
GrimResistance t1_ja3ty9y wrote

Yes, though colors don't matter too much. Keep in mind the switch is just making/breaking the connection of the hot wire, so the reds are hot before the switch (line - always live) and the yellow is hot after the switch (load - switched on and off). It's best to double check with a multimeter but that's what it looks like from your pictures.


GrimResistance t1_ja3quio wrote

At the fan box white is neutral, yellow is hot, connect a ground wire to the metal box. At the switch the reds are line (one incoming hot, one going out to feed another switch or outlet) and the yellow is the load (hot at the fan box). Again, ground the dimmer switch to the metal box.


GrimResistance t1_j6igd73 wrote

The felt strip is meant to go on the top, it's to distribute the water evenly across the panel. You installed the panel upside-down.
>The 318518-761 humidifier water panel includes an integral aluminum frame and felt wick on top for even distribution of water through the media.