Submitted by smokinLobstah t3_ye5nnv in Maine

Exactly what purpose are political yard signs supposed to accomplish? Every election cycle I see the same thing...yard after yard after yard, peppered with lawn signs supporting this candidate or that one, for some office.

Do they think the people are going to drive by and say "Crap!...I was going to vote for LePage, BUTTTTT....I see that person has a Mills sign on their lawn!!! I think I'll change my mind!"

I'd bet that lawn signs don't more the meter a fraction of an inch in either direction, ever.
It's another one of those things where people can't think of anything else, or don't want to put the effort into actually DOING anything else, so they stick a sign in the front yard.

The whole thing seems pretty silly to me.



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Lerch737 t1_itw2w39 wrote

I have one lawn political sign proudly displayed on my dooryard.

Politicians are temporary
Wu Tang is forever


PinkLemonade2 t1_itw5fyh wrote

It's virtue signaling. It's just as useless as people that post too much about politics on social media.

Nobody cares about your opinion, and you're not going to change anyone's mind with Facebook rants and ridiculous yard signs.


Danklettuce2 t1_itw66yw wrote

Lawn signs if anything are probably more like subliminal messaging. Some people dont care whatsoever when it comes to politics. So when they find themselves in a situation where someone starts talking politics, obviously you dont wanna appear uneducated or just have no clue. You can think back to the lawn signs u drove by and spit out a name or whatever you saw on the signs and appear to have somewhat of an idea whats going on.


Ironbird207 t1_itw6k0q wrote

They should make them out of wood at least not plastic. That way with killer fuel prices we can at least burn political signs for heat instead.


PolarBlueberry t1_itw81ts wrote

For statewide candidates, it's probably more a "look at me, I support..."

I do find them a little helpful during primaries or very local elections. Things like school committee, selectmen/city council, etc. Those elections are often very small and there isn't much to get people's names out. I can see who's running, and then do my own research. Or, just vote on the name you recognize because you saw the signs (which I'm sure a lot of people do).


hike_me t1_itwa04x wrote

Uninformed people may vote based on name recognition. Especially down ballot.


Ezzmon t1_itwapg2 wrote

Honestly, if I see a LePage sign with a bunch of other signs, I learn who to vote against.


DidDunMegasploded t1_itwaxg1 wrote

Here's how I think it works:

  • You see a sign for a candidate
  • "Hmm, I've never heard of them. I should look them up."
  • Looks them up
  • Finds their site
  • Reads their stances on certain issues
  • Decides whether to vote for them or not

Of course, this doesn't work with established names (LePage and Mills, for example). And it probably doesn't work as a whole. But with names I've never seen, that's my theory.


Majestic-Feedback541 t1_itwben1 wrote

Idk, I ignore them. With how crazy people are these days, I'd rather not advertise my beliefs in my front yard anyways.


mlo9109 t1_itwcmn3 wrote

Same... I don't put anything indicating my beliefs on my home, car, or person, because I can't risk any of these freaks getting violent (as they often do) as a solo female.

However, I'm in the process of house hunting, so it has helped me to determine which neighborhoods to avoid by the number of certain signs (and other symbols) that I see.


achilles_cat t1_itwdgyu wrote

Right, that is how I think it works too. I've done this occasionally, seen a name and looked them up. Especially for low profile positions: probate judges, registrar, country treasurer, etc., many of whom don't do a lot of canvassing especially for county wide positions.


satanshark t1_itwi6si wrote

I’ve never placed one in my yard and likely never will. But when I see them it feels good to know people probably share my values. I also eyerollingly appreciate creativity in campaign signs. Give me slogan with a pun on your name, or something painted colors other than red, white, and blue. If I don’t agree with your politics, I’m not going to vote for you; but I’ll respect your hustle. I think, too, that back before we were overwhelmed with politics, there were primacy and recency arguments to be made for signs. I wish the state would enforce penalties for not removing signs by seven days after an election.


OriginalGordol t1_itwk8e5 wrote

It's the cheer squad. Does nothing really to help the candidate, but makes the supporters feel good. There is also the off chance just the repetition of the name will subliminally affect an undecided voter.

