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Wonderful-Fly7846 t1_j2p5bgt wrote

Nice. I’m impressed by the momentum. Many people “plateau” after milestones.


skedeebs t1_j2paz5l wrote

Are you a bot posting someone else's data? This is not year-over-year, but day-by-day since April.


KnightCPA OP t1_j2pchbx wrote

Lol no it’s my data.

My total data set spans Dec 21 to Dec 22 (YoY). You can see this by looking at the bottom and at the very left where it clearly has 12/11/21. I got this data (December) from my last physical with my doctor.

I started my diet in April and that’s where you begin to see it fall.

The data between December and June I got from searching my Facebook convo with my friends. I wasn’t telling my frends on a daily basis what my weight was, so that’s why you see it scatter every couple of weeks.

the day by day portion of the data starts in June because that’s when I started recording it daily in an excel file. Right in June, we all got into a biggest loser contest.

I’ll post a YoY diet photo of myself in April before I leave for Greece. I’m still only 9 months into the diet which is an odd interval to take a comparison photo.


987nevertry t1_j2pcm34 wrote

Looks like you got the large cone on August 27th. Just kidding. Way to go!!!


KnightCPA OP t1_j2pdu2r wrote

I’ll have to check my file (im out walking the dog), but that might have been when a friend invited me over for an MMA fight and I just let loose on solid party food lol.

I can’t remember everything we ate, but buffalo chicken dip was one of the dishes. You can probably tell I’m a natural fatty lol.

Edit: my excel file shows on 08/10/22: “took 1 oxycodone/hydrocodone [prescribed after oral surgery].”

That shit stopped my bowels right in its tracks and I was constipated af for days. I didn’t even break the diet, lol.


aakon0123 t1_j2pngad wrote

May I respectfully ask what is Mediterranean Deiet consists of?


GeneralGom t1_j2poqgi wrote

Damn, this looks like my stock portfolio.


KnightCPA OP t1_j2ppgxi wrote

The gist of it is: lots of fruit, veggies, bread, fats (butter and olive oil), moderate meat consumption.

My diet is half way between keto (all meats and fats, no carbs) and Mediterranean.

I eat a LOT of meat, it’s easily half my diet, BUT it’s lean (calorically light) meat.

The staples of my diet are from greatest portion to least portion: fish/chicken, tomatos, miscellaneous veggies, olive oil, low calorie (much more expensive) multi grain wheat bread, bananas, misclleanous fruit (strawberry>+other stuff).


KnightCPA OP t1_j2ptpka wrote

Honestly, it was all personal research.

How I started: fat (318 lbs), high blood pressure (unmedicated : 166-176), high-side of normal cholesterol (180+), high-side of normal liver enzymes (ALT=46).

I said to myself, what are natural foods that are high in mass, low in calories, and address BP and cholesterol?

Over 9 months, that slowly turned into my current diet. And now I’m 235, unmedicated BP is 146, cholestoral is 130, ALT is 24. Hopefully, within another year, I’ll be able to transition of losartan (BP meds)

Like 5 months ago, I was researching more and more things to incorporate into my diet, and I learned that I basically adopted what’s known as a “liver shrinking diet” that’s prescribed ahead of bariatric surgery.

Half my meals come from a Keto food company prepped at the cost of $13/, which is on par with a fast food meal. I try to get their salmon and veggie or shrimp and veggie meals. They’re delivered to my door already cooked, I pop them in the oven for 10 minutes, eat, and recycle the plastic trays.

The other half of my meals (chicken and veggie) comes from Sams Club deli, again, already cooked, something like $15 for 5 filets.

I eat sliced tomatos with salt and pepper, lathered in olive oil, use bread to clean off the olive oil, and banana, and these are also from Sams.

If you refrain from bread, you might have better results, but I love olive oil+bread too much to refrain from it lol.

I take supplements (fish oil and cranberry concentrate) religiously, which are supposed to help with cholesterol/BP.

