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FyuckerFjord OP t1_iud8v1l wrote

Walked by one of these signs on the ground and saw it upside down for the first time. Granted, I have a creative eye and day-dreamer's mind, but it's not that far of a stretch. Not saying it was intentional design or even a Fruedian slip, but certainly interesting.


anthonylornemontague t1_iudacgi wrote

This is kinda ridiculous. He definitely shouldn’t be our Senator, but he isn’t KKK. Come on!


Jsr1 t1_iudaome wrote

Mallory is deplorable, and a bannon groupie! Fuck this guy! Carpetbagger flatlander!


Alive_Net464 t1_iudd6vn wrote

You’re gonna lose it when you find out what you can do with a 20 dollar bill


RevolutionaryHelp940 t1_iuddjmk wrote

This guy is completely irrelevant and has a less than zero chance of winning. People shouldn’t spend a second of their day thinking about him. Already seen way to many posts on here about him.


UnloadedGunn t1_iudhlod wrote

Just because he has no chance of winning doesn’t mean we can’t talk about how weird it is that a third of our state seems to have no problem with the guy.

Like, an anti-masking, January 6th-er who refuses to say that Joe Biden won a legitimate election is getting a not insignificant amount of people in Vermont to support him. Ignoring that is not a good idea, regardless of what his chances of winning are.


charliedontplaydat t1_iudizof wrote

Okay, you do you.

Edit: free speech is free speech, but associating a person with a hate group is something else entirely. OP can make whatever memes they want, however shitty in quality they want, but the point remains they’re making a big accusation here.

I’m a socialist and a progressive and don’t support Malloy. I have a favorite Malloy “decoy” sign in fact. You guys can get butt hurt but libel is a slippery slope to edge upon the precipice of.


Map42892 t1_iudmsgz wrote

Love browsing these memes while I'm in the bathroom deploying a malloy


random_vermonter t1_iudppdt wrote

It’s bad enough that Malloy is connected to Bannon and expressed sympathy for the 1/6 insurrection. He has no place representing Vermont!


KingKababa t1_iudu08i wrote

I feel like making fun of him for being from away is like convicting someone of "murder, grand theft, and jaywalking." Like he's a turd, but I think the non-VT birth certificate is probably not really in the same category as his heinous viewpoints.


td241 t1_iudvuco wrote

Alright that’s it. You guys are obsessed with this rando. I’m gonna vote for him just to piss you off.


MrsMags18 t1_iudxb62 wrote

Y’all are so dumb 😂😂


vtmtct t1_iudxcjz wrote

Welch rhymes with belch. And belch is what happens when your drink beer. And beer was the favorite drink of Germans in WWII. My god…Peter Welch is a Nazi.


jaredh_d2012 t1_iudz7mw wrote

Scary Bird Man hides KKK symbolism on flyer


Human802 t1_iue4k1l wrote

I’d rather see a list of statements or policies of his you disagree with, this is just cringe.


FyuckerFjord OP t1_iue5oan wrote

All of them, at least the ones he's attempted to elaborate. But most of his drivel is either deflections to his time in the military or regurgitated empty talking points from the MAGA platform.

This photo, however, is not a critique of his statement or policies - it's just that his logo's eagle beak looks like a specific historical hood, nothing more.


Twombls t1_iue62l8 wrote

Malloy schills out in full force today.


EmeraldMoose12 t1_iuefv2k wrote

This guy is living rent free in a lot of your heads haha


Blender345 t1_iuegbyi wrote

I guess we see what we want to see.


FyuckerFjord OP t1_iuei9w8 wrote

This guy plastered hundreds of signs all over the place, including my neighborhood, for an election in a few days. I saw one and thought, "Hey, that looks like a Klan hood." So no, sorry.

Living rent free is screaming "but her emails" and "Benghazi!" unprovoked all these years later.


fjwjr t1_iuejygr wrote

Comments like that are so juvenile and predictable. No thought involved. Just a predictable knee jerk response to anything you don’t like. It doesn’t make me weary of the person you’re talking about. It makes me more interested in that person because you’re not able to articulate what you see as ‘wrong’. So I’m going to look into it myself with a more understanding eye.

In other words, you’re irrational hate is going to more likely make me more sympathetic to the victim of that hate.


random_vermonter t1_iuek5qu wrote

That last line makes absolutely no sense. If I was shitting on Trump or Putin, would you become a stan for either?

But you do you. The rest of us will continue to point out the absurdity of Gerald Malloy and his bootlickers.


