UnspecifiedApplePie t1_j25plla wrote
"Bye everybody, I'll remember you all in therapy"
dduubbz t1_j29pg1y wrote
That is how viruses work
itsonlyastrongbuzz t1_j24ws2f wrote
Hospitalizations are the highest they’ve been since January of this year, couple weeks ahead of last years winter surge.
Time to hunker down, test before gathering, and wear a mask in the grocery store for a couple weeks.
Or not, whatever.
I will, you guys do you.
KSF_WHSPhysics t1_j25beed wrote
"Hospitalizations are the highest they've been since this time last year" isn't really an alarming statement.
Coolbreeze_coys t1_j26ddzd wrote
It’s literally just a way of saying hospitalizations spike in January/the winter of every year lmao
KSF_WHSPhysics t1_j279g9i wrote
In other news, it hasnt gotten dark so early since this time last year. Tune in again at 5 for more things that happen in winter
itsonlyastrongbuzz t1_j26jrhk wrote
We’re hitting highs faster than we did last year.
And I would expect going into year 3 of this we’d know enough and have enough boosters to not hit hospitalizations annually.
hoopbag33 t1_j29lbvu wrote
Uh, there are plenty of boosters. I could easily make an appt and get one in October of this year, exactly when I wanted to get it, on like 2-3 days notice at a local CVS along with the flu vaccine.
We have them, people don't care anymore and aren't getting them at a high enough rate to do anything.
itsonlyastrongbuzz t1_j2ajo1s wrote
Right that was I thought I was getting across.
I would think that with ready access to boosters we’d have less hospitalizations than last year, not hitting them quicker.
BsFan t1_j25d0hn wrote
Could also say that are the same point as this past October and May. There are 200 people hospitalized in the state for covid now, and I bet a good chunk are not vaccinated
theliontamer37 t1_j24yz7t wrote
Yup , that’s how it should be. You do you, and let everyone else do them.
Impressive-Ride-7537 t1_j2515iq wrote
Well then you sir clearly don’t care about the elderly and children you monster! Ahh
SomePolack t1_j2586ur wrote
This is why we never contained COVID, something that would’ve been possible.
But muh freedom and having a never-ending pandemic is more important.
camelCaseAccountName t1_j25rdmz wrote
>This is why we never contained COVID, something that would’ve been possible.
It was definitely not possible, and actually never even the goal of lockdowns and other such measures (that was to slow the spread and prevent hospitals from becoming overwhelmed). It is simply impossible to totally contain a virus like this. Zero COVID is a total myth.
(And for the record, I'm fully in support of vaccine mandates and mask recommendations)
magellanNH t1_j25y1nu wrote
IMO, it depends on what you're willing to do and for how long. China's problem was that they didn't have an end game.
Before the vaccine, countries other than China, like Japan and Australia for example, strived for zero-covid with pretty harsh interventions. Both countries took less of a hit to GDP than the US did and both had significantly fewer deaths per capita than we did (US 3,226 deaths/million, Japan 453, Australia 648).
Even China isn't guaranteed to end up worse off than us. Epidemiologists are predicting 500k to 1 million deaths in China from this wave. If that happens, that'll put them at around 1/5 the death rate we had in the US. Also, they barely took any hit to GDP in 2020 and 2021 compared to the US (in 2022 they did take a hit, but it didn't come close to the hits we took).
So if we're keeping score, several countries implemented zero covid policies and did much better than the US in terms of both deaths and GDP hit.
SomePolack t1_j25rpcx wrote
Agree to disagree. I’m not saying everyone should’ve stayed home forever, but there were definitely more things to do before we gave up and let it spread everywhere.
Let’s not act like there was ever a lockdown - there was people staying home voluntarily.
theliontamer37 t1_j258qu0 wrote
Yup chinas no covid approach worked well. Lmfao
OldCoaly t1_j25e9h9 wrote
Is this the part where we pretend there’s literally no middle ground between being welded into your own home and not being allowed to tell customers in your own business to wear a mask?
I think we should encourage vaccination as much as possible, allow businesses to enforce their mask rules if they see fit, not whine at people taking measures to protect themselves, and proudly call out people that think they are freedom fighters but actually just don’t want to be inconvenienced in any way by limiting their public presence when they have COVID or another contagious illness. Those people aren’t noble patriots fighting tyranny, they are jerks that think their desire not to be inconvenienced matters more than the health of otters.