I think what’s important to stress, is that merely switching what foods you eat is may not be enough. You still need to be in a caloric deficit. Now my diet is easy to be in a caloric deficit without as many hunger pains because you eat voluminous, calorically light foods, but the thing you need to focus on is ultimately calories. And for that, I use this:

This calculator comes in clutch, because you’ll have to scale down your calories as you lose weight. That’s where fasting can help you out.

Other tips and tricks:

the reason I get veggies at sams is because some things like fruits and tomatos will have consistent sizes, and it’s easier to calorie count (I’m sure cosco is the same way, I just haven’t shopped there).

For calorie counting fruit, I have a dry erase board where I keep all the calories /100g, and I use a kitchen scale and excel on my phone to track calories on a daily/weekly basis (I unfortunately don’t transcribe onto my computer).

Drink lots of water. On a bad day, I drink 4 liters. On a good day, 7 and I I work at home in a/c.

Ultimately, if you find something that works for you, adopt it and don’t mind other people. Most people say you shouldn’t eat big meals before you go to bed, but I hate going to bed hungry, so I eat most of my meals right before bed. I’m still losing weight, I’m still healthier than I was a year ago, and that’s all that matters.


caroxyn t1_j2q0aob wrote

Wow well done! Are you counting calories also?


Enigmativity t1_j2q0vxq wrote

YoY means that you're comparing a moment or period from one year with the same moment or period the year before. It'd likely display data as a percentage drop from the year before. That's not what your graph is. Yours is just a graph of your weight.


nocjef t1_j2qa80t wrote

I’m super glad this is working for you, but lots of meat is not one of the hallmarks of the Mediterranean diet. Fish/poultry is (0-2 times daily) but other meats are ‘use sparingly’. Carbs also feature prominently in the diet.


KnightCPA OP t1_j2qangd wrote

That’s why I said “half way between keto and mediterrean” and defined mediterrean as having moderate meat consumption and high in carbs (veggies, fruit, bread).

Implying a blend of the too diets.

Also, mediterrean doesn’t have a homogenous definition. My family is Moroccan, which is a mediterrean culture. They eat a lot of poultry and fish.

My diet now is exactly as my dads side of the family (Moroccan) normally eats.


Enigmativity t1_j2qlm8y wrote

YoY means that each value represents a comparison from two consecutive years. Just because some of the figures are a year apart does not make the chart, nor even those figures, YoY. You simply misnamed your post.


starkmatic t1_j2qlncj wrote

What the hell is a Mediterranean diet


Grey1One t1_j2qsfli wrote

Typical spanish italian greek, moroccan etc food. Usually with lots of fresh ingredients, only cooking oil used being olive oil. I am from Spain, i have said this in some subreddits, here in spain you barely see any adults that are overweight, im 30 years old and in all people i know, only 1 person is overweight because of sugar adiction and anxiety issues. I dont know any obese person, and if im being honest i never met an obese person.


behold_s t1_j2qy40u wrote

Could you include metrics next time you share something. It is a tiny effort for you but metric people will be grateful. 😊


caseybvdc74 t1_j2r3tgw wrote

Congrats on not quitting after the initial spike


GothamDota t1_j2re80d wrote

Seems to be you are not a great fan of this new diet 😜


KnightCPA OP t1_j2rhg5i wrote

Maybe that’s unique to me.

I have a LONG history of kidney stones, dehydration/stress vomiting, and UTIs before I went on this diet/before I switched away from soda.

I haven’t had any of that since I switched from soda to water, and the worst problem excessive water consumption presents to me is more frequent urinating.

Ultimately, I’m relaying what works for my body. This is why I say, caveat emtor (buyer beware), if you find something that works for you, feel free to disregard what other people (including me) say.


KnightCPA OP t1_j2ritbu wrote

Honestly, I’m a lazy bastard, don’t like cooking, and not a picky eater. That’s partly how I got so fat, because I was eating a lot of fast food and I can eat lots of anything.

So a lot of my food comes from Sam’s club (deli prepared chicken, veggies if they have it) and a lot of it comes from a meal prep company.

