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WintersTablet t1_irdzxf2 wrote

More specifically, iodine deficiency causes goiters, neurocognitive impairments, and in severe deficiency, hypothyroidism resulting in cretinism.

Akron, Ohio was where a whole bunch of school girls were given iodized salt with their parents permission, with resounding results.


DavoTB t1_ire5ga4 wrote

Interesting. A neighbor of ours grew up in this area, and later developed a goiter. Wonder if she suffered from hypothyroidism herself.


zerkalo003 t1_irhicjn wrote

I was suffering from hypthridism in cmnt childhood and i took idione.


SaltedGreenMilk1987 t1_irey8kg wrote

Are all salts (Reed salt from kenya, Pink salt in Pakistan,Common salt from the seas) same or do they have special properties. Do they have varying levels of iodine?


Happiercalif t1_irezbms wrote

Iodine is added to salt artificially. In nature it's in seafood and I'm not sure where else.


RunningNumbers t1_irh332d wrote

It distributes on land from evaporated ocean water. Plants and grazing animals then absorb it. You can get plenty of iodine from mills. Mountains are often iodine deficient since most water runs down hill rather than gets into the soil.


Happiercalif t1_irhdom4 wrote

I don't think that's true except possibly for very near the ocean. In the 1990s I read research about the Mongolians being very iodine deficient.

EDIT if you look up the Goiter Belt, it doesn't correlate to mountains. The Great Lakes region was especially bad, for instance.


RunningNumbers t1_irhf8ia wrote

Historically oceans have been seen as a primary source of iodine I precipitation but apparently there are other sources in the water cycle.

Also ocean precipitation goes far in land. Rain clouds that from into the Gulf of Mexico go well into Canada. They intercept cold fronts coming south and make T storms.


RunningNumbers t1_irhffdr wrote

You should look again at the map and then look at topography of the US before you make that assertion about correlation.


WintersTablet t1_irezg50 wrote

All salts have natural iodine, but not enough for the recommended daily allowance. The right amount is added in the factories.

For the most part, natural iodine is found in food, mainly seafoods, but it's also in plants that grow in places that weren't ablated by glaciers. These areas were known as the goiter belt.

And all the different salts, even the most expensive stuff, are functionally the same. One may taste better to you over the other due to taste bud differences formed by the foods you eat, or size of crystals, or other small things. But, in general, salt is salt.


DrEnter t1_irf11i3 wrote

Kosher salt and most “gourmet” salts are NOT iodized. You can get some decent iodized sea salts or course grind salts, but you have to look for them. They will always say iodized on the label.


WintersTablet t1_irf2g2k wrote

True that those don't have added iodine. I guess I didn't elaborate enough when I said it's added in the factories.

Although all salt has a trace amount of iodine naturally, it's not enough for RDA. So the labeled iodized salt has iodine added in the factory.

Also, I might add... Iodine is a poison, yes. The amount of table salt needed to consume would kill you long before any I'll effects of iodine were felt.


ShasOFish t1_irgiq9i wrote

It’s like bananas. If you eat a sufficient number of them, the cumulative radiation would kill you. The necessary number of bananas would kill you first though.


WintersTablet t1_irhlvuy wrote

Fun fact, original bananas are extinct due to blight. The ones we have today are remakes, but don't taste the same. If you want to taste what an old one tasted like, try a banana laughy taffy.


Next-Oven4964 t1_irkry9h wrote

They aren't exactly extinct. You can still buy a Gros Michel banana that laffy taffy was based on. It's just gonna cost you somewhere in the ballpark of 15-26$ a pound lol


UsyPlays t1_irf1uj7 wrote

With family in Pakistan I never realised that pink rock salt was seen as fancy in most of the world, we just have it with fruit most of the time


ValorPhoenix t1_irfzlb7 wrote

Generally speaking, sea salts and other special salts don't have Iodine added. It will be called Iodonized salt, and is just basic plain white table salt. The product labeling should mention it.


RunningNumbers t1_irh2vwo wrote

You have to add it. Those fancy salts do not usually have added iodine. It says so on the labels.

So if you like goiters…


kurmanga t1_irfltpg wrote

Idonie deficiency can cause lots of disease in human beings irl.


fullofspagget t1_irf75yq wrote

what in the heeell is cretinism?! is this another invented jargon?


fullofspagget t1_irf7f1k wrote

nevermind, I just looked it up and I think I have cretinism for missing on this.