Let’s be honest. Masks aren’t hard to wear. I played D1 volleyball with an n95. Don’t try to tell me it’s impossible to survive a trip to the stop and shop with a mask on. If your or anyone else’s lungs are that frail, a COVID infection will destroy you.
theliontamer37 t1_j25fu1h wrote
Where did I say it’s hard to wear a mask? I wore a mask even when they had those ridiculous rules in place where you had to wear em when you came into a bar, but could take them off and stand shoulder to shoulder with ppl once you had a drink. I got double booster as soon as I could, and I’ve had two boosters. I don’t judge ppl, or businesses, who choose to be cautious or choose to implement policies in their place of business. It wouldn’t stop me from visiting a store if I had to wear a mask. What I am against is the government forcing business to implement policies that they don’t want to at this point. Thats why my first comment said let everyone do what they’re comfortable with.
OldCoaly t1_j25mznd wrote
Sorry, I don’t want to put words in your mouth. You contrasted no rules with a literal authoritarian lockdown. The US was never enforcing anything like China has. Sure, some of the rules were ridiculous, but my whole point is there is gray area between the two extremes. I think mask mandates made complete sense earlier when there was little immunity, vaccine or natural, for the public. I haven’t seen any proposals yet for businesses, only BPS, and studies showed the effectiveness of the mandates in the schools. That’s the government setting the rules for a government-run system. I just reflexively have to respond when it seems people try to equate any restrictions at all with police barricading you in like China.
SomePolack t1_j25blyn wrote
Oh wow the place wher the virus originated is still dealing with it? I’m shocked.
theliontamer37 t1_j25bzry wrote
Lmfao yup. The country where it originated, whose been dealing with it the longest, implemented the longest and strictest lockdowns in the world and it still didn’t contain covid. Thanks for proving my point bud, appreciate it
[deleted] t1_j25qqyv wrote
SomePolack t1_j25h97i wrote
Yeah except that’s not what’s happened in China but sure ok bud.
theliontamer37 t1_j25htpn wrote
Lmfao they were literally locking ppl in their homes. But ok
SomePolack t1_j25k5cm wrote
Yeah in the cities, you realize China is fucking massive right? You think every single person with COVID was locked in a room?
theliontamer37 t1_j25ksem wrote
I know the majority of ppl lived in and entered the cities were under strict covid lockdown restrictions and yet they still weren’t able to contain it. Which was my entire point.
SomePolack t1_j25p7e8 wrote
How could they contain something they were keeping silent? The spread in China was out of control before they could contain it because the CCP lied about it.
HoneydewOk1731 t1_j25bz9i wrote
It would have been physically impossible to prevent it from spreading to the US, unless all incoming flights were suspended. And we know how xenophobic that is perceived to be. The virus has entered endemic mode, and that’s a good thing
SomePolack t1_j25hhvj wrote
Shutting down all flights and then actually having people lockdown. Instead we let people do whatever they wanted and were shocked the virus kept spreading.
America never went into a full lockdown, not even close.
HoneydewOk1731 t1_j25lyss wrote
The lockdown would have to be never ending
SomePolack t1_j25oyi9 wrote
Not true, it ended before we ever got COVID under control so it wouldn’t have to be forever.
HoneydewOk1731 t1_j25pu6o wrote
Doesn’t matter. Unless the entire world agrees to the same lockdown measures, which may not have even worked the way you believe, the US would have to ban air travel indefinitely. I get that people want more reasons to hate Trump, but what you’re saying makes little sense
SomePolack t1_j25q48r wrote
I never even referenced the big bad tangerine and I think Biden has downplayed the pandemic for political unity.
All I’m saying is if I was in charge - we would’ve had no international travel as soon as the report hit my desk. Sort out to the problems later, save a million Americans.
HoneydewOk1731 t1_j25qcpo wrote
Would that travel ban extend into 2023? Because there are countries outside the US still experiencing covid
SomePolack t1_j25s0g2 wrote
Idk, we’re talking about hypotheticals here so who knows. Just saying I would’ve done a lot more than was done, if I had any say.
Definitely wouldn’t have told people not to worry and to keep gathering for holidays.
hawaiianbarrels t1_j258hbl wrote
what’s your solution? Nobody every leaves their house and always tests ? That’s worked really well for China
dante662 t1_j259ea7 wrote
People see what is happening in China and their disconnection with reality really hits home.