But two things I love to eat as breakfast or snacks:

Bananas, no prep needed.

Sliced tomatos, seasoned in salt and pepper, lathered in olive oil, and the plate cleaned with bread.


KnightCPA OP t1_j2rjqsa wrote

I started out at 318 and eating 2,800-3,000 calories a day, and I was losing weight. But I was probably consuming 4,000-6,000 calories a day of fast food and soda for half a decade before I went on this diet. So 3,000 calories was definitely a caloric deficit for 300 lb me.


That didn't last long though. As I've scaled down my weight (235), now to get the same weight loss, I need to consistently be in the 1,600-1,800 range.

If the calculator doesnt work for you, I would consult a doctor. You might have a thyroid or other condition that makes it impossible to lose weight through normal means.


I had no condition. I was just addicted to sugar and overeating fast food.


WorkSleepMTG t1_j2rshk2 wrote

> I think what’s important to stress, is that merely switching what foods you eat is may not be enough. You still need to be in a caloric deficit. Now my diet is easy to be in a caloric deficit without as many hunger pains because you eat voluminous, calorically light foods, but the thing you need to focus on is ultimately calories.

Just read this and you can skip everything else.


ph1294 t1_j2sb4hn wrote

Define fat.

Also, are you currently counting calories? If not, however much you 'think' you're eating, easily add 1k or more and that's probably closer.

If you're not carefully calculating (ideally weighing) your foods calories, you're probably eating more than you think.


NagoyaR t1_j2sg7bm wrote

I'm over 500 lbs but i would not lose weight with 3000 kcal per day. And i also would not have enought money to buy food to get to 3000 a day. Healthy food that is.


mjfratt t1_j2siphz wrote

I use the free app MyFitnessPal and it makes charts like this for me. CONGRATS!


EduOjeda55 t1_j2sjusf wrote

If you are really 500 lbs you will absolutely lose weight eating 3000 kcal a day, even if those kcal are donuts. The health impact of carrying that much weight is way worse than not eating a perfectly balanced and healthy diet.


FatSpidy t1_j2sknvi wrote

I suffer from non-alcoholic fatty liver so this comes with a lot of extra baggage, but I'm curious what your workout schedule looks like or if you have one at all? I've seen progress switching from using my local grocery to using HelloFresh and I certainly believe it's from a difference of freshness, processing, and portion sizes. Now I'm looking into adopting a semi-all liquid diet to try and target liver health in addition to my weight decline. Currently I'm about where you started and there's just tons of conflicting or unhelpful information on my disease in regard to lifestyle.

Is there any pointers you have or information on the liver shrinking stuff?


KnightCPA OP t1_j2sohql wrote

My exercise regimen is dichotomous: pre-sep’22 and post sep’22.

Pre- sep’22, I walked 2-3 hours a day, even when I was at my largest weight. Walking has never been a difficult task for me: I enjoy it, I listen to podcasts, I need to walk my dog anyway.

I (and my liver) was fat because I drank a lot of soda, ate a lot of beef/fast food, and my body was accumulating those excess calories into fat.

I went on this diet and lost crap tons of weight without changing exercise routine.

Post- sep’22: hurricane Ian flooded my house, so now a lot of my free time is taken up by home repairs/improvements.

I now only walk about an hour a day, 2 if I’m lucky.

My only piece of advice if you already have food that’s working for you is:

Track as much as you can in excel. Excel provides a great platform for data analysis and a feedback loop to see what’s happening with your body.

Do more frequent blood testing. I started drinking regularly for the first time in my life in may’22 while I was losing weight, and my ALT spiked to 64 in June. I significantly cut back the alcohol and went to quarterly blood testing, and my sep ALT dropped to the 30s, and my Dec ALT is now the lowest it’s ever been at 24.

If you track both the changes in your diet/exercise and the resulting blood chemistry, you can begin to make better educated decisions on what’s good for your body.