Blender345 t1_iuekv01 wrote

When you make up something fictitious from something, it isn’t real. You literally made something You wanted to see. You could’ve ignored it but chose not to. Just had to point out the ignorance. Typical Reddit “is this racist”? So easily offended by nothing. Sad


fjwjr t1_iuem8n7 wrote

No. You still don’t seem to understand. I know literally nothing about this guy. I’ve seen no ads or flyers. Just signs. So I see someone who only says ‘he’s KKK and so are his followers’ is an obviously stupid statement.

And you say you’ll continue to point out his absurdity, but you’ve pointed out nothing. This is such a useless thread and you’ve contributed nothing to it. This literally applies to you.


random_vermonter t1_iuemfhq wrote

You don't seem to know anything either. You've been silent on Stephen K.Bannon's support of Malloy and Malloy's sympathy for 1/6 insurrectionists, even saying that he wishes he was there.

You're just attacking me because you don't like that I and others have an opinion on someone you probably like and support.


Blender345 t1_iuenyfa wrote

It looks nothing like It which is why you had to flip It around and break it down until it looked how you wanted. Your post is because you’re butt hurt I’m just rubbing your nose in it


mfremeau65 t1_iueplo3 wrote

I see the crazy people are out today. A bit of a stretch


fjwjr t1_iuepsfj wrote

So you can’t read. I literally said that I know nothing about this guy. facepalm emoji

Here we go though. I bet your next response is that I’m KKK because I don’t know about the guy….

In 3, 2, 1…..


EmeraldMoose12 t1_iueqvb1 wrote

Except it really doesn’t look like a clan hood. Quite a stretch. I’m sorry the signs upset you so much you think about them after you see them. It’s also quite apparent you’re threatened by the opposing candidate and you don’t have enough faith in your candidate.


EmeraldMoose12 t1_iues54o wrote

Actually, by reading your comments in this post it’s apparent you thought about this way too much. As myself and others have pointed out, it doesn’t even look close to what you’re insinuating. You. Are. A. Fucking. Idiot.


Blender345 t1_iuexejn wrote

I am the goat and I eat whatever I want but thank you. Idiots like you are dessert so let everyone see how dumb you are. Take a few more hours to make a post like this and make sure you keep coming up with foolish responses


Blender345 t1_iueyjrr wrote

I smell like it because I am. Nice try. Go back to your safe space and make another meme. Like I said try harder next time


Blender345 t1_iuez85w wrote

Because I am the goat. Go hide from the sun and reality ;)


potato-balls t1_iuf63px wrote

Youre a total conspiracy theorist, stupid karma farming for liberal VT cucks


FyuckerFjord OP t1_iufb5ix wrote

Except there's more proof of Republicans marching around with Nazi and Confederate flags than there's evidence of Q.

When you mate with other potato-genitalia people at your QAnon meetings, do you catch potato bugs or the crabs Marjorie Taylor Greene is circulating?


fjwjr t1_iufg5ju wrote

Because you said something hateful and dumb just for the sake of being hateful and dumb.

I don’t know anything about this guy other than (now) I realize he’s a Republican. And from your responses, it seems that’s all you know too and you’re such a tribalist that it causes you to post hateful things without knowing anything of what you’re talking about.

I could easily go to his website and learn about him, but I’m waiting for you to teach me up. So far you don’t seem to be able to.


VinylTaco t1_iufimcj wrote

Every generation has had a safe space. Safe space is nothing new. I mean there is literally a song from the 80's about someone feeling safe in their car. Prior to that we had the 50's with bowling alleys where men did not let women so they could be safe....


FyuckerFjord OP t1_iufjo07 wrote

The parties switched views between the two Roosevelt presidencies. Google it along with The Southern Strategy. Or just ask yourself why the GOP is fighting so hard to keep Confederate statues up when the Dems formed the KKK?

You're not the party of Lincoln, you're the party of oppression, gaslighting, and regression.


Blender345 t1_iufjww9 wrote

Your basement is probably the best safe space, hiding from facts or opinions you’re afraid of (no necessarily you but some people). To call people nazis because they disagree with you is a bit much.


VinylTaco t1_iufjxhe wrote

It just logically does not make sense. Soy is a great source of protein for those who have many allergies. Also, it is a great crop that has helped many farms in the midwest to sustain their families through both financial means and food means. So, I am lost. You aren't doing a great job explaining much of anything while having a username about a nightshade from south America and a pair of basic geometric shapes.


