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TheYesManCan t1_jarodjg wrote

Just witnessed the brawl that broke out, holy shit man.


cassiedanger t1_jarolhn wrote

I live next to a funeral home and they already have half the street on one side mandated as their own parking but now they’ve petitioned for the other side of the street as well, and they’ve done this before. Even when we have enough space to have them park and us to drive around, they still parked dead center. They only moved because the street sweeper came through.


munchlaxsleeps OP t1_jarsq9s wrote

My gf tried to leave when everyone else was finally moving their cars. And one woman thought she was gonna hit her car (she was just trying pull into the line to get out cause she was already late to work waiting for them) then a bunch of the attendees came out of their cars and started yelling at us saying we’re disrespectful and that everyone could just wait for them to leave. They’ve been parked there for an hour and a half and people couldn’t leave their driveways or from the side street.


Whole-Campaign89 t1_jart2rx wrote

For real? These folks just parked up in the road, locked their car and went into the church?

How is this not an immediate impound offense? That is insane - even by the standards of this very messed up driving town.


garth_meringue t1_jarue2s wrote

They could've put up no-parking signs ahead of time and communicated things to people, but it's easiest to just do what you want and see if someone can stop you.


munchlaxsleeps OP t1_jaruq4u wrote

Yep, if there were signs the day before, it would’ve absolutely been ok. That’s happened before. These people actually took the construction road closure sign that is used sometimes cause this road gets worked on often and closed it off themselves. But they didn’t care about the people already parked on the street or in the driveways


NJ_Bus_Nut t1_jarvl9a wrote

Funeral or not, blocking the road is considered a dick move.


objectimpermanence t1_jarylil wrote

That’s such an insane response from the police.

If a fire broke out in one of the buildings on that block, it’s easy to see how having all those cars blocking the street would impair the fire department’s ability to respond in a timely manner.


DirectorBeneficial48 t1_jarz4nv wrote

I'm sorry your friend/relative died, but my keys have a lot of car paint on them now.


Zzzzzzzzzzzzz12345 t1_jarzzzt wrote

Do you honestly think that the PD has no power over cars parked in the roadway? They are blocking lanes of travel. It’s not a parking violation - this is a traffic violation. The PA could be expected to participate if PD did anything, but this is not an overdue meter situation and it’s not their job. It is another clear indictment of the useless dolts wandering around in police cosplay.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_jas0pom wrote

You should get your facts straight, private towing companies cannot tow cars from the street, not even from in front of your driveway. It has to be on PRIVATE PROPERTY! IIRC this isn't the first time you've given this erroneous advice.


Laraujo31 t1_jas18rp wrote

Not to sound insensitive but being at a funeral does not give you the right to block an entire street. What if there was an emergency in one of the houses? Has anyone spoken to the church? That would be the first step.


Hipster-Stalin t1_jas2k2l wrote

So what if an ambulance or fire truck needs to get down this street? This seems pretty fuckin bad and inept by the JCPD


BeMadTV t1_jas2pnf wrote

They should all get tickets at the very least


BiggGunz71 t1_jas3lml wrote

I guess if you start bashing windows with a baseball bat then your wrong huh?


BiggGunz71 t1_jas3yzf wrote

Between the insane traffic, lack of parking for those who live here and now situations like this it's only a matter of time before there is a deadly confrontation. Jersey is now a Carry conceal State. One day this shit is going to blow over and it's going to be ugly.


blizzWorldwide t1_jas59eo wrote

I’m glad you didn’t black out that plate number. Screw this


JerseyCityGeordie t1_jas6uu8 wrote

Jersey City needs a congestion fee for out of town drivers. They need to increase the cost for a permit to drive more people to get rid of the cars that they don’t need and use public transportation (we obviously need better public transportation as well). They need to increase parking fines and increase the number of cars that are towed.

If you don’t like city driving and parking issues, take you and your car out to the burbs where you belong.