You cannot "contain" covid. You can stay locked down forever, or you can live with it. You can't semi-lock down, semi-mask, etc. All you are doing is creating more opportunities for the "triple-demic" we are seeing now due to lack of seasonal (and normal) virus circulation.
itsonlyastrongbuzz t1_j259jm1 wrote
Well that didn’t work because their vaccine didn’t work.
hawaiianbarrels t1_j25avzo wrote
Right - because all the other vaccine have been so effective in stopping the spread of disease (not lowering hospitalizations but actually stopping the spread)
SomePolack t1_j25hnbc wrote
No, but actually working together as a society to combat it would have been nice. America never fully locked down and many places never isolated at all.
It’s like doing nothing and saying it didn’t work - no shit!
metrowestern t1_j25gk0u wrote
Lol, ok. How’s China doing?
SomePolack t1_j25h5i4 wrote
Idk I live in MA.
metrowestern t1_j25hulg wrote
They locked people in apartment complexes from the outside. People starved to death. It’s terrible there now - travel testing was reinstated yesterday if I’m not mistaken. Containing this was never possible.
SomePolack t1_j25k733 wrote
metrowestern t1_j25ks1m wrote
You’re an idiot. Stay in your apartment till summer.
SomePolack t1_j25paea wrote
I think I’ll just wear a mask, wash my hands, and be careful but you can go fuck yourself while I do it.
metrowestern t1_j25ppxy wrote
Hah. What a sad life.
Aggravating_Log_6036 t1_j26ngnd wrote
You don’t wash your hands?
BossMagnus t1_j25p597 wrote
Work at a Boston Emergency Department, we have a lot of cases and admissions to the hospital, mostly elderly.
ok_backbay t1_j251twe wrote
Does XBB register on the at-home tests? I was sick for 2.5 weeks, lost taste and smell for two days, but tested negative 3 times.
_json_x t1_j25mxgy wrote
At that point who cares if you are testing negative or not. Clearly you’re sick with something, best to stay home til you’re symptom free and negative. IMHO.
RoaminRonin13 t1_j2641cn wrote
I don’t know about ok_backbay, but generally this kind of common sense seems to elude an amazing number of people.
Most of the people I work with have been smart / thoughtful enough to work from home when sick - but I still know people going to work, walking around coughing and being gross, with some “I took a Covid test and I’m negative” nonsense.
Yeah, but you’re still sick dummy - get away from me.
Edit: I should say, I know this is coming from a privileged position where my coworkers and I can work from home. Not everybody has that opportunity - in which case people should probably mask-up when they’re sick, Covid or not.
ok_backbay t1_j266ulb wrote
Luckily my current job can be done from home, but I am moving to a new job that requires being in the field at different locations. I will be masking up.
RoaminRonin13 t1_j269049 wrote
Sorry, I should say: this is an entitled position to take. Not everyone can work from home, or has the sick time.
[deleted] t1_j26aln1 wrote
RoaminRonin13 t1_j26co1e wrote
I meant my position, to say people should stay home - not everyone can do that.
Woah_Mad_Frollick t1_j26g916 wrote
I’m stupid
RoaminRonin13 t1_j299bd0 wrote
No, I wrote it in a weird / unclear way.
brufleth t1_j27pad6 wrote
Where I work they don't even take a covid test. They just come in and get people sick and act surprised when the other people get covid.
Somewhat related: had a co-worker dealing with a very sick grandkid who when asked didn't even know what RSV is.
bb5199 t1_j28mqmt wrote
Hardly anyone knew what RSV was until this year. For people over the age of two, it is a cold. Kids get sick. Kids get high fevers. Rest and fluids. It doesn't matter if it's called RSV, the flu, covid. All the same treatment for a kid.
RoaminRonin13 t1_j299qm9 wrote
Most people who have had children know what RSV is.
But yeah, for most people over the age of 1 or 2 RSV is a shitty cold. RSV was a big deal this year because it ripped through daycares and preschools - I realize it’s anecdotal, but everyone I know with kids under 5 had RSV in their home, and I know two people with babies that were hospitalized. It appears to have been a bad year for it.