NagoyaR t1_j2sosol wrote

Right now i'm actually not counting calories. I did and then stopped. I wonder if i sometimes just cut to many corners and actually eat not enough for my body to lose weight.


ph1294 t1_j2sp3ph wrote

That is almost certainly what's happening. (you are almost definitely eating too much)

If you like, you can share your previous days meals with me, and I can give you a calorie range. But if you're not cooking your food yourself, and if you're not weighing it (or at least basing estimations off prior known weights/volumes), it's highly likely you're eating more than you think.

If you can't even list everything you ate yesterday, I can all but guarantee you overate.


TommyTuttle t1_j2srpf5 wrote

You know, I’m usually okay with people who ask these kinds of questions when they could have googled. Sometimes the specific thing might not come up at the top and it’s easier to just have someone explain. It’s normal.

But this is asinine. There’s only one thing that comes up when you google Mediterranean diet and it’s the fucking Mediterranean diet. Its not a diet plan you buy, it’s just a kind of food. The type of thing that people who live by the Mediterranean Sea tend to eat.


KnightCPA OP t1_j2svuqv wrote

Google for learning about the best foods to fit my preferences (high quantity, low calorie, heart/cholesterol/liver healthy foods). to determine how much I need to eat.

Sams club for buying half of my food (chicken, olive oil, tomatos, bread, veggies+fruit). An online, home delivered, keto meal prepper/retailer for the other half of my food.

Excel on my computer and my smartphone for tracking calories.

A dry erase board with calories /100g and a kitchen digital scale for counting fruit calories.


Grey1One t1_j2t06bw wrote

Yeah. I was overweight as a chil and as a teenager. Then hormones kicked in and i got skinny getting into my 20s. Thats pretty normal, isnt it? Also, being overweight is pretty subjective, since only accounts BMI. Im quite fit rn and my BMI is about to get into the overweight range, eventhough im very healthy.


chaodarkwalker t1_j2tb6g7 wrote

Thought this was wsb when i first saw the chart. Good on you.


Stupid-Suggestion69 t1_j2twxfv wrote

Lol fak off the Mediterranean is a fucking sea surrounded by a billion countries, could be anything from the saltiest fish you’ve ever tasted in your life to literal testicles! Leafs from a bush in vinegar? Sheep’s cheese? Kebab? Spicy kekers? Fucking rice? Fried ray?

All I see when I Google is italianish food. Italian food for people to lazy to actually cook Italian recipes lol

Edit: there’s diagrams! This is the exact shit we learn in school as; the normal everyday bare minimum fucking food to sustain your corpus with lol I’m dying!

Edit2: no shade on OP:) you’re getting healthy it seems, good job!


luew2 t1_j2uiack wrote

You don't even need to eat healthy food, you can lose weight eating pizza, as long as there are fewer calories eaten vs burned you'll lose weight.

At 500lbs you need to be eating 4k calories a day to maintain weight even if you're not getting much exercise, you'd easily lose at 3k


KnightCPA OP t1_j2xhhwy wrote

You’re actually completely right. Lots of different countries on the med with sometimes radically different cuisines despite similar ingredients. when I say mediterrean, I literally mean “Moroccan”.

Typical breakfast in my Moroccan grandmothers house for individuals not on a diet:

Breakfast: bread with butter and olive oil

Lunch: salad with tomatos and sardines.

Dinner: a huge bowl of couscous (a grain), with carrots, Zucchini, potato’s, lamb/beef/Chicken, bread, followed by a huge plate of fruit (oranges, bananas, melons).

How I adapted this to my diet:

Breakfast: fruit, usually bananas, but sometimes strawberries, raspberries, blackberries.

Lunch: chicken filet, with tomatos and other veggies (when available), olive oil, and American style sliced wheat loaf bread

Dinner: salmon and veggies

Snack before bed: tomatos, olive oil, bread.

My diet isn’t an exact mirror as what my grandmother makes because I’m in America with American ingredients and hate cooking (salmon vs sardines, American bread vs Moroccan bread, American bread vs cous cous), but in terms of the kinds of foods I’m eating (lean meats, veggies, fruit, grains, olive oil), it’s virtually the same thing.