Heartsgiggles t1_jas7e06 wrote

Hi, I’m the gf. That red car, was the lady who said I was trying to hit her car 😂 glad her license plate isn’t blurred. She started yelling at me in her car. So I stared at her and sat in my car calmly waiting for her to drive off so I can just leave. She decided to get out her car (along with the passenger in her car) started yelling at me. So I got out my car and yelled back. Then everyone started coming out. Another lady came and put her hands on my car, started hitting the hood. My bf saw it and ran over to tell her to stop and to leave. They said “it’s a funeral, give us some respect” I yelled at them, pointed to the whole street and told them “this is disrespectful, people have shit to do” Lol some guy said “we are from jersey city, we can seriously fuck you up”
I’m not one who likes fights like this. I was so annoyed that I started yelling “drive, just drive, drive” and proceed to dial 911. This whole thing wouldn’t of started if that lady in the red car didn’t make it a big deal, cuz at the end of the day. I didn’t hit her car and I just needed to get to work after being already an hour and a half late waiting for them to end their funeral.


Ilanaspax t1_jasb4fi wrote

They should focus on making public transit enticing and affordable so people feel comfortable going car free.

When people demand JC residents give up their cars it shows there is such a huge blind spot for the rest of the city’s limited public transit access. You’re asking people to voluntarily make their lives more difficult and just trust JC to eventually improve public transit options when we can’t even trust them to keep roads functional.


Jctexan t1_jasbb1p wrote

I honestly can’t believe this is allowed. This will get major news attention, IMO.


DaCheatHSR t1_jasbuxo wrote

what public transit? the kind that was all ripped up in the last 60 years? The overcrowded PATH train, the light rail that moves at a virtual walking pace through downtown and barely serves large swaths of the city?


Ilanaspax t1_jasch09 wrote

Love to live downtown in my 4K one bedroom on top of a path stop and then demand people who were born and raised here give up their car and wait 30 minutes for the weekend lightrail to run their errands if they deign to enter the downtown bubble.


RavenGorePictures t1_jashode wrote

Downtown is always one shit show after another. All by entitled assholes too.


Laraujo31 t1_jasiofd wrote

I think calling the tow company is more drastic then talking to the Church about this situation. Obviously i don't mean barge into the funeral service but nothing wrong with talking to the church when they have nothing going on.


Gilamonsdurr t1_jaskmv4 wrote

Pretty sure the deceased isn’t in a hurry. They’ll understand that you have to find parking.


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_jasl7be wrote

Or you could move to the suburbs (or better yet, Ohio, where there is plenty of land for driving and parking) and quit whining about people wanting to improve the environment, tackle climate change, and allow easy emergency vehicle access. You will be happier in the suburbs. You will be happier in Ohio.


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_jaslj0e wrote

Love to purposely advocate for policies wrecking the environment and climate to own the libs. Why don't we just rip down the light rail and put a highway where it is while we're at it. Let's bulldoze some houses and turn them into parking lots too. Anything to make life easier for those who "deign to enter the downtown bubble."


Byzantium-1204 t1_jasn8fp wrote

Please log this along with the photo on see click fix so it is known to the city. Email the council person as well


Blowmewhileiplaycod t1_jasoqea wrote

I would have walked down the street with my key in my hand, and it might have accidentally scratched every single car parked in the middle of the street... By accident....


111110100101 t1_jasphiz wrote

Churches have lots of old people that vote, and just due to the nature of it being a religious thing, it’s political suicide for an elected official to do anything to piss them off. Thus behavior like this being tolerated.


111110100101 t1_jasq4mc wrote

Fr. People in florida and texas literally get shot over parking spaces all the time. Combine that with the lack of space and psychotic drivers of NJ. It will start being a routine occurrence here.

This is also why I never honk people anymore. I would rather be late to my destination than have somebody assault me or destroy my car.


Typical-Atmosphere-6 t1_jass0jg wrote

Brings back memories. I used to live at 234 second street late 70s early 80s. As someone who used to go to St. Mary’s school I’ve seen this happen before. Doesn’t happen often tho.


