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valhallagypsy t1_iunqwh4 wrote

Cameras and issuing tickets (based on plates) if any truck goes into the notch. Money usually makes people/companies pay attention 🙃


czo79 t1_iunrznw wrote

Chicane at the beginning of the road.


Oeslian t1_iuntkif wrote

They should build a low hanging bridge further down the road for them to get stuck on first.


Traditional_Lab_5468 t1_iunufac wrote

Right? Why are the folks in that article acting like this problem requires some complex, multi-pronged approach. Just put a tight turn in the road before the Notch, and stick an exit with some signage at the point that trucks will fail. If the trucks can't get onto the road, they can't get stuck in the Notch.


whaletacochamp t1_iunv5nv wrote

Let’s just send them all of the posts related to this topic since each one is filled with at least 10 ideas better than the current strategy


whaletacochamp t1_iunvq1z wrote

Believe it or not some trucks make it through (not the hugest ones but some do). So the thought is that, even if you are lucky and get through or somehow get down before an authority tickets you, you will still get a ticket.

Won’t work in my opinion but that’s the thought process.


valhallagypsy t1_iunx1l8 wrote

Dang! Summer Toll booth operator hmmm….there’s probably a better way but just thinking of ideas. The money the police and fire spend on dealing with it could pay for infrastructure changes 🤔


Eledridan t1_iunzyvc wrote

Put a rising gate and a post at the bottom. How much does a truck getting stuck cost to remove? Use that money toward a salary to man the gate.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_iuo0fxc wrote

Near the gondola parking lot, set up automated laser type things that measure vehicle length. If they detect a vehicle of a predetermined (long) length, lights flash and an arm lowers but there is a turn around right there.


Virtual-Track4037 t1_iuo0xcj wrote

Put a bridge before it that trucks can’t go under… or one of the limit things they have a drive thrus


1DollarOr1Million t1_iuo10hn wrote

Here’s a question: Is there a sufficient place for them to turn around once they realize they weren’t supposed to go up 108? Because I could see how they don’t see the sign until they are on 108, but not having a good place to turn it around without assistance. So maybe if on each side there was a dedicated tractor trailer turnaround spot before the point of no return, that might save us having them actually get stuck.

If that is not the issue, then sadly you either need a guard standing there 24/7 to stop trucks from entering (not feasible IMO) or install a sharp S-curve that they can’t navigate beforehand.


2q_x t1_iuo2s7d wrote

I support the JOBs the notch provides.

When people want to take away our Notches, we should instead ask: "How can we build more notches?"



Top-Razzmatazz-6377 t1_iuo3rh5 wrote

Vermont seems to be sticking roundabouts in random places. Why not one before the notch with a wizard in the middle yelling 'Your Truck SHALL NOT PASS'

But seriously, they need some type of obstacle to get stuck in before the notch.


Nauticalknots t1_iuo6ckg wrote

A 5 second video reel of the worst stuck trucks in the notch playing on a big screen below the 2000$ fine sign?


MYrobouros t1_iuoaa32 wrote

It should be legal to loot whatever's inside.


mountainofclay t1_iuod15x wrote

I’m wondering what the annual take in dollars is. Fines, tow truck, lotta bucks.


tossawayintheend t1_iuod838 wrote

I read somewhere, possibly on here, that a lot of it is because truckers think the signs are just a ruse by Stowe townies to keep big trucks out.


edave22 t1_iuojed7 wrote

You can probably stick a solar powered raspberry pi to a couple LEDs that flash when trucks are oversized. As someone who’s raspberry pi is collecting dust I have no idea if this can actually be accomplished or not.


