cC2Panda t1_jamfcrz wrote
Reply to comment by Everyoneeatshere in NYC is more ethnically diverse, less racially segregated, report finds by Ice_Business
Kids migrate towards people they identify with most it happens everywhere. My wife went to a school that taught in English in India but the social groups split mostly on preferred languages from the outset and stayed that way all the way through. Kids that spoke Marathi were a clique, Hindi were a clique, Urdu another, and English it's own. So even within the same religion, castes and family wealth cliques formed and stayed based primarily on childhood language skills.
cC2Panda t1_jame7r0 wrote
Reply to comment by TheAJx in NYC is more ethnically diverse, less racially segregated, report finds by Ice_Business
It's a lack of development which we can mostly blame on rich white people. Blaming Hispanic people is like folks blaming Koreans in LA in the 80s and early 90s. Mega wealthy slumlords like Donald Sterling were at the root of it then and they are at the root of the problem now.
cC2Panda t1_ja39afi wrote
Reply to comment by fatalist23 in I tried the gentrification chips so you don’t have to. Review inside by objectimpermanence
Not that guy but Art and Mary's chips are the best. They did kettle chips way earlier than any other supermarket brand I know of and they are so good. In fact they are so good that even the salt free chips are poatato-y goodness.
cC2Panda t1_j9h3w7z wrote
Bit of a tangent but what are the rules around egress in JC. I'm on the third floor and I bought a fire escape ladder I can keep in my room after a downstairs neighbor fell asleep with food in the oven. Without the ladder firefighters would have to get into my backyard to even know I was needing help.
cC2Panda t1_j8n1ijh wrote
Reply to comment by danhakimi in Mayor Adams ordered to pay $300 for rat infestation at Brooklyn home by hiegel
Correct, same claim that the RIAA/MPAA claim against people who download music. Just because the fare didn't happen didn't mean it was inevitable.
cC2Panda t1_j84rk4d wrote
Reply to comment by centech in So pedestrian crossings are sort of a suggestion here? by shrillbill
The moment got put a person in a car they lose a lot of the rationality they have. I'm guilty of getting upset mostly at other drivers in a way I wouldn't outside of a car too. But man some people are the fucking worst.
2 years ago they didn't close off Paulus Hook during 4th of July so the entire area became a giant traffic jam. At 2AM there were still people stuck in traffic and several of them kept honking their horns. It wasn't even like people weren't moving at a light or something, they were just 20 cars back waiting for people to take turns at the stop sign. I wanted to just throw a brick at some of the cars because what the fuck were they achieving with constant honking at 2AM.
cC2Panda t1_j80ooz1 wrote
Reply to comment by Blecher_onthe_Hudson in Driver, Pedestrian, Cyclist: no matter what I am, I feel unsafe traveling by lordleft
I have a solution to all this if we could get buy in at the state level. My thought is that you should have a way for regular people to submit video of drivers doing something illegal, and anyone registered to drive that vehicle has to sit through boring ass lecture courses on responsible driving after a certain number of violations, after the class and more violations a driving test and after that a license suspension.
So many people have cameras on their car capable of getting evidence of illegal behavior, lets us have a way to snitch on these dipshits.
cC2Panda t1_j8058p7 wrote
Reply to comment by DirectorBeneficial48 in Driver, Pedestrian, Cyclist: no matter what I am, I feel unsafe traveling by lordleft
>it's the fault of humanity as a whole.
It's very much made worse by a small select group of giant assholes. Just the other day I told off a stupid ass soccer mom who was rolling quickly through every single stop sign in Paulus Hook including going past 2 schools in session. She didn't stop for people on corners walking, cars already stopped at other stop signs already, etc.
She is a serious danger to everyone especially children and if I see her roll through stop signs again I will 100% publicly shame her on repeat since I know where she parks.
cC2Panda t1_j7v8d2m wrote
Reply to comment by well_damm in Uniqlo is coming to the Newport mall - Apple should come as well by coliji
There is also an Apple Store in WTC. I think it would actually take me more time to go to the mall then to just go to WTC. Though sales tax is lower in NJ which on Apple is not inconsequential.
cC2Panda t1_j6k0g0x wrote
Reply to comment by garth_meringue in What needed to be said >>> by keightdough
The real crux of it is population density. When you live somewhere with 10 times as many people in a small area, then you're far more likely to run across shit people.
cC2Panda t1_j656uzz wrote
Reply to comment by kulgan in Bicyclist involved in Jersey City hit-and-run by Councilwoman DeGise files $1M tort claim by EyesOnImprovement
You can watch the video it's not 3 seconds, regardless in NYC(the nearest I can find actual stats for) less than a third of drivers in fatal accidents with cyclists/pedestrians are even charged let alone convicted of anything. Our society has decided the privileges of incompetent drivers supercede the lives of pedestrians and cyclists. I seriously doubt the cyclist will convince a jury to award him anything.