WintersTablet t1_irfax6o wrote

Yep. It's a legitimate medical thing. It's not just an insult by bougie people.


Sly1969 t1_irdkp6y wrote

TIL the Internet is deficient in iodine.


madnessmaka t1_irdl1bk wrote

Probably from all the salt being thrown around in games. They need to keep that salt in them, not just waste it like that.


SheeEttin t1_irejphu wrote

Maybe they should switch to iodized salt.


ACorania t1_irdl6it wrote

We ate a lot of paint chips as kids.


opiate_lifer t1_irdqucs wrote

Leaded gasoline contaminated absolutely everything with lead, obviously worse the closer you were to constant car exhaust.

But it gets in the soil, comes down in rain, washes into rivers, etc etc


zoicyte t1_iren3n0 wrote

you can trace the rise and drop of the crime rate with the rise and drop of lead in gasoline - there's about a 20 year offset but the graphs are perfectly matched up.


UnblurredLines t1_irfpl9g wrote

Doesn't freakonomics make the claim that post Roe v Wade abortion increases also line up with the decrease in crime, albeit laggingly?


zoicyte t1_irgfk8n wrote

I’ve never heard that, like ever. Also the leaded gasoline thing crosses borders.


joey2scoops t1_ire64mo wrote

That was the only chips we had and we were thankful to have that.


Mookie_Merkk t1_irei6hs wrote

The IQ for the of the thing the the the

I got lost in that title


[deleted] t1_irdiufa wrote



adamant2009 t1_irealaj wrote

Holy shit, that's significant. I figured the effects were more modest.


dj_narwhal t1_irelx5k wrote

Imagine the fox news talking heads complaining about an attack on conservative values if we just discovered this and were trying to implement it now.


zoicyte t1_iremxev wrote

you jest but there are definitely people who protest iodizing salt the way florodizing water is protested.


Pepe_von_Habsburg t1_irepixw wrote

Can you Americans shut up about politics for one millisecond?


RipMySoul t1_irgvcyv wrote

Would you prefer for us to overly confident? America #1


Gemmabeta t1_irf6z1q wrote

It's not so much that everyone got smarter as we've managed to eradicate an extremely serious cause for profound mental retardation (congenital hypothyroidism).


MattheJ1 t1_irfvtx1 wrote

Measurable intelligence has been steadily rising since the 50s, and arguably longer. It's hard to say how much of that is from salt.


Dalmah t1_irgocvj wrote

Aren't we getting weaker too? Something like the grip strength of humans who were hunter gatherers far exceeded modern day?

If so it's like we're redoing our fallout built and moving stats from strangth into intelligence


huunhuurtuu t1_irlcjqp wrote

Our brains are smaller too tho. Our jaws are also getting smaller and weaker. Kinda like wolf to dog transition. We are kinda domesticating ourselves and I doubt we are actually smarter now.


Dalmah t1_irlcugk wrote

The brain being smaller doesn't neccesarily mean we are getting stupider, the correlation between brain size and intelligence is weak.


DrEnter t1_irf1hzj wrote

Interestingly, most countries iodize their drinking water and flouridate their salt, where the U.S. does the opposite. The end result seems the same.


quokka70 t1_irflfat wrote

I can't find anything about iodized water or fluoridated salt with a quick look on Wikipedia.

Lots of countries iodize salt:

The article on fluoride therapy doesn't mention table salt:


DrEnter t1_irgcd8n wrote

Salt fluoridation:

The water thing is a couple of things that I think I was confusing. Iodine is a normal part of drinking water treatment (almost all municipal drinking water is iodized to some extent), but iodizing enough for supplementary reasons is mostly used in areas where iodizing other things is impractical or more difficult. Incidentally, iodized flour is also a thing sometimes used. and


straightouttasuburb t1_irg9fes wrote

This probably isn’t the only thing helped by enriching a product… breakfast cereals, bread, flour, margarine, salt, snack bars, dairy and milk and plant-based milk alternatives, juices, and baby foods are all commonly fortified foods.

I’m sure someone will stop by and say you shouldn’t eat heavily processed foods which is probably correct but not possible for a percentage of the population. Fortifying foods is a good thing…


sturmey t1_irf1p7a wrote

That might explain some of the comments I've heard from "professional" chefs who complain about iodized salt and how they only use un-iodized salt.