HandCarvedRabbits t1_iuom11e wrote

The thing that occurred to me the other day is this- Why doesn’t a GPS app make these warnings as part of the data attached to the road. They can do stop signs, traffic, road construction etc. They should make it so the second you turn on to this road a red warning shows up making clear that vehicle must be under X length to travel on this road beyond X miles. This should be especially true if there are GPS apps specific to truckers.


chuck1722 t1_iuonsck wrote

How many fucking signs do you have to ignore as a truck driver to let this happen

And btw that turn that got him stuck fucking scares the shit out of me. Going thru the notch on one lane with oncoming traffic. Fuck that


Samdamnit t1_iuoo0mt wrote

Put up max height bars. They listen to those


Dadfart802 t1_iuorjbo wrote

Change the punishment to exile by trebuchet.


appa-ate-momo t1_iuotip7 wrote

First offense: sizable fine

Second offense: jail time.

Station a cop right at the beginning if the manpower is available.


the_gv3 t1_iuotjpv wrote

They're suggesting that the fines don't cover the cost to remove the truck, and a salaried person manning the gate would cost less than the truck removals adding up.


smcbb t1_iuow89t wrote

Restrict trucks access to areas they aren’t allowed by using GPS, just like golf carts


Odd_Classroom_9699 t1_iuowk2q wrote

Its gotta be a toll ‘n not a fine. If some trucks can just squeeze through, like a wet duck through ferns, then there always some gasser degen who’ll say, “watch this” (hold my beer) - then proceed to kink up the plow line. Screws everyone bud!

Let legal length vehicle pass - no charge. Use EZpass/Pay-by-plate; so no one’s gotta stop.

Make the toll for trucks hurt enough, they’ll wise up ‘n go around. Sure some bozo get stuck anyways, but then fine the clown too!


suzi-r t1_iuox04l wrote

In VT, big trucks (or ones driven by drunks) have often ruined our bridges, covered & otherwise. Our town‘s covered bridges have been run into multiple times, leaving the town with big repair expenses. Some drivers don’t even read the height limit signs.


MRPierceVT t1_iuoxzx3 wrote

Public shaming. Post pics of the trucks, with company logos and info clearly shown, and the drivers who got stuck.


Humananswers t1_iuoy6n1 wrote

Local truck driver here. Could be wrong but the guys that miss all the other signs are probably zombied out from road fatigue, aka at the stage of just keeping it between the lines and probably missing everything else. A sign with flashing amber lights, or the ones with a dozen smaller inset flashing lights around the perimeter staged at the last viable turn around would be the best bet for those guys. Maybe even put a few in short succession. No excuse for driving at that stage of fatigue, but as far as realistic solutions go, flashing lights might just catch their attention when nothing else will. Fair game to up the penalties for ignoring them or driving fatigue impaired as well.


jalbano1 t1_iuoyb9d wrote

A height clearance level


svengoalie t1_iuoz5bg wrote

Put up a sign with pictures of trucks that got stuck, followed by "x miles ahead"


vtech01 t1_iuozf20 wrote

Not to be the asshole of the group but is it possible the drivers understanding of English may be part of the problem here? I mean maybe they just don't understand it. I don't know who has been towed out recently. Just a thought. Not sure what else to do. Petition Google to put some kind of route popup for NO TRUCKS on that route. I am sure it's possible. It would take someone from the county office to petition them with a county title.


Romanovs_Penguin t1_iuozqgp wrote

Grease the boulders on the hairpin curves so the trailers can slip right through.


bobcat1911 t1_iup22nu wrote

Doesn't the state have engineers working for the AOT? couldn't they justify their salary and come up with a plan?


Reepergrimrim t1_iup3npo wrote

Ha! This is where my GGparents ran things back in the day. Keep it Stowe yo.


VThillbilly t1_iup4nqe wrote

How about like a low under pass type thing at the bottom with a turn around


glockster19m t1_iup4swr wrote

Pressure plate and camera system where if a vehicle over a certain weight passes over the plate than the camera automatically snaps a pic of the license plate and tickets the vehicle if its oversized


timberwolf0122 t1_iup6kvz wrote

A low bar on chains , the idea being a fire truck could slow bump it out the way


wessex464 t1_iup77rr wrote

Lots of parking garages have those bars that hang from above that basically indicate "if you hit this you'll get stuck in the garage". You could do one of those that hits most 18 wheelers somewhere before the notch but on the road up. Obviously it will need a wide shoulder or something to drive around for stuff that isn't hauling a 52 ft trailer but this would at least get the attention of every 18 wheeler headed up the mountain.


urfire00 t1_iup8c2p wrote

My understanding is that the driver themselves gets fined. Is it likely that trucking companies pay their employees tickets when they ignored tons of warning signs?