Anecdote: Do you know of Marc Malon? He worked for Sara Gideon while she was Speaker, then Atty General Frey, and a former Chair of the York County Dems. He hates yard signs, thinks they're useless and was vocal about it. When he announced that he was running to succeed Ryan Fecteau in the House, he acknowledged the irony that now he has to get yard signs made for himself even though everyone knew he'd be unopposed.


YolksOnU t1_itwk9qx wrote

Also, remember for every nutbag with 30 LePage signs on his lawn, the other ~100 neighbors you have won't put up a Mills sign for fear of being targeted by the local psychopath with all the right wing shit.

I live on a road where our fuckface asshole neighbors fly confederate flags (from their dumpy single wides and rusty old pickups, lol, losers all of 'em I guess) you think we're putting a Mills sign up on our lawn? Hell no. I figure they're gonna try to kill us someday anyway, why accelerate the process?


siebzy t1_itwkt7n wrote

Political candidates love seeing their name everywhere as they drive around, and as such invest far more time and $$ in yard signs than is warranted by their effectiveness - resources that could be better used elsewhere in a campaign.


sintixerr t1_itwpb62 wrote

Lacking other knowledge, ppl tend to vote for names/people/images they're more familiar with. If something is known, the familiarity still almost certainly increases comfort in voting. It's our lizard brains at work.


meowmix778 t1_itwpd1u wrote

I hired the guy who replaced our roof off a sign like that. I feel like I might be the first person in recorded history to actually call those numbers.


MathematicianGlum880 t1_itwps34 wrote

I can’t stand them. Downtown Gorham is peppered with the and it’s just a mess if you ask me. I agree, if people are voting a sign doesn’t change their mind. Just a waste of money. Plus, that many signs can be considered a distraction.


Fugly_Sloth t1_itwt18c wrote

It’s the only legally allowed “billboard” in Maine


Snooper2323 t1_itwtgwk wrote

The only one that has any purpose is the “LePage for governor of Florida.”


markydsade t1_itwz01s wrote

This is the biggest effect. A low information voter, and there’s lots of them, gets a ballot and says “I’ve heard of them” and votes for them.


metalandmeeples t1_itx0cta wrote

I saw a Coca-cola commercial once and had to see what the hubbub was about.


rateddurr t1_itx1zfg wrote

I have never liked it, and in my current bad mood and the current political temperature, i find the collage of signs unseemly. And the ones that pile them on 10 deep are mad.


Dum4brains t1_itx1ztk wrote

boomers. sometimes driving through these neighborhoods reminds me of a facebook comment section. dated. deaf.


Moonstonedbowie t1_itx7n83 wrote

They mostly just make a huge fucking mess when the overwhelming majority of them don’t get cleaned up and thrown out after the election is over.


Garrick420 t1_itxclcl wrote

I’m actually voting against everyone my dumbass neighbor is supporting with his dumbass signs. I hate that idiot.


helpimtrappedonearth t1_itxct1l wrote

The first thing my new neighbors did was put up signs for Lepage and Thelander, and a Trump Won 2020 banner.


nochedetoro t1_itxh7kb wrote

My MIL helped campaign for a candidate and she said it’s absolutely for the donors. Donors like to see the person they’re giving money to plastered everywhere because it makes them feel like they’re getting their moneys worth


CaptainDirkDiggler t1_itxhv9b wrote

Agree. Political signs are more about messaging and whose side you are on. It’s not to persuade you based on ideas. It’s the ultimate peer pressure.


FragilousSpectunkery t1_itxi7gz wrote

The biggest impact of yard sign is that the candidate is spending money, usually locally, at a sign shop. The smart ones make sure to pick a union shop, and have that little symbol indicating it printed on the sign.


toolfanboi t1_itxiv8e wrote

Its a social signifier. Its purpose is to inform like-minded people that you are one of them, that you belong that group.


membaberry18 t1_itxjimf wrote

Because the vast majority of voters are uninformed and will pick a name they recognize or value a certain neighbor’s endorsement over anythjng else


Tpcorholio t1_itxm4ih wrote

I wanna make my own political signs with my own name lol


ApprehensiveDeer9530 t1_itxp1oj wrote

I'm also in Gorham and I completely agree. They're definitely distracting, and I hate the amount of waste they produce!