JerseyCityGeordie t1_jaswhc0 wrote

Your lives are already difficult from what it sounds like. If you’re not complaining about public transportation, you’re complaining about parking. When more people regularly take public transportation (not just during rush hour), public trans will have more $$ to make it better.


garth_meringue t1_jaswsw4 wrote

Right, I'm not saying I'd act like these people, but I'd probably have some agita both from the funeral itself and from being worried about my car being parked in the middle of the street because someone told me that's where I should park when I arrived.


SonOfMcGee t1_jasy6z1 wrote

> “we are from jersey city, we can seriously fuck you up”.

Was this one of those funerals where everyone was wearing screen-printed t-shirts of the deceased with a caption like: “FRANKIE GONE TO HEAVEN”


Unspec7 t1_jaszbqz wrote

Police can only ticket the driver. You're right that PD can totally just ticket them for obstructing traffic, but that means you'd have to wait until the driver comes back at who knows when and then ticket them. Multiply by 10-15 cars? That's a lot of time just spent sitting around on tax payer money waiting for the drivers.

Edit: This is specific to JC, as JCPD cannot hand out parking tickets, only traffic tickets.


down_up__left_right t1_jat0hvu wrote

To be clear this issue happened here That's a 7 minute walk to a lightrail stop and a 6 minute walk to a path stop. It'd be pretty silly to try to say anyone needed to drive to this location unless they were the ones transporting the coffin. People getting to this location can always drive to a lightrail or path stop that does have a ton of parking like the LSP light rail stop or the Harrison path stop.

Of course parking in actual spots in lots by those stations is going to cost more than just leaving cars in the center of the street for free.


PoopFartPatrol t1_jat0kfe wrote

My key would have looked very colorful if I walked by this. Can you imagine a fire happening? The entire block would be done


Ilanaspax t1_jat19ow wrote

It really puts the JC entitlement spin on it - any normal person who paid for funeral home services would be rightfully pissed this is how it was managed. Instead they are just mad that they can’t freely block access to public roads/cars/emergency services without people getting annoyed?


down_up__left_right t1_jat1sab wrote

>wait 30 minutes for the weekend lightrail to run their errands if they deign to enter the downtown bubble.

You might want to check the calendar if you think today is a weekend.

But if the alternative is parking cars in the center of a street, blocking all traffic, and then leaving the cars there for an extended period of time then yes people should be taking public transit to a place within walking distance to both the path and the lightrail.

How long did this guy (and anyone else) have to wait as he was boxed in by illegally parked cars?


down_up__left_right t1_jat2fjy wrote

>when my comment is replying to someone demanding all cars be banned from downtown forever.

Actually what he said was:

>Jersey City needs a congestion fee for out of town drivers. They need to increase the cost for a permit to drive more people to get rid of the cars that they don’t need and use public transportation (we obviously need better public transportation as well). They need to increase parking fines and increase the number of cars that are towed.

No where in his post is he arguing for banning cars.

Not sure why you would lie about that when the post is right there for me to scroll back up and see.


FollowMeKids t1_jat2gb1 wrote

You see all those side mirrors sticking out? I would’ve introduced them to the bottom of my boot.


down_up__left_right t1_jat3b1d wrote

>It’s almost like my comment was a reply to someone demanding we ban cars from downtown in general?

As I already said that's not true.

Since the post is there for us all to read we can see that what he said was:

>Jersey City needs a congestion fee for out of town drivers. They need to increase the cost for a permit to drive more people to get rid of the cars that they don’t need and use public transportation (we obviously need better public transportation as well). They need to increase parking fines and increase the number of cars that are towed.

Nowhere in his post is he arguing for banning cars.

>It’s okay - reading can be hard for some people :)

The irony.


down_up__left_right t1_jat4goa wrote

If the church/funeral director is telling them to park like this it's because he or she knows the cars won't be ticketed.