BurtonFive t1_iup8qaf wrote

Unpopular opinion, but why not just let them go through the notch. Make it a two lane road and call it a day. That turn is dangerous even for cars, it’s pretty much impossible to tell if someone’s on the other side of that rock. Plus that place is so busy anyway it’s not like a few trucks are going to somehow destroy the surrounding area. I guess it’s possible that road is just not built to support the weight of those trucks either though.

Biggest issue might be the grade coming down though and brakes giving out, if they went that way.

Without letting them go through I think top comment has got it. Get them stuck before they get to the top, maybe around the smuggs top lot parking entrance.


hudsoncider t1_iup8r5k wrote

How about a wooden bridge that can only hold half the weight of a semi.


ctsteeze t1_iup9tec wrote

Just put a bar on chains that is 10' tall at the beginning of the road closure with a max height sign?


durpdurpturd t1_iupaf33 wrote

An obstacle course of some fashion. I said that when this came up 2 weeks ago. I’m picturing tall orange plastic markers that are on a spring mounted to the ground (so when the trucks hit it the thing doesn’t actually break) in a pattern that would force them to weave through in a way simulating the tight spots in the notch with a giant banner OVER THE ROAD that spells out without abbreviations that tractor trailers will get stuck and the ensuing penalties. It will be very ugly and obvious and that’s kindove the point. DM me DOT and I’ll draw up plans.


MooDonkey t1_iupbegb wrote

Wouldn't surprise me if this is a factor. This is a huge problem, towns want the trucks out (understand where they are coming from) so put up signs. Often - especially on state routes - there really isn't anything stopping the trucks and it is a safer and easier path than diverting.


MooDonkey t1_iupbnx4 wrote

Most effective answer to still allow box trucks would be a laser-triggered traffic light. They have these in a couple of places, Lincoln Tunnel in NYC springs to mind. Set it at, say, 9' high. Any vehicle over 9' tall sets off the traffic light, and the big fuck-off flashing red lights on a sign that says road unsuitable for tractor trailers, tight turns and rocks, $5,000 fine, turn around here, call xxx-xxx-xxxx if you need assistance. Box trucks can then proceed.


veggycat t1_iupdjmr wrote

There are radar systems like Wavetronix that can detect vehicle length. Putting up one with a dynamic message sign indicating if a truck is over length would help.


werdnak84 t1_iupmtlv wrote

People who have never been there may not realize the scope of what we are saying. While the road may not be as dangerous as say those cliffside ones in South America, it's VERY dangerous for a huge top-heavy vehicle. This notch winds in over 90-degree angles and goes up and down between very very narrow ridges. To think that big trucks are still allowed through it is baffling to me.


titetrich t1_iupnx7n wrote

Put a bridge with a height limit duh


Electrical-Bed8577 t1_iupo1z2 wrote

Had not been there in years, tried to go the back way to Stowe last year, behind Smugs. Road closed due to stuckage. We saw no alarming signs on the way to the steep. SIGNAGE. Also, put the word out to Google and Transport companies. Copy DOT. VTDOT should have a list of companies trucking through.


BurtonFive t1_iuq2c6r wrote

Yes was suggesting widening the road to make two lanes. I know it’s that whole change thing though. Can’t live without those few extra turns and taking the leap of faith you won’t plow into some dude from Massachusetts that doesn’t yield when he is supposed to.


cool_weed_dad t1_iuq7txc wrote

Can they not just post a cop at the last spot where they’re able to turn around to stop them? Half of most police departments just sit in their cars and do speed traps, they can pull one off to do the same thing but actually useful.


wageslave2022 t1_iuqj4o2 wrote

Make "points on your license" part of the punishment not just a fine.


lajzerowicz t1_iuqola1 wrote

I would set up those overhead chains used to indicate if a truck is too big for a tunnel. While they are used for height, anything that hits those chains chains are it’s also too long.