And of course Andrew LaPlaca tried to file a complaint against Whitehead & McCallister for having 6 signs "out of compliance" 🙄🙄🙄


ApprehensiveDeer9530 t1_itxpiy5 wrote

20 years ago I lived in a conservative town and managed to get along well with my neighbors in large part due to the lack of signs. People didn't talk about politics all the time. Doing shit like putting up banners just alienates people and divides communities, I hate it.


ghostsintherafters t1_itxskj8 wrote

You're kidding right? The right-wingers that just released a list of all the "libtards" they want dead by the end of the year? The ones that killed a few cops when they stormed the Capitol building armed with the intent on hanging the VP? You're asking if they're violent?


INew_England_mapping t1_itxw4es wrote

I like to count and see how many for each candidate I see, and make rough numbers based on sighs who I think would win


MaineSnowangel t1_itxy9qk wrote

Best one I’ve seen: “Any responsible adult”


queenaldreas t1_ity8mvk wrote

Also driving through any intersection and seeing a good 10 or more signs- what do you hope to accomplish? A little sign will change my vote?


dumbass_clouds t1_itycvxi wrote

Ya know, belive it or not, not every conservative is a violent monster. I'm about as liberal as they come, but it's fucking sad that I feel the need to defend Republicans. Just because an extreme faucet of conservatism is violent does mean that every person with overlapping views on some issues is.


ghostsintherafters t1_ityd34u wrote

The guy asked if that side was violent...

And they are. They've proven it. January 6th happened. We all saw it...

Like I said they just issued a list of people they want DEAD. They are openly asking their cronies to kill people.

Now what are you blathering about exactly...?


JimBones31 t1_ityegg5 wrote

I know which businesses to support or not when I see signs for election deniers out front. 👍


Ettuhenri t1_ityfa4z wrote

With certain yards it’s how I determine who NOT to vote for. So, useful in that sense.


Historyboy1603 t1_itynjam wrote

How can you have a view that’s positive of a man who says he grabs women by the pussy, whipped up a violent mob to storm the capital and overturn an election, is facing charges from everything from stealing nuclear secrets to massive tax fraud to rape and who told people to drink bleach to cure Covid, and NOT BE A MONSTER?


sexquipoop69 t1_ityo9lf wrote

Imagine you live in a place where most people you know are voting for Lepage. Maybe you don't like to stir the pot too much, you funny really like Lepage, but if that's who everyone else is voting fur you might as well too. Then you notice quite a few neighbors have put up Mills signs... Idk. It might be the case for somebody


cepheus42 t1_itysqeu wrote

I think they have some value at the local level, where there aren't ads up the wazoo all the time reminding us who to vote for. You know, like your city council, school board, etc. Giving those folks name recognition when someone is in the ballot box going "who are these people? Fuck it, I'll vote for that name I keep seeing on George's dooryard."

Here in Frederick, MD, they have the Apple Ballot. Put out by the teacher's union every year with their slate of preferred candidates for the school board. School board candidates don't have D or R beside their names, so having those available is very helpful to understand who is going to be doing work to help students learn, not help indoctrinate them into right-wing politics.


Natprk t1_ityuor8 wrote

I’m tempted to run them all down like I’m playing Mario cart


LumpyBumpyToad t1_itywvdt wrote

When they try to kill our democracy and the numbers don't move?

Then that defense falls flat. They might not all be bad enough to go flip the switch for the ovens... but if you just turn a blind eye to the trains going into the camps you're still a piece of shit.

Lot of train-spotters in the Republican party right now.


sirgoofs t1_ityxeoh wrote

I think most republicans are no more violent than average, but… when you think about a person who is obsessed with guns and firepower, which political party do you associate them with?

And although most gun owners are responsible, law abiding citizens, I think it’s a legitimate concern if you’re surrounded by armed neighbors who seem to be susceptible to lies about elections and a loss of freedom and liberty that come from a party led by politicians who continue to demonize their political opposition.


cake_swindler t1_ityz2ne wrote

The biggest thing the signs are doing in my town is causing everyone to lose their minds because people keep stealing them. I mean I get it, no one wants someone coming on their property and taking something that's not theirs, but it's just a campaign sign. Both parties are littering the entire state. Calm down.


Sonofabeechikeelu t1_itz0hf2 wrote

A few times my first voting cycles in my early 20s I only voted for the names I recognized on the signs. I know better now that I’m older. Lol.


Kangabolic t1_itz2qcc wrote

They do more than you think. A lot of people don’t follow or pay attention to politics but will still end up voting. For these people recognizing which names they think they saw the most of on those signs is who they vote for often times.