Roszo21 t1_j2anvfe wrote
Allergies and dry winter air are a fairly obvious challenge to this since they can mimic mild COVID symptoms. It can be difficult to know what to do when you're just feeling a bit off.
bb5199 t1_j28mjsx wrote
No one is going to stay home until you're "symptom free." When you're at you're sickest, you should stay home like if you have a fever. But if you have a cough or sniffle afterwards as your illness improves, I would expect people to be back to their normal lives.
oldcreaker t1_j25spm8 wrote
Anecdotal, but I know three recent cases that tested negative initially with pretty strong symptoms, but tested positive 2-3 days after the symptoms developed. They all thought it was flu or other virus, then it turned out to be COVID.
swissarmyturtle t1_j272esx wrote
Exactly what happened to me a few weeks ago! Tested neg on the day I felt sickest, then came up positive the following day.
NeckarBridge t1_j276kpn wrote
Same. We were on alert in our household when my toddler had a high exposure at school. He got sick 4 days later, and me the day after him. So according to CDC you count onset of symptoms as day zero, my toddler and I both tested every day and didn’t get a positive until our respective day 7, long after the worst symptoms had resolved.
TheColorAndThe t1_j2817oj wrote
Same here. Had classic symptoms, super congested, headache, etc. and was testing negative for two days, on the third day of the test was like instant double line. Despite working with the public, it was my first time having Covid, super weird.
Laureltess t1_j28i2jj wrote
Same thing happened to my husband. Coworker spread Covid at the office Christmas party, he started having symptoms the Sunday before Christmas, but didn’t test positive until Tuesday. It’s now day 12 and even though his symptoms have been gone since day 6 he’s still showing a positive 🤷♀️
Stereoisomer t1_j25auxb wrote
Yes it still registers
alexabobexa t1_j269las wrote
I have been sick for more than a week and I don't think I can taste much or smell much but I tested positive for the flu. Negative for COVID on home test. The flu is crazy in NE right now so it could be that?
ok_backbay t1_j26b4j4 wrote
I didn't get tested for flu, didn't leave the house for almost 3 weeks, but that is what I believe I had as well. I still have a minor cough, and some vertigo when I move my head.
Barstomanid t1_j28g3l7 wrote
They say it's the worst flu year in a decade. I'm really trying to avoid it, since we already had covid and RSV in my house this winter, and I'm not trying to catch 'em all here. Kids bring home EVERYTHING from school...
CoffeeContingencies t1_j29ak4r wrote
And yet they are coming to school sick and very few people in the buildings are wearing masks. Kids have always been gross, but now we have ways to mitigate the grossness but aren’t utilizing them
kauisbdvfs t1_j266j9h wrote
Same here with just about the same experience.
gacdeuce t1_j28uilb wrote
Basically, with the newest variants, negative tests on the rapid tests (at-home tests) mean next to nothing. Positives should, however, be treated as accurate. This has been the case for a while.
hopkins_ghost t1_j2a582j wrote
I’ve been sick three times since early November, no positive tests. This last one felt JUST like the symptoms I had from getting the shot. I was wondering if these new variants might not show up on the tests
jgghn t1_j256cl7 wrote
If you're not already, make sure to do both nose and throat with the swabs. Even for older Omicron strains, it helps a lot to avoid false negatives.
kangaroospyder t1_j25hbjp wrote
"Make sure you use the tests improperly to show you are sick..."
Who cares what medical professionals say...
jgghn t1_j25nna7 wrote
[deleted] t1_j2586mq wrote
Stereoisomer t1_j25ay12 wrote
It’s totally a thing and not bad at all. Just twirl it as far back as you can without gagging, both sides. Then do cheeks and then nose.
[deleted] t1_j25npxf wrote
Smashed_Broccoli t1_j2689f5 wrote
Will we get stimmy checks again or nah?
H2AK119ub t1_j28ucxq wrote
Probably not with inflation still hovering over >5%.
SgtPapa t1_j2984bm wrote
Stim checks are the reason there is inflation. Who would have thought giving everyone free money would cause prices to rise 🤔
H2AK119ub t1_j29eatd wrote
Inflation is a multi-factorial problem. Constrained supply and high demand is probably a major contributing factory though.
SgtPapa t1_j29ggfd wrote
Print money out of thin air, give everyone newly printed money, people spend newly printed money which inputs more money into circulation which decreases the value of the existing money and now things that once $1 are now $1.75.
Both parties are to blame and now the Fed needs to raise interest rates in order to curb the inflation or else it will keep spiraling.