cC2Panda t1_j6521w5 wrote
Reply to comment by kulgan in Bicyclist involved in Jersey City hit-and-run by Councilwoman DeGise files $1M tort claim by EyesOnImprovement
We're not arguing whether or not she did the right thing after the fact. She had a second or two at the most to react from the time he appeared from behind the parked cars on the street. I don't think many civil juries would say that given the circumstances that she was at fault for the accident.
cC2Panda t1_j64prtc wrote
Reply to comment by doublen00b in Bicyclist involved in Jersey City hit-and-run by Councilwoman DeGise files $1M tort claim by EyesOnImprovement
Amy is a piece of shit but he came out from behind stopped cars, it'd be hard to convince a reasonable person that she could have reasonably avoided the accident.
cC2Panda t1_j5zcwcy wrote
Reply to comment by rubensinclair in Amy DeGise must go, but how? | Jersey Journal editorial by rapmasternicky_z
>This should be remarkably easy to do.
We're a machine state. The rules in place require us to wait until a significant portion of her term is already up then we have to get 42,000 signatures from registered voters(28% of registered voters). For reference the combined voters in 2021 were just over 42k.
cC2Panda t1_j5pt3oz wrote
Reply to comment by The_CerealDefense in George Santos proposed to teen boyfriend while still married to a woman: report by [deleted]
Since there is a hard cap per country for work based stuff I imagine it's worst for developing countries with the largest populations like Brazil, India, and China.
cC2Panda t1_j5ofai0 wrote
Reply to comment by The_CerealDefense in George Santos proposed to teen boyfriend while still married to a woman: report by [deleted]
Scam marriages happen but I wouldn't call them common either. Even if you look at unidentified "government success" at Murdoch run outlets they claim at most around 25% which is a lot but I'd guess "government source" includes actual fraudsters like Paxton and Trump.
I'd guess those people are just assuming that all marriages that ends within 2 years of the green card being issued are fraud that's the only way to get numbers that high. It's worth noting that divorces of people with green cards via marriage are on par with regular old marriages up until 5-6 years then they have a significantly lower divorce rate than the general population.
Basically I'd say while sham marriages aren't rare they are what I'd consider uncommon since they tend to outlast non-greencard marriages overall.
cC2Panda t1_j2mczjm wrote
Reply to comment by possums101 in Anyone hearing constant loud car engine sound at night? by sanderling_app
Speed bumps everywhere. I'd like to see them bottom out a dozen times trying to do 0-60.
cC2Panda t1_j1l5eth wrote
Reply to Hudson overflowing. Stay safe! by Desi_techy_girl
Is it flooding further into Paulus Hook. Left my car there before going to family for the holiday, wondering if I should worry about my car.
cC2Panda t1_j1gcdbm wrote
Reply to comment by Dartser in [i ate] filet mignon with onion rings by Cake-enthusiast69
If it's like a satay it could be alright.
cC2Panda t1_j19cb5v wrote
Reply to comment by nationalmoz in James Dolan’s facial ID tech snags another lawyer who says he was booted from Knicks game by PichuLovy
James Dolan has enough money to force people to sit through his shitty music as an opener for bands like the Eagles and the Rolling Stones. He'll buy as many lawyers as he needs to, to fuck over anyone that tries.
cC2Panda t1_j11zb5v wrote
Reply to comment by robotmlg in Hit-and-run councilwoman’s pre-trial hearing set for Jan. 10 in Essex County court by SoundMachineJC
Which is totally valid though I doubt there isn't a conflict on interest in Essex County either given her family.
cC2Panda t1_j0pdix1 wrote
Reply to comment by sparklyrelish in I assure you, the December 2022 New Jersey MegaThread is open. What's on your mind? Come on in! All topics allowed. but please observe Rule 1 by AutoModerator
100% do this if you go into the city at all. I live in JC and occasionally bring gear into the city for work and it saves way more than any tolls I pay in NJ.
cC2Panda t1_j0pddn8 wrote
Reply to comment by New_Stats in I assure you, the December 2022 New Jersey MegaThread is open. What's on your mind? Come on in! All topics allowed. but please observe Rule 1 by AutoModerator
I hate that Brits and Aussies say spagbol it just makes the dish sound awful.
cC2Panda t1_j0izyhw wrote
Reply to comment by theShhnozz in Proposed legislation would allow NJ's advanced practice nurses prescribe without a doctor’s oversight: Proposal would cement a change that began with pandemic; some doctors are strongly opposed by rollotomasi07071
You are inferring a lot of erroneous stuff from that guys comment. He's basically saying women through most of history have delivered babies unassisted by modern doctors, but that doesn't mean some prehistoric woman is qualified to dole out opioids.
cC2Panda t1_jami0w5 wrote
Reply to comment by Everyoneeatshere in NYC is more ethnically diverse, less racially segregated, report finds by Ice_Business
At the very least it takes a concerted effort not to fall into segregated cliques. There are social groups that actually do tend to be more diverse but they tend to be considered outsiders. Like when I was younger the mix of teens hanging out at Chinatown Fair playing Capcom vs SNK 2 with each other was way less segregated on race and instead just a group of gamer geeks.