PurgeGamers t1_irfbmsl wrote

I read a book about cooking and they recommended non-iodized salt because of taste preference. It said that the iodine(?) wasn't as neglected in our diets now but it's a holdover from when it was lacking.


UnblurredLines t1_irfpfwm wrote

I too much prefer listening to chefs for my dietary recommendations rather than licensed physicians.


rafter613 t1_irgky5u wrote

I mean, I'm sure you get a week's worth of iodized salt from three McDonald's fries.


sturmey t1_irij4v6 wrote

I am a super taster, and I can't tell the difference in taste. you would have to have some very specialized taste buds to detect the difference. One of the things that these idiots don't realize is that the iodine isn't neglected in our diet because we put iodine into salt.


jthanson t1_irdpsq0 wrote

The Revisionist History podcast had a great episode about the experiment that demonstrated the improvement from adding iodine to salt.


ItsCalledDayTwa t1_ire7mby wrote

Can you TLDR what they did?


NeedlessUnification t1_ireaukr wrote

Dr talked a school principal into introducing iodized salt to schoolchildren, specifically girls. There were no rules or regulations about such things then. It was a huge success but would never happen in today’s society. Gladwell wishes/imagines being able to do this with vaccines, specifically Covid vaccines.


ItsCalledDayTwa t1_irebcw0 wrote

I meant what the experiment to demonstrate the improvement was.


NeedlessUnification t1_irec2m4 wrote

The first sentence covers it. Dr talked to a principal of a school nearby ( I think in Cleveland) to see if he could try it. They said “ hell no”. Then he talked to a principal in Akron ( I think) and they agreed. It was not an FDA regulated double blind study. He simply talked the principal into replacing salt with iodized salt.


AlwaysChildish t1_irev27h wrote

I think they mean why did the doctor think it would do anything in the first place


NeedlessUnification t1_irf0cjn wrote

Dr noticed that goiters were prevalent in the Midwest from WW1 soldier fitness studies (I think), noticed that further from salt water you were, the more likely you were to have goiters. Figured it had to do with salt or saltwater seafood, eventually isolated it to iodine. Had experimented with dogs before moving on to people.

Edit: it has been a while since I heard the episode, basing it on my memory. My wife contends my memory is an unreliable narrator.


AlwaysChildish t1_irflyqp wrote

Awesome answer! Thank you!


Mysticpoisen t1_irg0oq3 wrote

Also fun fact, the reason both the Midwest and European alpine countries both had such large goiter epidemics is because glaciers had swept those regions, greatly reducing the iodine content in the soil.


hitforhelp t1_irgn8h2 wrote

I too listened to that episode recently. It was a crossover episode from the world's greatest con podcast.


Vectorman1989 t1_ire4l1o wrote

It's actually quite surprising how much of out basic foodstuffs are fortified with other vitamins and minerals. Flour often has Iron, B Vitamins and other stuff added. Oils and spreads have Vitamin D added. Even tap water has some flouride.


corrado33 t1_irenano wrote

> Even tap water has some flouride.

Not in some cities (like calgary.)

Some idiots (read, uneducated citizens) decided to say that "fluorine is badddd mm'kayyyy" so they took it out.


IBeTrippin t1_ireqflo wrote

My town just got rid of Fluorine. The people making the decision were mostly scientists. There's a number of reasons to do so besides 'fluorine is bad'. One of the reasons was its mostly sourced in China, and the purity is questionable at the very least, meaning they were dumping who-knows-what industrial sludge into the water.


corrado33 t1_irjs39z wrote

So... let me get this straight....

Instead of just... finding a better source.... they decided to deal with the worse dental health of all their citizens?

Sounds like an extremely stupid reason to take fluoride out.


IBeTrippin t1_irlocu5 wrote

Its a good thing they had a variety of reasons then. Including there's not a ton of evidence it helps in this era of fluoride toothpaste. We started putting it in water back before fluoride toothpaste was available. So is it still providing the benefit it did, now that almost everybody is already directly applying it to their teeth? Probably not. Places without it are doing just fine.

Plus there's cost/benefit. What other good can they do with the million dollars they save? Can that money go to making the water cleaner and safer?


corrado33 t1_irpcp19 wrote

> Places without it are doing just fine.

Places without it don't have the high sugar diet that places with it do.