The issue here is a failure to enforce basic laws.

Does this church have a relationship with the police force or within the city government?


JerseyCityGeordie t1_jat4wom wrote

You’re quite the fucking moron aren’t you? Do you think anyone is working on improving the road or parking situation? You could be the dumbest person on Reddit. Please fuck off to Florida or Texas where you belong.


shhmedium2021 t1_jat557n wrote

Heh if you had a second car you should have parked it at the top of the block . Blocking everyone in fuck that


JerseyCityGeordie t1_jat5da3 wrote

I am better at reading than you are at writing. You are trying to say people who live downtown near a path don’t have these issues. I am pointing out this photo is literally downtown, near a path you fucking idiot. I don’t care if you were born and raised here (you definitely weren’t) I just want dumb people to leave, you are a dumb person, so I would like you to leave the city.


down_up__left_right t1_jat6o5s wrote

>you can’t limit people’s access to downtown without improving public transit infrastructure.

Here we are in a post about people choosing to drive and park in the center of the street for a location within walking distance to both the path and the lightrail and you're saying the cause is lack of public transit. Both of those transit systems that can easily get people to this Church have stations that are park and ride focused.

The reality is these people had transit options and just chose to drive instead. The reality is most of downtown is accessible by transit. Driving through downtown is a choice. JerseyCityGeordie just wants that choice to reflect the cost of the land it requires. Especially since not everyone can afford a car so why should they be subsidizing the cost of parking for other people?

If some people parked in the middle of the road by Union Square in the city would you say "Well maybe their trip didn't originate directly next to a subway stop so the blame is on the public transit system?" Or would you at least agree that would be a crazy thing to say? This isn't that far off from that heighten example. This is a location that people can get to without cars.

>It’s classist and shitty to the rest of JC.

What should we call parking in the middle of the road?


Award-Kooky t1_jata33s wrote

Time to take a bulldozer down that street and have some fun time


TrumpsBadHombres t1_jatfxm4 wrote

This story checks out - and I’ve got my own. I used to live right down the block next to the day care. The church owns those small garages on 2nd street. I was standing in front of my apartment talking to neighbors, and a car is backing out of one of those small garages. That car suddenly accelerates and backs into my neighbors car and actually damaged the bumper - required body work to repair. We stare at the driver in disbelief this happened right next to us and he stares at us right back. I ask him to lower his window because he’s just staring at us blankly. He’s so out of it and I feel like he’s on drugs at this point. We get in an argument because he’s dismissing what he has just done and trying to blame my neighbor. He starts threatening us that he will call the cops (???) and my response is “Okay thank you!” as my neighbor is calling the police. This driver suddenly walks away from the vehicle when he realizes we are actually calling the cops. I’m amped up and start following him. Low and behold he walks right to the church and into the building the priests live. He’s in there for 5 minutes, comes back out suddenly and walks back to the car. He drives the car into the garage, gets out, leaves garage door open, and then runs away.

Im convinced he had something on him he had to go drop off before police arrived. I’ve got photo proof and even the church confirmed that was their PRIEST!

Edit: forgot to mention he ran away before the police arrived! Priest ran away from scene of his crime! Unbelievable!!


ASpurkofgenius t1_jatjg42 wrote

I don’t know what proper procedure for this would be but you’d think at the least since it happened already the city should issue some sort of warning to the church and the funeral home.

It’s a shame that they probably won’t do anything and this will happen again.

You should definitely report it to the news.


Unspec7 t1_jatrpya wrote

Moving violations are against the driver (and thus assigns points to their licenses, if applicable), not the vehicle, as they are punishing the direct actions of the driver. Parking tickets are tied to the vehicle, thus don't need to find the driver, as they are specifically punishing the vehicle itself and how it has been parked.

Edit: Keep in mind, this is a little unique to JC. JCPD doesn't have jurisdiction over parking offenses, so the only thing they can give someone is a traffic ticket. Parking offenses are handed out by JC Division of Parking.


