all the crimes. I’m sure it’s not much higher numbers I’m Dc than 500-1000 people.

Just no one wants to do any fucking work. Just sit there responding to crimes and then letting them off is all that’s done.

Also they listen to criminals and their families more than victims.

Thats why in neighborhoods the kid was shot trying to steal cars, and another tried to rob a frickin grandma and the neighborhood basically beat his ass.

They shouldn’t have to do that shit and those neighborhoods are probably seeing more crime than better ones so they’re fed up.

We also should realize it’s wild for an NFL RB to be shot and just act like that’s a normal Occurrence.

32 nfl teams 32 cities amd only DC is where a running back gets ducking shot im a car jacking.

Is that person even in jail?! No chance.


ballsohaahd t1_ja038du wrote

The dc ag doesn’t really do shit. The us attorneys office for dc is responsible for prosecuting crimes in the city. Only the feckless DOJ oversees them. They can’t even get people for overthrowing the govt.


ballsohaahd t1_ja03m8p wrote

Legal system needs to be a fall back for the bad parenting. Plus many parents are either dead tired from working multiple jobs or are actually working at night and can’t be around. Don’t think any parents are really aware of all this and condone it. Maybe 1 or 2 in the whole city but overall they’re trying to work extra to support their family


Evening_Chemist_2367 t1_ja03no3 wrote

A small number of kids are committing a majority of crimes. The fact of being repeat offenders should be the red flag.


Deep_Stick8786 t1_ja0a8as wrote

DC government has identified 200 or so high risk individuals responsible for what is claimed to be a very high proportion of crime. And then has done what with that list? I don’t know if anyone knows


alg8tor t1_ja0lzcu wrote

The Wolfgang cohort crime study is a famous criminology study that examined the criminal behavior of a cohort of 10,000 males who were born in Philadelphia in 1945. The study was conducted by Marvin Wolfgang and his colleagues, and was published in the book "Delinquency in a Birth Cohort" in 1972.
The study followed the cohort from birth until age 18, and collected data on their criminal behavior, including arrests and convictions. The study found that a small percentage of the cohort was responsible for a disproportionate amount of the crimes committed during the study period. Specifically, just 6% of the cohort accounted for more than half of the arrests.
The study also found that the patterns of offending were stable over time, with persistent offenders being more likely to continue committing crimes as they got older. The study identified several risk factors for criminal behavior, including poverty, low academic achievement, and family disruption.
The Wolfgang cohort crime study was groundbreaking in its use of longitudinal data to examine the development of criminal behavior, and has been influential in the field of criminology. The study provided evidence for the concept of "chronic offenders" who are responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime, and highlighted the importance of early intervention to prevent the onset of delinquent behavior.


Mediocre_Audience_61 t1_ja0scon wrote

"Somehow a systemic and racial justice issue". That you think it's not speaks volumes. Children can face consequences but still go back to environments that are lead-contaminated, filled with pests, no access to after-school programming, adequate nutrition, or even the special education services kids may desperately need (a rampant problem in DC). We can amp up the consequences but until social safety nets are strengthened, especially for underserved communities, repeat offenses will continue to be a predictable outcome.


addctd2badideas t1_ja0zv62 wrote

Slavery and systemic racism will always be this country's cardinal sin.

But for a city that has a near-Black-majority with most public officials being such as well, I'm going to go on a limb that it's not the sole, nor even primary driving force of this issue. Furthermore, the people who would love to be able to enjoy their day, walk outside and not get carjacked while trying to support their families are also Black. I'm sure they'd appreciate some safety and security too (while still having strong feelings about the Police as they should).

However I do agree that we need to both strengthen those social safety nets and police,/prosecute better (without violating civil rights) at the same time.

There's got to be a middle ground here because both extreme sides are untenable.


Redwolfdc t1_ja18l48 wrote

It’s not the same as murder but agree it’s not something they should be getting a juvenile slap on the wrist. Kids do reckless things like vandalize, break into cars, and shoplift. But holding someone up with a weapon and threatening to harm them isn’t just normal juvenile behavior


AnonyJustAName t1_ja19lfz wrote

It's my understanding that Congress got her a few numbers, once.

Last year, Graves told her they don't keep stats. Thus, they continue to not respond to FOIAs. She has a clip of the Zoom meeting on her Twitter.

NO USAO has ever released stats consistently no matter what President appointed them.

The AG does respond to FOIA requests.


MarkinDC24 t1_ja2mhl1 wrote

I read the article. The comments here are so empathic, insightful, and knowledgeable. This is not an easy issue to fix, it will take time. I hope the Mayor, Council, Police, and the DC AG come up with a coordinated response to address a couple hundred of kids terrorizing the city. Expungeable prohibition should only be offered to first time offenders.

As mentioned by another, the Wolfgang cohort study seems to point to some of the underlying issues: poverty, low academic achievement, and family disruption. All of those are personal problems, which the government can assist with, but the larger community has little impact on. The Mayor has created a basic income (to address poverty), she also has increased tutoring services (to address low academic achievement), and she seems to have a lot of shelters to help those who need transitional housing (to address family disruption, case in point abusive relationships). If troubled children commit crime, at this point, they need to be held accountable. The city has a myriad of resources, families must seek them out or their children will be stuck in this vicious cycle of criminality.

People are empathic but are becoming tired.


AnonyJustAName t1_ja3dpjw wrote

Not tracking it would be justification for not responding to FOIA, I suspect? And there have been no consequences for failing to respond to FOIAs. Again, this is not just a Graves issue, this has been true of every USAO appointed by every President, to my knowledge.

However Congress did get her a few numbers one time, as kind of a snapshot. Since they have oversight over DOJ, that would be good info to have. The DA in LA was recalled. Does the USAO prosecute more or less cases than that DA? Who knows???!