“I don’t know who these 2 or 3 people are at all, but I saw this persons name on a sign on every other lawn I passed for the last 6 months. They must be who I’m “supposed” to vote for.”


chickenispork t1_itz4rst wrote

All I’m saying is that if 48 ~% of the population is “often violent” we would be living in a far different landscape right now. These people down voting are obviously propagandized because you attack anyone who goes against the narrative even if they are on your side.


LumpyBumpyToad t1_itz6ipb wrote

People don't need to be actively violent. They just need to look away when the violence is being done by parties they otherwise agree with.

That one can be said about lots of groups, institutions, parties, etc.


DOGO8991 t1_itz8jll wrote

I angrily think this to myself daily


Gloomy-Guide6515 t1_itzbn99 wrote

First off, I don't watch CNN, or any television news; you're making a stupidly unfounded assumption in order to tell me I'm making a stupidly unfounded assumption. That's not the way to go.

Secondly: I agree with you that there are a few Republicans who don't support TFG, and that they have integrity. But my claims are these. One: the number of those people is diminishing.

Two: anyone who supports the big lies that the 2020 election was stolen is an active participant in the undermining of representational government. And that that makes them evil.

Tell me why you think those claims are wrong.


haventyetbegun2fight t1_itzbw84 wrote

We don't usually put signs out but did this year because there is a candidate we really like. It is also refreshing to see other democratic signs out on our street. My town tends to lean very trump so it's refreshing to see other people actually value human rights on our street


Gloomy-Guide6515 t1_itzd34z wrote

I'll repeat what I've said elsewhere; you are not the average conservative anymore. You are one of a rapidly vanishing species.

As every poll, and the results of four out of every Republican primaries in the US prove, the vast majority of self-labeled conservatives in the USA not only support TFG, but his nation-destroying big lie that the last presidential election was stolen. That lie is evil, its effects are evil, and anyone who supports it is corrupted to the point of evil.

Finally, to answer your question; am I stupid? No, and you know it. If you want to insult me do it with something that, at the least, has a remote possibility of accuracy. Or, better yet, direct your disapprobation at your political brethren who have lost their way.


Bassfishing98 t1_itzk9kl wrote

First off, I didn’t realize I was responding to you, the guy I did respond to 100% lives watching cnn.

I don’t believe a majority of republicans are in favor of trump, but I do believe most people, left or right leaning believe Trump was a better leader than Biden - some just don’t want to admit it.

I agree the people who believe the election was stolen are ignorant, but the left was doing the same after the 2016 election - so who are the evil ones?

I used to be left leaning until 2020 when I realized the party is going off the tracks and went extreme. I know consider myself center right because I don’t in most believe in most conservative or progressive views.

Finally I love how the left believes the right is all evil and scream about the capitol riot, but seem to forget about the George Floyd riots that killed way more people and caused tons of money more in damage. There are more democrats murdering republicans just over political views than the other way around.


theora55 t1_itzo04m wrote

Humans are social, and seeing what other people are doing may have some influence. They're not cheap - 3 - 4 dollars each. And people want them, whether they're shown to be effective or not.


Least-Car6096 t1_itzv9va wrote

Never before have the political lawn signs bothered me as much as they did this year. There were/are SO many littered everywhere that it makes our beautiful region look so trashy and gross. To the point where I felt it actually took away from our gorgeous foliage this year. As many of us know, nothing is more serene and majestic than cruising the back roads of New England and enjoying all of the bright colors. Peak Foliage season turns an otherwise boring, mundane, every day commute into a peaceful and pretty magical drive to work/school for hardly 1 month out of the year. Not when there are a million signs up & down every road though.

The ones that infuriate me the most are the massive clusters of 20 different signs on each corner of an intersection. As if anyone could even make out a damn thing in the jumbo mess of fonts, colors, and different sign sizes. What’s the point? If anything it’s not only ugly and trashy but very distracting.

me, driving down a peaceful windy back road: hey you know what I should do right now?! Try and read all 20 signs while I pass through this yellow blinking light intersection so I can decide who to vote for based off who’s campaign colors I like the best!!!


lookiamonredditnow t1_itzx67t wrote

I think it's mostly tribal recognition and encouraging likeminded people to vote. If you have a neighborhood full of Polliquin signs, maybe you don't feel so compelled to go vote Golden, and vice versa.