America_the_Horrific t1_j29i4oe wrote
I'd say the insane PPP cash grab was, not the paltry scraps they threw the masses
Hahafuckreddit t1_j2a2k24 wrote
Little of column A, little of column B. Sprinkle some column C on there too (astronomical Ukraine funds) oh and column D which is the broken supply chain.
America_the_Horrific t1_j2bed25 wrote
They printed 1.8 trillion. Shit certainly didn't go to anyone I know.
Commercial_Board6680 t1_j25uliw wrote
I've been vaxed 2X, boostered 2X. That's it. I know more shit's coming down the pike, but I don't care anymore. If it gets me, well then it gets me. Living like a scared rabbit ain't living.
tschris t1_j26atmt wrote
Is it really "living like a scared rabbit" to get a shot once or twice a year? I get a yearly flu shot and it doesn't feel like living in fear.
Commercial_Board6680 t1_j26dshs wrote
No, it's the fear of going out and enjoying life after being in semi-isolation for this duration. In other words, I'm not going to remain in isolation like I have, no matter what comes next. But I always get whatever annual vaccination is recommended as a general precaution.
tschris t1_j26f1a8 wrote
Isn't where most people are right now? Very few people are calling for more lockdowns and closures.
juanzy t1_j26vovm wrote
Vocal minority here though. A lot of virtue signaling and “look how alone I’ve started” Olympics.
Commercial_Board6680 t1_j2700kw wrote
Nah. Just old and vulnerable health. Had to take severe precautions. Now I'm bored and don't give a shit if my life depends on it anymore. Ironic thing, I always said we could lose to the microbes, then covid and all its mutations came along. Thought I'd be dead by now, so I think I just might live a bit first.
ipsumdeiamoamasamat t1_j27r84r wrote
Several co-morbidities here and I’m basically where you are. Fully vaxxed and boosted, I do the flu shot every year, I’ll still mask up on public transit, and my work shuttle (MASCO) requires you to mask up even if you don’t want to. Only so much you can do. Of course I don’t want anything to happen, but the Big Guy might have different plans. I’ll hang out at the bar, enjoy a couple cold ones and BS, and hope for the best.
Commercial_Board6680 t1_j29flig wrote
Yeah, I still wear a mask in crowded conditions, like public transit and waiting rooms. Some of the people in my building are ancient, so I'm cautious around them. But, yeah, overall, hoping for the best.
yahabbibi t1_j26past wrote
But you also said "that's it" after being vaxd and boostered x2. ??
Commercial_Board6680 t1_j26z7e4 wrote
Oh, hell! I thought the topic was the XBB variant. And all the other microscopic things that can kill us.
ipsumdeiamoamasamat t1_j26lay4 wrote
How dare you have a reasoned and nuanced take.
Commercial_Board6680 t1_j2708cc wrote
How dare someone downvote you? I love sarcasm.
Justtryme90 t1_j271m4l wrote
I have been vaxxed and boostered 2x as well. I've also had covid, and thanks to the vaccines, it wasn't bad, fever for two days, and was feeling good again in 5.
If it gets you, know your body is prepared to fight it off.
Commercial_Board6680 t1_j29eepl wrote
Thanks for the information. I appreciate it.
bb5199 t1_j28ndko wrote
"Thanks to the vaccine." Haaa- I hadn't heard that one in a while. For me, it wasn't that bad, fever for two days and feeling good in few days. No jabs.
Most cases of covid without vaccines are the same as you described or even fewer symptoms. Most of my vaxxed friends/family had much worse cases than my covid bouts with no vax.
Justtryme90 t1_j28wmtj wrote
No, they aren't. With out the vaccine covid is similar to how it has always been.
bb5199 t1_j29n13e wrote
Yes, exactly and similar to how it's always been since Apr 2020. It has been an inconvenience to healthy or non-elderly people and a bigger concern for those with multiple comorbidities and the elderly.
CitationNeededBadly t1_j264hj8 wrote
It's not just you that your decision impacts. You are also saying "If I kill some other people, I kill them. I don't care anymore."
Commercial_Board6680 t1_j26803r wrote
I'm fully aware of how respiratory diseases spread and, for nearly 3 years, I've taken all the proper precautions. I'm someone who gets a flu shot every year. My point being, I don't think I can last much longer not going to movie theaters, museums, and the like. If I don't get out amongst the living, what's the point in waking up? I may be an introvert, but I'm not an isolationist, so I'm ready to go out and take a chance before I go mad.