You can't compare apples with oranges.

> What other good can they do with the million dollars they save? Can that money go to making the water cleaner and safer?

Honestly? Doubtful. With the mass amounts of corruption we see in almost any government I can almost guarantee that money is "forgotten about" and ends up in government leaders' pockets.


koalanotbear t1_irf36dk wrote

i actually have fluridosis from having too much flourine as a child and its fucked up my teeth, but aside from that im not sure of any visible damage, maybe my chronic bone pain is one issue caused by it but i have no proof, its given me restless leg syndrome and general myalgia. ---could be unrelated.. not sure


Ailike32 t1_irggmd4 wrote

Sure its not a tin overdose from your hat?


koalanotbear t1_irgq4g4 wrote

i literally have diagnosed flurine poisoning from consuming too much flurine as a child. not a conspiracy its real.


shawntitanNJ t1_irh5h4l wrote

How does something like this happen? Too many fluoride supplements?


koalanotbear t1_irhlhnt wrote

yeh i think just was exposed to too many different sources and they stacked.

the issue is it forms layers through ur calcium deposits as you are growing, so like the idea is that you regulary are getting an even, constant, little amount that is dispersed through ur bones and teeth as u grow, but at some stages I had massive exposures and the flurine formed thicker layers in pockets that are harder but more brittle, and so these pockets crack. my teeth kinda lose flakes of these thick white flurine layers over years like a croissant kinda flaking off


Holy-flame t1_irfmxzq wrote

Ya ya, you and every other person who thinks it should be removed. The last 10 that I tried to question made shit up.


AdoriZahard t1_irijysd wrote

Those idiots that took it out was the city council at the time. Sure, they might've gotten letters and phone calls asking to do so, but it was the council itself that voted to take it out.

Not sure if it's been reintroduced yet, but both Calgary itself (in a 62-38 vote) and city council voted to reintroduce it last year. This sounds totally like an Onion article, but the city has had seven separate plebiscites on whether or not to have fluoridated water.


corrado33 t1_irjrlml wrote

Yeah I was in calgary when they took it out and I went to the dentist and was like "WTF?" and the dentist was like "yeah people are dumb."


BylenS t1_irf6tvu wrote

Cancel cultures motto should be "Let's take it back 200 years"


kangourou_mutant t1_irfj12u wrote

I guess you're in the US? Here in France, salt has iodine and most toothpaste has fluorine, but none of the other additives you list.


Vectorman1989 t1_irfjnce wrote

UK. I know our flour is fortified at the very least.


masterventris t1_irg1fp3 wrote

We actually get iodine from milk in the UK, instead of in salt.

It was completely by accident too, farmers started giving iodine rich foods to cattle in the 1930s to help with some cattle health issues, and that caused iodine rich milk that basically cured the population!


Ponceludonmalavoix t1_ire4t02 wrote

IQ tests are kinda bullshit, so take this study with a grain of salt.


jonathot12 t1_irej8pv wrote

in some ways yes, but either way the traditional IQ test (WAIS for adults, WISC for kids) didn’t even exist in 1924 so i’m curious how they figured this


PurpleAlien47 t1_irel38i wrote

>To figure out the effects, the researchers used the data from the Army General Classi cation Test (AGCT) given to people who enlisted during World War 2. That covers a wide group of men born precisely at the time iodized salt was introduced (1920-1927), which allowed comparison of low and high iodine areas.
>The Air Force received enlistees who scored significantly higher on the AGCT, and the number of men who scored well and went to the Air Force from low iodine areas dramatically increased after iodized salt was introduced. The estimates of intelligence increases are based on that data.



Gemmabeta t1_irf7jkd wrote


Hasn't it been shown many times that the AGCT is a complete bullshit way to measure innate intelligence because most of the questions revolve around trivia and school knowledge--which meant that rural men and African Americans of the era were classified as borderline mentally handicapped when they were simply unschooled.


PurpleAlien47 t1_irfhjd3 wrote

Not sure, and unfortunately the paper Business Insider is citing doesn't seems to go into detail about how they're mapping these AGCT scores onto IQ. That information is probably in one of the paper's own references.

They do however mention they weren't able to find a significant correlation between AGCT scores and level of education in this particular dataset:

>While surprising, this finding is consistent with the fact that in our data we find a very weak correlation between AGCT scores and education. Specifically, the correlation between AGCT scores and graduation from high school is 14%, while the correlation between AGCT scores and having one year of college or more is just 9%.


