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lorddendem t1_jbfv0py wrote

To my knowledge, they are selling turtles that are not suppose to be sold. Either illegal due to species or size.


courageous_liquid t1_jbfv6pj wrote

There used to be a turtle trap house somewhere near like 21st and federal that got shut down years ago that apparently supplied most of them, didn't realize they came back.


drunkcowofdeath t1_jbfwtas wrote

I'm driving through the wrong intersections. Everyone just asks me me for money. No one told me I could be getting turtles out of this.


Dudemaintain t1_jbg6je8 wrote

I remember when it was the best pretzels ever.


dwsam t1_jbg7vvb wrote

Special? $10 each or 3 for $20.


KarlitoTheAquaLlama t1_jbga07s wrote

They are illegal! Baby turtles are illegal to sell, really grinds my gears


Yerdonsh t1_jbgaac3 wrote

Years ago we took our kids to the zoo and there was a guy selling baby turtles and Michael Jackson tee shirts at the gas station next to the zoo. Of course my kid wanted a turtle! Now I realize that baby turtles are very easy to catch along creeks and canals, red eared sliders are invasive. They are everywhere along the Schyulkill canal in Mont Claire for example.


ClintBarton616 t1_jbgc7jp wrote

Never in my life as a Philadelphian has anyone ever tried to sell me a turtle at an intersection. Puppies, ferrets, weed and scalped tickets - but never turtles


longdrive20 t1_jbgew7a wrote

They sell your the cage … ans it comes with a free turtle .. loopholes


Legitimate_Onion_653 t1_jbgig8h wrote

PSA please do not buy these. They can make you very sick as they carry salmonella often.


anniecatt2 t1_jbgiuo0 wrote

You’re paying way too much for turtles, who’s your turtle guy?


surferdude313 t1_jbgk2ur wrote

Dont buy turtles. They can live 20+ years, require a large tank, heating lamps, water heaters, food, filters for cleaning. My sister bought me two as a gift for Christmas 10 years ago. I have one bc the survivor killed the other. These are not pets they are commitments


Ng3me t1_jbgo4g4 wrote

They used to sell them at the city hall EL stop too.


RowdySuperBigGulp t1_jbgo6o7 wrote

They used to sell them at the Roosevelt mall flea market . I bought one and the lil dude lived for over a year and a half before he went tits up.


SomeOtherOrder t1_jbgorxd wrote

Of all the illegal ways to make dog shit money, this is one of the dumbest.


cartoonboobs t1_jbgua0n wrote

I bought mine for 20$ at the Cecil b stop in 2012, it came with a little plastic tank with a palm tree. Now I have a 10 year old turtle and a 90 gallon tank that requires regular maintenance. They’re a really big commitment, I did not expect this turtle to live 4 months let alone 10 years.


MomsSpecialFriend t1_jbgugy4 wrote

I bought two off of the street a year ago. Turns out they need a ridiculous amount of care, and they are expensive to own. One already needed a surgery 🙄. I wonder if any of the other babies have survived from that day.


lanternfly_carcass t1_jbgvuep wrote

I'm not sure if it's connected to a few masjids or not. The guy at Berkley and Pulaski in Germantown sells turtles and lizards in spring and summer. He also sells juice. I think he's part of the masjid on Germantown ave.


cracker707 t1_jbgxgl4 wrote

Jesus can humans stop bothering animals for the love of god?!! If it's not a cat or a dog it's not a pet it's a prisoner because it would leave your house if it could.


diatriose t1_jbh2097 wrote

This always makes me so sad. It's animal abuse


SomePaddy t1_jbhb2z3 wrote

Sure, for street turtle, but I've got a turtle card so I get primo purple haze Himalayan turtles from the turtle dispensary. Sure, I've got to pay taxes on them, but they're organic and you can really lose yourself in the sworls on their shells.


SomePaddy t1_jbhbv2y wrote

>I did not expect this turtle to live 4 months let alone 10 years.

Fast forward to your grandkids telling their grandkids that your poor impulse control is the reason for the 70lb turtle in the back yard.


Waru_ t1_jbheyqk wrote

I’m looking for a turtle, let me find the right intersection


NoREEEEEEtilBrooklyn t1_jbhfv6w wrote

Why would someone buy them? On impulse, like my wife did. It was a mistake, they live forever, get fucking huge, and smell terrible. We ended up giving it to her weird brother who likes reptiles.


jayradano t1_jbhhidc wrote

Lol this been a hustle from the streets for years now. My boy used to sell em In Camden.


Violet-Venom t1_jbhj4nn wrote

I saw one of these dudes at the gym recently. Just vibing on the elliptical with a kritter keeper full of baby turtles next to him.


mklinger23 t1_jbhkwie wrote

I grew up in the Poconos. This was relatively common. I knew people that would drive to NYC to sell them. Turtles are really easy to raise. I used to catch them in rivers and ponds. I'm assuming people can grab a few turtles and breed them. All of a sudden you have hundreds.


Unpopular_couscous t1_jbhv3pr wrote

Yea apparently a bunch of our neighbors have been complaining to rep parker about them and about a month ago she declared "problem solved, the guys will not be back." I think cops have been doing regular checks on them and confiscating their inventory when they see them. But they're still there every day. The money must be too good to pass up


futurelullabies t1_jbifdj5 wrote

they get them from the creeks i think. i had one and it got stolen when i left it on my porch.

rip speedy.


Blackcameleopard t1_jbj81jx wrote

Is the turtle soup scene back? Galapagos tortoises took forever to be properly classified because they were so incredibly delicious apparently


jbphilly t1_jbj82h1 wrote

Even if you could, these are probably invasive species that shouldn't be released into local ecosystems and there's no viable way to get them back to whatever part of the world they originate in.


LaxinPhilly t1_jbj9h0a wrote

My neighbor has a full ass Tortoise. It has its own room and isn't fully grown yet at 200 lbs. He had to have a will drawn up so he can bequeath it to someone because the Tortoise will outlive him just to even purchase the thing.

He tried to get me to inherit it and my wife was a solid "No".


DFHartzell t1_jbjcyv2 wrote

I buy one every time. Turtles are the next big thing.


Minute_Chipmunk250 t1_jbjg8l5 wrote

Yeah these are usually red-eared sliders, which are not native and will screw with the local wildlife. That's one of the huge problems with these turtle guys -- people get sick of their pets and release the turtles into local ponds, where they absolutely take over.


P8ntba1141 t1_jbjok3j wrote

I know someone who bought some red sliders in this manner. They are Philly turtles with a Philly attitude straight up, one ended up eating the other while they had abundant food and space.

Edit: Posted this tragedy to just let everyone know, think before you buy street turtles. They are a big responsibility.


casp514 t1_jbkarl4 wrote

I got one as a kid outside the zoo. It was Memorial Day Weekend 2008. That turtle is still alive, is female (has laid eggs), and is named Shelley. She's pretty cute and lives in my grandfather's spare bathtub in the winter, and a stock tank in the backyard in the summer. I would not recommend having a red eared slider or really any turtle as a pet to anyone that doesn't already like herps... like a lot.

Edit: I also specifically wouldn't buy a street turtle, like others have mentioned there's a big Salmonella problem, unethical breeding, and they're illegal to own as they're an invasive species


ScoutG t1_jbr2af1 wrote

I saw someone carrying one around 16th and Market the other day.