The_GreatGonzy t1_jatsnzd wrote

I had a domestic violence incident in my home and they refused to remove me ex from my apartment even though she put her hands on me and was drunk / high out of her mind. Mind you, she broke my phone, harassed me the following morning and couldn’t even call them back.


Unspec7 t1_jattogw wrote

Yep. They're on the same "level" as police and firefighters.

>Department of Public Safety comprises the Police Department, the Fire Department, the Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (O.E.M.), Parking Enforcement, and Fire Prevention


Unspec7 t1_jatujhs wrote

They do not have jurisdiction over parking violations. Not trying to flame you or anything, but think about it for a second:

The democratically elected city council/mayor (their "boss") specifically takes away their jurisdiction and gives it to a separate department. Do we really want to create a precedent where the police department just usurps the decision of the council/mayor and re-assumes jurisdiction? That doesn't seem like a good idea.


chicosexy4u t1_jatxru1 wrote

Seeing all these JC posts about in living in JC is too dramatic and a headache. Union city is way better to live in and safer too.


objectimpermanence t1_jau5mlt wrote

If these cars were blocking the street in front of a police station, I’m sure the police would find a way to get the cars moved in a timely manner. Even if it’s ultimately the job of the Division of Parking, the cops would pull strings to make sure the right people show up right away.

A bunch of cars blocking an entire street is a major public safety issue. They could get in the way of fire trucks and ambulances. The police shouldn’t just throw their hands up in the air and say “not my job!” in response to something like that.


Iamdonewithusernames t1_jauklw7 wrote

I would have driven on the sidewalk to get out. Problem solved. Desperate times call for desperate measures. If the jcpd were no help with an entire block taken over without parking permits, then laws don’t exist. Sidewalk driving (of course when no pedestrians were around or if you had someone to act as a crossing guard to stop pedestrians for a hot second) so you can get to work. A groups tragedy shouldn’t impede on someone’s lively hood. This should never be allowed. We already deal with street closures for god knows what, the old infrastructure overwhelmed by new construction. A backhoe sinking into the ground, an idiot contractor bursting a water main. Nope. This situation could have been avoided and someone should take responsibility for it.


WarrenBuffetsDriver t1_jauw2bq wrote

The people who would be fine with bearing the cost of increased maintenance and penalties would be the ones public transportation is already centered around from the community aspect. This isn't "city or parking" issues. It's something against the law. It's not valid parking.


el_oso_furioso t1_javqbxo wrote

This sounds like a job for…. A BRICK.

A few of them, actually.


CRDLEUNDRTHESTR t1_javvq0o wrote

All I'm learning from this is if we all collectively gather to do something bad the police can't stop us if it's non-violent 😁


LiverBashers t1_jaw570g wrote

Not one person thought to just call a tow company to have the cars pulled. They would have banged all these people over the head for towing charges.


Jahooodie t1_jaw9205 wrote

People like to stereotype the ‘newer’ residents, but fail to see the entrenched lifers as also perpetuating issues under the banner of ‘that’s just how it is go back to the suburbs’. ‘BUT ITS A CITY THATS HOW IT IS’ is used to justify such fucking bullshit… I get it man you gotta do what you gotta do time your whole life in a disinvested city but what if the OP lost their job for being late over this? Why do people double park when there are open spots or a hydrant to block if they really are only a minute? You see we LIVE IN A SOCIETY MAN,


metallikcherries t1_jaxd5he wrote

This is entirely fucked. If they need the parking so bad they need to employ a parking/shuttle facility that can shuttle patrons to the church.

How are they even allowed to do this? They don’t pay taxes… just writing that sentence out I already answered my own question in my head. 🤦🏻‍♀️


metallikcherries t1_jaxefch wrote

u/solomonforjc what’s the best way to handle these situations? If the JCPD isn’t going to do anything, what are we to do? This is bonkers.