Gemmabeta t1_irfhx22 wrote

I mean, the difference here is they are comparing people with considerable schooling with people who has even more schooling (high school dropouts vs college students).

I am talking about people who are entirely unschooled or nearly so (of which there were many back in the World War I era).


Lord_Gibby t1_ire8psa wrote

Found the guy that received a low IQ score! /s


imapassenger1 t1_irds4pw wrote

American cooking shows always talk about using "kosher salt" which I assume means iodine free as iodine may come from shellfish. So unless you had a particular audience why would you use kosher salt? Or have I got that wrong?


totalperspec t1_irdtb7z wrote

It's about the flake size, actually. Nothing about iodine.

Here's a video explaining.


imapassenger1 t1_irduais wrote

Wow. So what's kosher about it? Video didn't say. Why would the grain size determine if you could use it during Passover? (Probably need to Google that)


__life_on_mars__ t1_ire9gpr wrote

I believe it's called kosher salt because it's used to make other things (meats) kosher, not because it is kosher. All salt is kosher.


zoicyte t1_ireni1d wrote

this is the correct answer.

also while kosher salt is not about iodine content, i'm pretty sure it's generally not iodized. i've never seen iodized kosher salt, personally, anyway.


Apotropaic_Sphinx t1_ire7bzz wrote

You have to remove blood from meat to make it kosher. For whatever reason large grained salt is better for that.


Gastronomicus t1_ireqh1u wrote

There's no significant amount of blood left in any properly prepared meat anyway. There's myoglobin left in the tissues which is often mistaken as blood. And salt doesn't really take it out anyway - I understand that's part of some rituals, but the salt merely draws out moisture. Some blood cells might come out with it, but it doesn't really draw blood out specifically.

Regardless, it seems that "classic" rules regarding blood and kosher allow for "blood" left in the vessels of meat? But I guess it's pretty complicated and there's more than one type of "kosher" designation.


Apotropaic_Sphinx t1_irg8fpg wrote

Cool. Go up to a Hasidic Jew and ask what Kosher actually means in a modern context. They'll win a gold medal at mental gymnastics every time.

My favorite is it is absolutely forbidden to shave your beard. Razors are absolutely forbidden. But since electric razors are technically "scissors", it's fine to trim your beard down to the skin.


Gastronomicus t1_irg916g wrote

Tell me about it. A close friend of mine came from an Orthodox family (they rejected it). It was very interesting to hear the types of incredible arguments developed to support things like using electricity on the sabbath (it's only wrong when you create a "spark" apparently) or how some electronic devices are acceptable like a fitbit but not others. It's really an amazing demonstration of how logic can be abused through flawed premises.


Apotropaic_Sphinx t1_irga1pu wrote

Or the fishing line around shopping centers to allow shopping on the sabbath. Don't worry, it's a "wall."

If there ever is a rapture/apocalypse, I want a fundamentalist Jew as humanity's lawyer


Gastronomicus t1_irgcx8u wrote

>If there ever is a rapture/apocalypse, I want a fundamentalist Jew as humanity's lawyer

That is the best thing I've read all day. Well done.


craftkiller t1_ireakkk wrote

The name isn't to describe the salt as kosher. The act of removing blood from meat is called "koshering". Kosher salt is salt used for koshering.


Chthulu_ t1_irengwg wrote

But I do believe most kosher salt brands don't have iodine. Thats one of the (many) reasons chefs prefer it to table salt. Iodine does have a flavor.


Lieutenant_Doge t1_irdui3x wrote

kosher salt is called kosher salt is because it's referring its use for Jewish religious practice of dry brining meats, known as kashering. It does not mean the salt is made kosher.


bolanrox t1_ireabjy wrote

It's just sea salt right?


Lieutenant_Doge t1_ireckxo wrote

I think Kosher salt is usually mined from salt deposits, but both of them are coarse edible salt


just_some_guy65 t1_irecd47 wrote

This is the story about every essential nutrient (including food itself), rectifying a deficiency is good, taking in excess looking for a greater beneficial effect ranges from pointless to harmful to health.