Academic_Guava_4190 t1_j26f0q2 wrote
Go! Get out and live life before, God forbid, they shut it all down again and you have no choice. You know how to be smart. Drink a lot of water, get your annual shots, wash your hands and face, cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze. Don’t wait until you are a lyric in Alanis’ Ironic 2.0
laflizzy t1_j2657pq wrote
Username checks out
THKMass t1_j267e7o wrote
Okay, lets flip this argument. Those people they put at risk should be vaccinated and boosted too. Then it THEY choose to go out that's a risk they assume. It's a risk we all assume.
CoffeeContingencies t1_j29be6j wrote
A lot of them literally aren’t allowed to get the vaccine per their doctors.
FitzwilliamTDarcy t1_j270173 wrote
You down with XBB?
AssWagon314 t1_j25vzbt wrote
Where the fuck is the sigma variabt
coaks388 t1_j2677wp wrote
The Sigma Virus just infests normal robots and makes them go crazy and turn evil.
(Megaman X reference in case anyone is confused)
sceaga_genesis t1_j27swdi wrote
The sigma better ligma
ssbSciencE t1_j28s5r0 wrote
Better than the smegma variant, that's for DAMNED sure
bitterbeanjuic3 t1_j268v59 wrote
Had it. 0/10. Do not recommend.
TeaWithMingus t1_j28w11e wrote
As a teacher, I just can’t wait to go back to work after break. Respectful kids, supportive parents, lovely administrators, and ohh the money gonna make me the big bucks.
legalpretzel t1_j29o1jc wrote
I want schools to make masks mandatory so my kid won’t be picked on for wearing his.
helloshiitty t1_j278459 wrote
Oh no not the Ligma variant
fairywakes t1_j27qqib wrote
Not the sugma variant
candidcamerapeepshow t1_j25efo7 wrote
Artvandelay2019 t1_j25y1zz wrote
Will this one show up on the at home tests? Been sick for 2 weeks and no sign of it going away yet.
Puzzleheaded_Okra_21 t1_j28h8l6 wrote
Boston, it's high time to get that bivalent booster. Be a champ, not a chud.
Kingpine42069 t1_j28jr7a wrote
what about the ligma variant
Large_Inspection_73 t1_j299hhz wrote
[deleted] t1_j25o9jj wrote
WarthogFaced_Buffoon t1_j274lpy wrote
I'm gonna be honest. I don't really give a fuck.
RailRoad_Candy t1_j26svwn wrote
Until it looks like WWZ outside I think I'm done worrying.
Correct-Ad1023 t1_j289ewm wrote
roadtrip-ne t1_j28v805 wrote
Been there, got that
ZanyLady t1_j292h1m wrote
Lol - my boyfriend and I spent the holidays in Buffalo where we were snowed in for 4 days. Narrowly escaped the storm and drove back to Boston only to realize we were positive for COVID the next morning.
My boyfriend is in grad school and was taking finals right until he flew in to Buffalo. Since we were basically quarantined from the snow in Buffalo, we’re hypothesizing my boyfriend must’ve caught it during finals - XBB must be the culprit!
Snow quarantine —> COVID quarantine 🫠🫠
Correct-Ad1023 t1_j289goo wrote
That’s nice. No one cares
qmccaffery t1_j29gjrx wrote
who gives af
[deleted] t1_j259bkp wrote
garvierloon t1_j26xoha wrote
Oh fuck kehd, these guys got the Casey Affleck Variant
[deleted] t1_j25nkjc wrote
[deleted] t1_j26kt1q wrote
My-Left-Plate t1_j27nprg wrote
Yeah man those scientists and experts really suck with their stupid knowledge. Who needs em when we have Tucker to tell us what to think??
[deleted] t1_j27ob3v wrote
My-Left-Plate t1_j27oqfx wrote
I don’t understand but I’m also an idiot so I’m with you my dude
EZ-PZ-Japa-NEE-Z t1_j26r9p9 wrote
zwermp t1_j27wgl7 wrote
People get sick in the winter. More at 11.
MinneapolisKing25 t1_j25csrp wrote
Do we finally have our own variant?! A bummer for sure and hope people don’t get too effected (affected? I never know). I just like seeing home being blasted on things. Stay safe everyone!