Historyboy1603 t1_itzzpuo wrote

There are a number of factually wrong statements in your post. The first is that a majority of Republicans don’t support Trump. This is wrong. Here’s a Qunnipiac poll

This poll could be an accurate, but not completely inaccurate.

Another piece that is factually wrong is that “the left” was doing the same thing as oh what a majority of the Republican Party is doing now in reference to the 2020 election.

Donald Trump says the election was stolen. Hillary Clinton conceded the election. More than 100 Republicans running for office this November say the election was stolen. No Democrats running for office in 2018 or no, say the 2016 election was stolen. There were no riots and after the 2016 election. There were no people killed protesting the 2016 election. There was no attempt by Democrats to overturn the 2016 election. All of these things were and are happening by Republicans now.


carinislumpyhead97 t1_iu01338 wrote

The more people you see that agree with you the more likely you are to go and cast your ballot for that person. There was a reason during the last election you would see a single trump sign one day and the next day with would be surrounded by Biden signs.


Historyboy1603 t1_iu02n2y wrote

I should add, by the way, that I believe that a healthy republican party that operates within the law and the Constitution is essential for a healthy America, even though I am not a Republican. The system is designed for healthy opposition.

But, starting with Newt Gingrich’s irresponsible game of chicken with Bill Clinton that led to the shutdown of the US government in 1994, the current Republican Party has gradually withdrawn from the give-and-take of two-party governance.

A second terrible, but not fatal, step was for Republicans to either support or improve upon the American Healthcare Act. While called Obamacare, that healthcare system was invented by the right-libertarian Heritage Foundation and made into political reality by Mitt Romney. It was a good-faith attempt to solve America’s health insurance crisis — the worst in the developed would — while preventing government-run single payer health insurance. When Republicans refused to engage the proposal in any way, it set the stage for Trumpism.

Trumpism, however, has crossed the Rubicon into political evil. The things Trumpists say on radio, rally, and television are now, routinely, illegal and impossible in a Constitutional Republic. For example, yesterday, Oct 26, 2022, I heard two right-wing radio hosts and a half dozen callers call for the assassination of Anthony Fauci. You will not hear anyone on what gets branded left-wing media call for the murder of Ron DeSantis.


Bassfishing98 t1_iu0idfh wrote

To your first response, that poll is over a year old, I’m sure a majority of republicans are in favor of DeSantis running for president than trump. I believe the current trumpers are just delusional about the election and still pissed how his presidency ended. At the same time I can’t blame them about the election though. We’re living in 2022, there’s absolutely no reason it takes days or weeks to “count” ballots - all while other countries have the results same day, it does seem really sketchy so I can’t hate them for it. You also act like all republicans are trump worshipping criminals when in reality it’s a small group.

As I said in another comment, I used to be a democrat until 2020 - now I consider myself middle right. I’m not religious at all, I don’t believe in banning abortions. But I also don’t think we could afford something like universal health care on top of paying off student loans and funding Ukraine while being trillions in debt already. Having open borders is extremely dangerous, all while the government wants to disarm the citizens. It’s a crazy and scary world we live in, wish we had better leaders.


Bassfishing98 t1_iu0k5z9 wrote

I mean I’m not conservative nor progressive but to me it seems democrats are the worse of the two evils so that’s why I’d like to hear why you believe the opposite.


Gloomy-Guide6515 t1_iu0t5jm wrote

Re: that poll is over a year old; I'm sure a majority of Republicans are in favor of DeSantis running for president.

I'd ask you to show me evidence -- any evidence whatsoever -- that this is so. But, it's not going to happen. I follow this stuff, closely. Trump STILL outpolls DeSantis by a minimum of 2-to-1 in every state.

I can show this to you, if you'd like. Or you can see for yourself.

But, that's sort of missing the point, because ANY person evincing ANY support for Trump as a candidate for president, even a second choice, is a betrayal of the republic. Whatever Trump may have been (I'm from New York, and I've met him more than once), he has morphed into a force for political evil. Just today, he betrayed the oath of office that he took, again.

Let me know your preference on the evidence that the vast majority of Republicans favor Trump over DeSantis.



spruceymoos t1_iu0udhn wrote

It’s bad for the environment, and divides neighbors. I’ll pass.