Sadly there is a huge supplements industry taking people's money due to this mistaken belief. Even more sadly such people will claim that evidence-based treatments are a scam.


just_some_guy65 t1_irwwp28 wrote

I gather there was a rather overwrought reply to this post of mine from now deleted user "modsarefascists42" alleging that I was upset about something, on re-reading I really can't see it. Anyhow as anyone who knows anything about the subject, not all papers and studies are created equal and a rather excellent resource called The Cochrane Library exists who do meta-analyses on the published research, carefully weeding out the dubious trials and poor methodology. So I have selected just two of their vitamin analyses - there are literally many dozens of these if you search their site.

> Vitamin and mineral supplementation for maintaining cognitive function in cognitively healthy people in mid and late life

> Authors' conclusions > We did not find evidence that any vitamin or mineral supplementation strategy for cognitively healthy adults in mid or late life has a meaningful effect on cognitive decline or dementia, although the evidence does not permit definitive conclusions

> Antioxidant supplements for prevention of mortality in healthy participants and patients with various diseases

> Authors' conclusions > We found no evidence to support antioxidant supplements for primary or secondary prevention. Beta‐carotene and vitamin E seem to increase mortality, and so may higher doses of vitamin A. Antioxidant supplements need to be considered as medicinal products and should undergo sufficient evaluation before marketing.


modsarefascists42 t1_irgfwuy wrote

There's way too big of a backlash against things like multivitamins too though, to the point that many people think they're worthless. They absolutely are not, and getting a perfectly balanced diet is a lot harder than many people realize. Basic vitamin supplements are a bad thing, plus there extremely cheap. A multivitamin is like $10 for a few months. Just gotta take it at dinner.

I mean perfect example I got a noticable benefit from taking some basic supplements, never spending more than $15 a month on it all (likely far less). I thought it was all just a scam like you, that I was probably just fine from a decent diet. Just fine isn't the same as good though. You shouldn't have to wait until you have a deficiency so bad that it causes medical issues. Vitamin D is by far the biggest one, most people just don't get enough sunlight to make their own. Maybe manual laborers in the tropics, but that's about it.

Tho I've never heard of anyone thinking you could just take more vitamins and get healthier. That's kinda ridiculous, they're dangerous in crazy high doses but so is everything.

Also gotta take your vitamins with food, always. They're just peed out otherwise.

Edit: in case anyone thinks the ass replying to me has a point, check the peer reviewed papers I linked to. This guy is nuts and shouldn't be giving anyone medical advice.

More below too


just_some_guy65 t1_irhnwy2 wrote

How did you rule out the placebo effect? How do you know clinically that you are low in vitamin D?


modsarefascists42 t1_irhtcis wrote

Doctor telling me?


just_some_guy65 t1_irhug0x wrote

The doctor told you that your idea that vitamins are beneficial regardless of a deficiency is not placebo?

Let's be charitable and assume that your doctor told you that your vitamin D levels were low, how was that determined? What were the objective criteria assessing the consequences of this?


modsarefascists42 t1_irihusy wrote

I didn't say regardless of deficiency, I said deficiencies are more common than you're pretending. Stop putting words in my mouth.

This kind if stupid attitude is why vitamin D deficiencies are so absurdly common in america. Just because you heard once that vitamins aren't necessary for a perfectly balanced diet doesn't mean that they aren't useful for most people. Because most people don't have a perfectly balanced diet. Vitamin D deficiencies are linked to numerous worse health outcomes both on their own and more importantly with worse infections that it helps allow to happen. Stop being bullheaded and leading people to do things that hurt their health.


just_some_guy65 t1_irikznu wrote

Tremendous fake outrage to conceal not answering either of my questions.

Evidence that deficiencies are "absurdly common"?

That is three unanswered questions.


modsarefascists42 t1_irljo4u wrote

>About 1 billion people worldwide have vitamin D deficiency, while 50% of the population has vitamin D insufficiency. Approximately 35% of adults in the United States have vitamin D deficiency.



just_some_guy65 t1_irm906e wrote

That is just a claim on a website with no study referenced, hilarious that you are slinging insults, in this case a bit of a boomerang.

You still haven't answered three questions.

Edit here is some food for thought about vitamin consumption

Here is a professor giving a lecture where he examined the evidence from trials


modsarefascists42 t1_irmjjks wrote

You are the most absurd case of dunning Kruger I've seen on this awful site. There's literally DOZENS of studies done on this.