VinylTaco t1_iufki7e wrote

I don't call people Nazis that aren't Nazis. That's just dumb. Also, following facts is not difficult. Take anything mental health related. If it is not supported by the APA and peer reviewed. Then it is not fact.


VinylTaco t1_iufksff wrote

That's a rather odd response. I don't see how this response has anything to do with one of the largest crops worldwide. I'd be curious as to how this conclusion came about. Could you elaborate?


potato-balls t1_iufkx8v wrote

No actually thats wrong, deeeerr gOoGlE wOuLdnT Lie. Actually the parties never switched, democrat slave owners moved north when the south Republicans banned slavery, the democrats went north with thier slaves and started manufacture work in NE cities and repubs went youre really dumb


potato-balls t1_iufli6z wrote

Yes, as your wife is out with her boyfriend they come home hot and heavy, booze on the breath...they start kissing and taking off clothes in front of you and he hands you his cell phone saying..."can you record this" sip you glass of soy milk and say yes sir...long atory short, she gets a cream pie and you grab a towel to clean her up while he drinks your beer..


Blender345 t1_iufmfhz wrote

I’m in the northeast so it’s very rare. People pretend like it’s all over because if someone disagrees they’re racist. People can’t handle the fact that others have differing opinions. It’s okay to think someone is dumb without saying they’re racist or whatever else to demonize them. If someone is outright racist and actually says what people pretend they’re saying then it’s understandable. Too many people put words in peoples mouths. Actions speak louder


potato-balls t1_iufmupu wrote

Everyone knows to go behind a Wendy's you live under a rock? The reaction is caused by he thinking she married a man with testosterone only to find a pile of estrogen


VinylTaco t1_iufn05z wrote

Yeah I don't agree with a lot of conservatives that say they're Christians. I don't call them racist. Misguided for sure and they could use a basic college level biblical studies course, for sure. Racist nah.


Blender345 t1_iufnuyr wrote

There’s ignorance on every side in many forms. Many more people are more middle than the news would say but they’re trying to divide people. Unfortunately it makes people like the one who made this post trying to spread a false narrative over opinions. Pro life? Pro choice? Is one racist if they believe one or the other? According to some it does, so spreads the ignorance.


potato-balls t1_iufpv6r wrote

Youre a great example...although your wife was probably born with a long cylinder for a vag but you should get the point by now...maybe hop on a short bus and strap that helmet on and youll take the reading rainbow express to class


FyuckerFjord OP t1_iufq6cx wrote

Yes, everyone just picked up and moved one Saturday in May. It was as easy as that. ROOOOoofflfllfLMFAO!!

You simple syrup sucking son a streetwalker. Here's some of the things you learn when you go to school because you want to - not because daddy potato balls is holding the belt.

(College. I mean college. I just realized you wouldn't get that.)


potato-balls t1_iufqppq wrote

Yes exactly, one Saturday in May they all did, your true lack of history is normal, but you sound utterly stupid when youre trying to save face on something you clearly know nothing about, it took decades nit wit, but parties never ever changed like genders do nowadays lol


FyuckerFjord OP t1_iufr39x wrote

I posted the evidence there. Now you're willfully ignorant. Pretty sure Ted Cruz flies in from Cancun to give you a badge on your little Conservative Sash for that one. Congrats!


FyuckerFjord OP t1_iufrvci wrote

Is that what Alex Jones wrote on the back of the bottle? Lol Good luck with that. Any rope you shoot is gonna look like it came from a revolutionary war-era schooner. There's your freedom rope lol


potato-balls t1_iuft4al wrote

Azov battalion in Ukraine is a nazi group with swastika tattoos...thats an easy one...u.s. has no business being involved and sending 80billion dollars for mony laundering...its our tax dollars. If you want war, youre a scum bag, worthless human who trusts the government. Ukraine has bombed thier own people just like russia has in Donbass. But im sure thats all waaaay over your head


FyuckerFjord OP t1_iufw7xn wrote

Mmm. A side of homophobia to go with that manure-dull wit. I bet your mom tells you you're a real catch.

Okay, Spudnuts. It's been fun setting stupidity traps and watching you walk into them, but it's time to head out for some Halloween fun.

If you're that lonely you can reply now and wait for me to come back like a good boy. :)


Treestyles t1_iug94v3 wrote


I see a cicada with hummingbird wings


JimDee01 t1_iuiezkv wrote

You're right, he won't win, but if you spend any time in local news communities you should be at least a little alarmed that the people who support him are even out there at all. Vermont has a creeping problem with racism and fascism, and we shouldn't write off the loonies just because they don't have a lot of numbers...yet.