DanieXJ t1_j296fom wrote
Don't mess with the 'a' vs. 'e', just rewrite the sentence. In this case I'd go with infected.
mikehoncho1955 t1_j25ylqt wrote
I heard it’s cut with fentanyl
lqdizzle t1_j25n4sn wrote
Last year they brought back masks the week before new years, it’s an improvement over that nonsense.
Anyone who isn’t vaxxed at this point is beyond help. Everyone else, If you’re vulnerable please choose to stay home rather than forcing me to.
Yeti_of_the_Flow t1_j25p464 wrote
Yea. Those damn entitled vulnerable people wishing to go to the grocery store are forcing you to do so much. Masks aren't nonsense. Taking precautions to protect those most vulnerable isn't an affront to you. Yes, those unvaccinated are beyond help, but mate... people have the right to exist in society, the least you can do is wear a mask to keep everyone a little safer.
timecoyote t1_j26gksa wrote
Vulnerable people can wear N95 masks to protect themselves
Yeti_of_the_Flow t1_j26i2in wrote
Mate, if the experts say to wear a mask, wear a mask.
timecoyote t1_j26kbyl wrote
If I'm at a hospital, fine. If I'm sick, fine. But it's been long enough, I'm vaxxed and boosted multiple times, and I'm going to the bar and chatting with people without a mask. I need to be a person again.
Yeti_of_the_Flow t1_j26kh4p wrote
Wearing a mask makes you not a person? Stop reading right wing nonsense.
timecoyote t1_j26lszl wrote
No, staying home all the time and only going out in a mask for essentials makes me not a person. I'm left wing. Don't @ me.
Yeti_of_the_Flow t1_j26lx46 wrote
Makes you not a person, what the hell are you talking about. Oy vey.
f0rtytw0 t1_j27sl1p wrote
Remember, you don't wear a mask to protect yourself, you do it to protect others. The mask doesn't do much to protect you, but it does a lot to keep your shit from spreading.
So you could have COVID, be pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic but be spreading it everywhere. This is one the reasons it was able to spread so quickly in the past, if I feel fine, don't think I am sick, then I see no reason to take any measures, like wearing a mask.
firestar27 t1_j2970q7 wrote
>Remember, you don't wear a mask to protect yourself, you do it to protect others. The mask doesn't do much to protect you, but it does a lot to keep your shit from spreading.
This was commonly thought earlier in the pandemic, but now we know that a good mask can protect you just fine. I don't think that cloth mask will do much in that regard, but a medical mask will help protect you somewhat, and a properly worn N95 will give you solid (but not perfect) protection. Masks still protect others, and I'd guess they probably protect others more than they protect you, but they do protect you, and so it can still be worth wearing a good mask even just to reduce your personal risk.
Academic_Guava_4190 t1_j26fso5 wrote
I have still been wearing masks in places like grocery stores, pharmacies, post office, etc where people sick, vulnerable, and the like may HAVE to go regardless of your health status. But I definitely think people should not be going out to eat or the movies what have you if they aren’t feeling well.
lqdizzle t1_j25qdzd wrote
Put me out of work for months and I lost things I won’t get back. It absolutely forced a lot on me. Get vaxxed. wear a mask and protect yourself if you’re extra vulnerable. That’s appropriate.
gacduece t1_j26js1l wrote
The vulnerable were fine before covid.
Academic_Guava_4190 t1_j26ffhw wrote
This ^ if people would just be responsible when they feel sick or unwell we wouldn’t be in this mess. Stay home from everything - school, work, fun - if you don’t feel well
Revolutionary-Ear-11 t1_j262liz wrote
This is a non story
symonym7 t1_j25ioy7 wrote
Ah cool, subvariant of omicron, which I already had, after being 2x moderna’d.
OldCoaly t1_j25vtkh wrote
That’s the fun thing about viruses. They mutate. I also got omicron despite having 3 vaccines at the time. 2 Moderna plus a booster. The current round that’s out, number 4 for those that got them as they rolled out, was specifically made for omicron and it’s derivatives. I got that this fall after I got sick at the end of spring and have been exposed multiple times since with no infection. It’s like wearing a long sleeve shirt in September. It’ll keep you warm enough, but when December comes that protection isn’t enough and you need something stronger. The virus mutates and experts can’t really predict how the major mutations will occur. They try to react as fast as possible, which is why the newest vaccines are so effective against omicron derived variants despite the first doses released being pretty useless to them.
symonym7 t1_j260tz4 wrote
So, you were thrice vaccinated, got omicron, and were then exposed to a new variant + 4th boost, with no ill effect. Given that the initial 3 vaccinations did not protect you, is your assumption still that the 4th dose was the ultimate protection in your exposures vs natural immunity? I’m reading your comment as: was vaccinated, got sick, then didn’t get sick after subsequent exposure.