I'm honestly shocked you haven't started spouting antivax bullshit yet. What I am linking to you is very well known and has been studied for decades.

IDK why you're being so petulant but just give. it. up. You're wrong, stop trying to pretend like every source that isn't agreeing with you is invalid, the only thing wrong is the information you believe.

Also it's hilarious that you're ignoring peer reviewed papers yet linking some random YouTube shit.

Edit: here is one from Nature explicitly calling out your argument as harmful to public health.

Just because you believe something and you (maybe) went to medical school a generation ago does NOT mean you are always right. If you're to goddamn lazy to even do a Google search before you start throwing fits then you really shouldn't be discussing this topic much less be in the medical field (God I hope not).


just_some_guy65 t1_irmn908 wrote

Again projection, I followed your first link that is simply re-stating the starting assumptions by referencing "studies". In the references there are links but on following the links we get more of the same, we don't get to see if they are randomised, double blind placebo controlled trials or simply observational studies perhaps funded by people with an interest in the outcome.

In my previous post, the YouTube link has a university professor calmly and rationally looking at the evidence in favour of routine vitamin supplements. Each case he presents at first looks very promising in support until his reveal of what happens when the data is subject to critical examination or a proper randomised trial is done. Over and over what we see is conventional "it must be beneficial, look at the data" overturned by "Actually the high quality studies show the opposite".

The other glaring flaw in what you present is addressed in my two original questions you fail to reply to: What actual clinical issues are documented in quality studies by these alleged deficiencies? For example are we seeing 25% of the world's population suffering from Rickets?

I don't have a problem with correcting a vitamin deficiency that has been demonstrated with peer reviewed science. However a very lucrative industry worth 151 Billion dollars in 2021 Has an obvious vested interest in convincing people that they must have deficiencies in something which is addressed by using their products daily. If this was merely a waste of money that would be one thing but what persuaded me to stop taking them several years ago was the mountain of evidence that they could be actively harmful and when not in the form of food didn't necessarily work in the same way inside the body.


modsarefascists42 t1_irmtizf wrote

Lol there it is. You're convinced that supplements are all evil and now that you've been proven wrong you're doubling down because you've taken this as an attack on you personally.

I gave you a fucking nature paper and the other is published in a major outlet. You're wrong, give it up.

Also taking basic supplements costs less than $10 a month. Is this seriously a hill worth dying on when it is such a clear benefit to pubic health? I mean for fucks sakes we add all kinds of vitamins to our foods already because we were as a population not getting the full amounts needed.

You're throwing a fit cus I'm advocating that people spend less than 10 a month taking basic vitamins, ones I've shown we are as a population are often lacking if not outright deficient in. Think about that.


Vardeegs1 t1_ire5ego wrote

No iodine = “I’m Stupid but unaware” Takes iodine = “HEY I WAS STUPID I HAD NO IDEA”


BizzyM t1_irermmf wrote

And today "ooohhhhh!!!! Sea Salt!!!"

*Sea Salt does not contain iodine and and is sold as a sort of premium salt.


KSMO t1_irel8qq wrote

Did they take it away recently?


sypwn t1_irencez wrote

I tried to buy a small salt shaker from the grocery store and all they have now is sea salt. So yeah, seems like it.


Prolly-wrong t1_irellm7 wrote

Hahaha…technically it would have had to be reduced when these yahoos were children.

But it explains this current crop of Americans.


Lycoris t1_iresj2a wrote

I was shocked to find that a huge fast food franchise I worked for in high school had only non-iodized salt. Restaurants were supposed to be the main place to disseminate it to everyone, but I get the impression that either cost or taste is reducing how many places buy iodized salt.


methyltheobromine_ t1_irf488o wrote

Possibly, but apparent stupidity might be wilful ignorance or intellectual laziness. Intelligence alone doesn't guarantee any of the pleasant things that you associate it with. Even smart humans are just humans, and humans are stupid


bulamae t1_irdtqxt wrote

They use to pipe in steam with iodine in it into classrooms to give the nutrient to the children.


awhq t1_ire5ju0 wrote

I've never seen anything but iodized salt until I moved to rural North Carolina. Here, the grocery stores have more non-iodized salt than iodized. I assume it's because people here pickle and can more than other places I've lived but, given how under educated a lot people here are, I wonder if people choose non-iodized for regular use because they don't know to choose iodized.


youngmindoldbody t1_irecou8 wrote

There are folks who jump on every "it must be bad for you" bandwagon.