Other option is to keep letting trucks get stuck and use the money to eventually tunnel through the notch 😂 Solves the truck problem and commuting problem during the winter 💁🏻‍♂️


stoweman t1_iuqt1od wrote

Make it a toll road with gates and cameras. Include a weight and height limit.


ethandavid42 t1_iuqxuhz wrote

I used to work for a data provider in Lebanon, NH, Teleatlas North America, that was eventually taken over by TomTom. The capability to put this information in GPS apps has long existed, but the companies that buy the data need to keep that data updated. Even Google Maps or Apple Maps have the capability. They can be fed cloud based traffic data. This would be easy.

But the truckers have to have an updated version of whatever software they use on whatever device they use. It's not the tech necessarily. It's user error, neglect, or ignorance, very often.


GrnGlob t1_iur40iq wrote

In one of the articles about this, they said they've worked with the 'smaller' GPS data providers, and have tried/are working with GMaps and Apple Maps, but those two are very slow when it's a 'rare event' like this.


BurtonFive t1_iur6hag wrote

Not saying widen the entire road, just straighten out the few turns the trucks get stuck at. Don’t advertise the route and still have fines/signs enforced by police for trucks over certain lengths/weights. Just don’t make it a multi hour nuisance to everyone around when people are stupid.


-_Stove_- t1_iur7ioa wrote

"Don't advertise the route" -it's VT 108, a state highway.

"Just straight a few turns" -this is a geotechnical engineering project, which again will destroy the notch as it is currently.


MarkVII88 t1_iur9xdb wrote

What if they posted "notch watchers". A bunch of threatening-looking, conspiracy theory-believing incels standing by the approach to Smugglers Notch Rd. in tactical gear with AR-15 style rifles.

If batshit crazy folks employ such shenanigans to intimidate people at polling places in certain parts of the country, then it should work in Smugglers Notch to keep the trucks away, no?


MarkVII88 t1_iura4zn wrote

Admittedly, this is a much better idea than the "Notch Watchers" that I suggested. Make it impossible for the trucks to drive into the notch to begin with and they won't be getting stuck.


Traditional_Lab_5468 t1_iurxzeq wrote

If the concern is that emergency vehicles might need to get up the road but the chicane would block them, the chicane itself could be a closed gate. If emergency services need to get through, they would be able to open the gate and get their vehicles through the chicane. If a truck wanted to get through, though, the gate would be closed and they would have to be able to make the turn around the chicane.


RetiscentSun t1_iuryf9j wrote

Ok that makes sense. Chicane is a new term for me so I’m still trying to figure out exactly how it would work in the notch situation. And I’m not even sure if what I asked about is a legit problem lol. Just curious


Arthur-Morgans-Beard t1_ius0s13 wrote

I always thought a height barrier at the beginning might work, something that will rip the top off your trailer if you attempt to go under it.


historycat95 t1_iusujgm wrote


Make roads with tight turns at the last turn off on each side. You can't make those turns? You exit to the long way around.

If you get stuck in those turns, then it's easier to free you by opening a gate in the guardrails around the tight turns.


somedudevt t1_iutfbby wrote

This seems easy yet hard…

  1. Build a turn around past the last spot to access the road on both ends.
  2. Place automatic gate at the base by the turn around.
  3. Install a camera that measures the vehicle at the gate. If it’s too long gate doesn’t open and message shows on one of the message panels that they must turn around and proceed down the hill. If vehicle is not too long the gate opens and they proceed.

Problem solved.


chaptertwovt t1_iutqsge wrote

Make an artificial switchback with jersey barriers at the bottom of the road. Make them get stuck where they can more easily get out.


ElDub73 t1_iv2baqz wrote

Yeah simple. Just move the “filter” way back to the beginning of the road.

The problem is that the thing people get stuck on is in the middle.