OldCoaly t1_j261570 wrote
Thrice vaccinated, those three were based on the first variants. Omicron gains traction. Get omicron. Four months later get vaccine made for omicron. Four months since many exposures, no infection, over 8 months after omicron infection.
symonym7 t1_j2631ug wrote
Ah, so the assumption is that natural immunity’s effective period is equal to that of vaccination.
justhereforporn17629 t1_j25l4pj wrote
Who even cares at this point? Can't live in a bunker forever.
mtmsm t1_j25n1sl wrote
You don’t have to live in a bunker. At a minimum, get your omicron booster and wear a mask. 90% of people are not doing those two very simple things.
If you want to be extra careful, rapid test before gatherings. It takes 15 minutes and the tests are free.
Just because you can’t prevent COVID 100% of the time doesn’t mean you have to just throw your arms up and say, “oh well, nothing we can do!”
Yeti_of_the_Flow t1_j25oq3n wrote
Uh, you should care. Wtf.
justhereforporn17629 t1_j25rkd6 wrote
It's a cold. A bad cold but that's it. When this all starred and it appeared much more virulent I was cautious as can be? But now?
Also absolutely lol @ "at a minimum get your omicron booster and wear a mask". How about the minimum being stop being a fat ass, eat an actually healthy diet, stop smoking, get your blood sugar under control etx. THOSE would be the actually effective things to do to protect yourself in the event you caught it.
man2010 t1_j26hdhd wrote
Doing those things and getting vaccinated aren't mutually exclusive
qmccaffery t1_j29gdrv wrote
telling the truth they don’t wanna hear, hence al them downvotes😂😂
[deleted] t1_j25qq41 wrote
Its_me_mikey t1_j25lr41 wrote
It’s been more than 4 hours. Should I call the doctor?
MBOSY t1_j25svli wrote
Time for another culture war while we all get mildly sick for a couple of days.
laflizzy t1_j263r1l wrote
Hey am I allowed to ask whatever happened with that Boston University COVID variant research? You know the one where they were creating new variants in a lab. Or does that make me a conspiracy theorist
Idk seems odd to me that story would come out and 2 months later we have a new dominant strain that is locally specific to New England
Shapen361 t1_j25grrq wrote
Does anyone know anyone who has died of COVID in the last year? It seems like it's going the way of the flu through vaccines and natural immunity.
DildoBreath t1_j25xr64 wrote
I work in a Boston ICU, people are still dying.
boston_acc t1_j25r8er wrote
The vast majority (if not all) public health professionals I’ve heard have acknowledged that COVID is endemic at this point, much like the flu. The issue seems to be whether we should allow each iteration to continuously demand public policy interventions, despite the free availability of vaccines and the clear centering of hospitalizations around children and the elderly (again, much like the flu).
Pete_Dantic t1_j25ypa4 wrote
>The vast majority (if not all) public health professionals I’ve heard have acknowledged that COVID is endemic at this point, much like the flu.
I don't know that this is as generally agreed upon as you think. Endemicity entails predictability, which, unlike the flu season, COVID does not have. We've gotten waves year round.
Shemsuni t1_j25bl2t wrote
Cool story.
Dukeofdorchester t1_j25l6m1 wrote
Should I have burgers for dinner or pasta?
[deleted] t1_j25mojc wrote
patwm11 t1_j25pwef wrote
Dukeofdorchester t1_j267p8o wrote
Just ate a burger. Life is awesome.
patwm11 t1_j267svy wrote
Fuck yea man, what did you put on it?
Dukeofdorchester t1_j26csfk wrote
Lotsa mustard and ketchup, red onion and snapped a romaine on that bitch
patwm11 t1_j26d6v8 wrote
That sounds delectable, very nice
TATA456alawaife t1_j259lq9 wrote
Screaming, crying, shitting my pants, vomiting all over the place in terror of the Beta Kappa Alpha Sigma Omega variant
speedskis777 t1_j25f02g wrote
“And the next one! And the next one! And the NEXT one…. And the next one…”