There is a iodine bandwagon. Wife's friend was on it for years. Had to use special pink Pakistan salt or something. She got sick, turned out to be due to lack of iodine. Her husband is kind of a nut also.


NeedlessUnification t1_ireb6f7 wrote

From the revisionist history podcast, places near salt water tended to not be iodine insufficient, which is where the dr got the idea to add it to salt.


Amorougen t1_iredy81 wrote

Supposedly, people from iodine insufficient midwest ate potato peeling (as in baked potatoes) to provide iodine and prevent goiter. Iodized salt made that unnecessary.


Gastronomicus t1_irera57 wrote

> onder if people choose non-iodized for regular use because they don't know to choose iodized.

For many it's because iodised salt has a more bitter and distasteful flavour than regular sea salt.


awhq t1_irerj2f wrote

I've never used enough salt to notice. I'm probably one of the few people my doctor told me to eat more salt.


Echomatrix t1_irf1yan wrote

Serious question, is all the salt in my processed food (like ramen) iodized?


NYVines t1_iref41v wrote

Don’t worry they’re ordering sea salt now to avoid the iodine


ashguru3 t1_irfx65s wrote

It's weird that when I came to the US, it was my first time seeing uniodized salt..


DazzlingRutabega t1_irg47z9 wrote

Holy $#!+ this is amazing! Especially after hearing all of those conspiracy theories about the govt putting iodine and fluoride in the water supply.


Perfect-Village t1_irdlo7u wrote

Salt bae should consume some of the salt he's been sprinkling to his overpriced food.


thatgoodfeelin t1_ireoy39 wrote

Gina? i got some attiee vibes from this


dontsheeple t1_irf1zl6 wrote

Now non-ionized sea salt is being sold a health food. I wonder how that's impacting IQ.


ixybaby t1_irgbgd3 wrote

Something tells me whoever seeks it out is probably already lacking, so... (Or has a health condition)


albertpenello t1_irfss4x wrote

Someone is listening to Revisionist History!


danivus t1_irh17hd wrote

Goddamn.... How dumb were people before if what we have now is the improved average?


kstinfo OP t1_irhcc7g wrote

I could wonder the same but now we have entire businesses devoted to making things more complicated.


New-Statistician2970 t1_iref3s8 wrote

I was just reading about this in “A Terrible thing to waste” by Harriet Washington


koalanotbear t1_irf2kcl wrote

what did it do to the other 3/4?


[deleted] t1_irh56q1 wrote

I have to wonder if the introduction of lead into gasoline around the same time didn't counteract those gains in collective IQ.


Proadequate t1_irh5omk wrote

Me, eating a delicious bowl of salt


Pluto_Rising t1_irjstiv wrote

Okay, in a day late, but this part seems odd to me:

> The study also found "a large increase in thyroid-related deaths following the countrywide adoption of iodized salt, which affected mostly older individuals in localities with high prevalence of iodine deficiency".

That says that when they adopted iodized salt, thyroid-related deaths increased. Am I reading that right, or is it my iodine deficiency parsing..


kstinfo OP t1_irkadfg wrote

Makes no sense to me. Maybe it's a typo.


TwoFrontHitters t1_iroz9cm wrote

Government doesn't like this. They probably removed the salt and added fluoride to dumb everyone down.


xSpookNastyx t1_isohdy7 wrote

Unless you are using pure Himalayan salt, or supplementing with iodine, you don't get anywhere near enough iodine, from your daily life. "But they put it in salt?" Yes, they put it in bleached salt. By the time it hits your table, only about 10% is still active iodone, and only about 10% of that 10% is bioavailable... So what's that about .01% left for bioavailabilty.... Couple this, with the fact they removed it from food and water, and started using things like bromide in bread, and fluoride in water etc... They constipated your thyroid (arguably one of the most important functioning parts of the body) with these bad halogens. So now, people are fat, tired, and sick, and that's how they want you, docile and too dumb to realize you are being poisoned.


sphadoinkleday t1_iregzmi wrote

I too listen to Revisionist History.


murmalerm t1_irelsll wrote

TIL that Trump and Qanon supporters are iodine deficient. Jk, they are just in cults


TheJohnTheDoe t1_irdp26k wrote

Don’t think they launched this in US /s
